Forgotten Images

Dear God of Us All,
They have forgotten you. 
They have twisted your images as midwife, as pregnant being, as nursing mother, and called you "he" with no room for she. 
They thought ignoring you would make you disappear. 
They claim nexus to a male god without consort or equal. 
They desire dominance, justified by a god up there.
They do not understand your Oneness.
Dear God of Us All,
We have forgotten you, too.
We have accepted invisibility, yours and ours, without a fight.
We mistook our servanthood for slavery.
We forgot ourselves.
We fear your offer of freedom.
Dear God of Us All,
Help us to know that you Are and always Will Be.
Help us to receive your nurturing and strength.
Help us to realize that embracing life can never be enslaving.
Help us to never, ever, forget you again!
--Lois H. Grace Stovall
Charlotte, North Carolina


A Trying Day

O God,
This has been a trying day;
a day filled with confusion and doubt
in the midst of love and care.
There's such a thin line, dear God,
between being assertive and being selfish
and I've not yet learned to walk that line.
Help me to keep my balance, God,
and please pick me up when I fall.
O God, we're so lucky here.
May we not ignore the curses
and not dismiss the blessings.
Thank you for friends who love us enough
to challenge us to look inside
even as we grow
and reach out to you.


(Both of the above prayers are from Roller, 1986.)


In the Night

In the night

when our world dissolves in tears

we feel



Nobody knows

and nobody understands

and nobody feels

our pain.

Even the ones who care

don't care

the way

we do.

In that moment

when there is no sound

and there is no sight,

nothing but silent unrelenting night ...

in that moment

comes the choice

of Death or Life:

We can look down into our own Self

or we can look up to God,

the only Star in out unlit skies.

(Weems, 1991, 25)