Newspaper and Magazine citations, and Appearances on Television and Radio
June 1998 thru March 2004
The Boston Herald, March 15, 2004 Monday, All Editions, Finance; 334 words, Putnam Abuses May Hit $10M, by Jay Fitzgerald
The Boston Herald, February 23, 2004 Monday, All Editions, Finance; Pg. 027, 1138 words, Class-action suits circle finance firms, by Jay Fitzgerald
The Boston Herald, February 10, 2004 Tuesday, All Editions, Finance; Pg. 030, 422 words, Pozen: Bright and abrasive, by Jay Fitzgerald
Bangor Daily News ( Maine ), January 23, 2004 Friday All Editions, 713 words, Mutual Fund Troubles
The Boston Herald, January 21, 2004 Wednesday, All Editions, Finance; Pg. 035, 393 words, Fund-scandal tremors hit planners; Clients call about refunds, fees, commissions, by Jay Fitzgerald
Wall Street Journal, January 18, 2004
The Baltimore Sun, January 15, 2004 Thursday, Final Edition, Pg. 1D, 1205 words, SEC proposes rules for funds; New regulations include payment disclosure, more independence for boards, by Paul Adams
The International Herald Tribune, December 6, 2003 Saturday, Finance; Pg. 10, 494 words, SEC official warns mutual fund lawyers,by Jonathan D. Glater
The New York Times, December 5, 2003, Friday, Late Edition - Final, Section C; Page 6; Column 4; Business/Financial Desk , 500 words, Lawyers Are Warned on Mutual Fund Roles, By Jonathan D. Glater
The San Francisco Chronicle, November 4, 2003, Tuesday, Final Edition, Business; Pg. B1; 1413 words, State drags feet on fund scandal, by Kathleen Pender
National Public Radio, ON POINT “ Mutual Funds Under Fire” WBUR Radio broadcast October 28, 2003
Wall Street Journal, October 23, 2003 , A1
CNNFN, Market Call 9:00AM EST, October 10, 2003
Wall Street Journal, October 6, 2003 , B1
Christian Science Monitor ( Boston , MA ), October 6, 2003 , Monday, Features; Work & Money; Pg. 20, 1082 words, Despite late-trading scandal, don't give up on funds, by David R. Francis
Wall Street Journal October 2, 2003 , A1
The San Francisco Chronicle, September 21, 2003 , Sunday,, Final Edition, Business; Pg.I1;1637 words, The Take On Tainted Funds, by Kathleen Pender
The American Banker, September 10, 2003 , Wednesday, Markets ; Pg. 24, 705 words, How Serious Is Threat to the Fund Industry?, by Robert Julavits
Wall Street Journal January 29, 2003 C1
Investment News, November 4, 2002 , Monday, Pg. 3, 989 words, No proxy epoxy for funds?; Disclosure may keep them from sticking up, by Sara Hansard
Wall Street Journal Nov. 4, 2002 C1
Los Angeles Times, August 2, 2002 Friday, Home Edition, California Metro; Part 2; Metro Desk; Pg. 2 , 1049 words, ON THE LAW; Attorney Has the Last Word in Book Dispute; After firm reneged on deal to print the volume over fears that it might not sell, Rafael Chodos sued. He won on appeal. by Laura Loh, Times Staff Writer
Wall Street Journal, June 7, 2002 , C1.
Business Wire, April 24, 2002, Wednesday, 214 words, Pomerantz Lecture to be Held At Brooklyn Law School On April 25, 2002, NEW YORK
Fund Action, December 17, 2001 , No. 50, Vol. 12; Pg. 9; ISSN: 1054-5956, 1567 words, Regulatory talk; Frankel, Tamar
The Boston Herald, October 2, 2001 Tuesday, All Editions, Finance; Pg. 029, 668 words, U.S. seizes $ 6M in terrorist funds, by Tom Walsh
The Boston Herald, September 25, 2001 Tuesday, All Editions, News;, Pg. 001, 1291 words, WAR ON TERRORISM; Feds target terrorists' funds, by Scott Van Voorhis, Jack Meyers And Jonathan Wells
The Boston Herald, September 13, 2001 Thursday, All Editions, News;, Pg. 035, 790 words, ATTACK ON AMERICA; Probe just following terrorists' credit card, By Scott Van Voorhis
The Industry, September 13, 2001, Thursday, 1813 words, Companies Try to Assess Damage, by Nancy Weil and Scarlet Pruitt - IDG
InfoWorld Daily News, September 13, 2001 , Thursday, 1901 words, U.S. attack: Financial companies try to assess damage, By Nancy Weil and Scarlet Pruitt,
The National Law Journal, August 13, 2001, Special Advertising Section; Continuing Legal Education; CLE Directory; Securities Law; Pg. B30, 931 words. Planning Chairs: Tamar Frankel, Professor of Law, Boston University .
Government Finance Review, August 1, 2001 , No. 4, Vol. 17; Pg. 38 ; ISSN: 0883-7856, 4079 words, ISSUES IN DEBT MANAGEMENT; financial advisors, by Doty, Robert W.
The Patriot Ledger (Quincy, MA), July 14, 2001 Saturday, City Edition, Pg. 1, 1115 words, IPOs AND THE SMALL INVESTOR, by Steve Adams
The National Law Journal, August 14, 2000 , Monday, Special Advertising Section; Continuing Legal Education; CLE Directory; Pg. A31, 344 words, Securities Law
Fund Action, June 19, 2000 , No. 25, Vol. 11; Pg. 7 ; ISSN: 1054-5956, 304 words, Keep A Daily Closing Price, SEC Tells After-Hours Traders
The Boston Globe, April 9, 2000, Sunday, Third Edition, Pg. 16, 2023 words, West Weekly; Real Estate Transactions
PR Newswire, January 24, 2000, Monday, Financial News, 760 words, Berkman Center at Harvard Law School Offers Free Online Lecture and Discussion Series
Law and Policy in International Business, January 1, 2000, No. 2, Vol. 31; Pg. 373 ; ISSN: 0023-9208, 15006 words, Thailand 's privatization of state owned enterprises during the economic downturn., by Dempsey, John R.
The Bond Buyer, October 18, 1999, Monday, Pg. 1, 1063 words, SEC Guidance Seen on Whether FAs Are Investment Advisers , by Lynn Hume
The Bond Buyer, October 8, 1999 , Friday, NEWS; Pg. 3, 672 words, VIP Speakers Set for SEC's Municipal Market Roundtable , By Lynn Hume
Federal News Service; September 24, 1999 , General News Events , 4 words, Event: Conference - Computer Professionals For Social Responsibility
Federal News Service, July 22, 1999 , Thursday, In The News, 3901 Words, Prepared testimony of Mrs. Mikki Barry President And Director Domain Name Rights Coalition before The House Commerce Committee Oversight And Investigations Subcommittee. ... It was chaired by Tamar Frankel, a respected law ...
Law and Policy in International Business, June 22, 1999, No. 4, Vol. 30; Pg. 721 ; ISSN: 0023-9208, 20648 words, Privatizing South Africa's industries: the law and economics of a new socialist utopia; Symposium: Sub-Saharan Africa in the Global Economy, by Nicolas, Stephanie R.
Communications Week International, May 24, 1999 , Pg. 6 ; 1042-6086, 2704 words, Net governing body at critical juncture., by Cukier, Kenneth
The New York Times, March 25, 1999, Thursday, Late Edition - Final, Section C; Page 2; Column 1; Business/Financial Desk , 410 words, Firm Pays Fund $1.6 Million After Investment Turns Sour, by Richard A. Oppel Jr.
The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 27, 1998, Information Technology; Pg. A21, 2040 words, Debate Flares Over Group That Hopes to Oversee the Internet, by Jeffrey R. Young .
47. The Recorder, October 20, 1998, Tuesday, News PG. 1, 642 words, Net Governance Revamp Slows, by Brenda Sandburg, - commented Tamar Frankel, IFWP chairwoman and professor ...
InfoWorld Daily News, October 17, 1998 , Saturday, 1104 words, House committee questions domain name plan, by Elinor Mills, InfoWorld Electric. Subcommittee on Technology
PR Newswire, October 8, 1998, Thursday, Financial News, 1180 words, International Group Opposes Plan To Privatize Internet Governance; Asks White House For Stronger International Representation, Internet-Style Consensus Management
Federal News Service, October 7, 1998, Wednesday, In The News, 1268 Words, Prepared Testimony of Gabriel A. Battista Chief Executive Officer, Network Solutions, Inc. Before The House Science Committee Technology Subcommittee And Basic Research Committee. ... superb efforts of Dr. Tamar Frankel, of Boston University . NSI ...
Federal News Service, October 7, 1998 , Wednesday, Capitol Hill Hearing, 13614 Words, Joint Hearing of The Technology Subcommittee and The Basic Research Subcommittee Of The House Science Committee Subject: Review Of Internet White Paper Chaired By: Representative Constance Morella (R-Md) And Representative Charles Pickering (R-Mi) … community, including Professor Tamar Frankel, who deserves special ...
Federal News Service, October 7, 1998 , Wednesday, U.S. House Of Representatives, 139 Words, Event: House Science Committee Basic Research Subcommittee And Technology Subcommittee Meet Jointly. Prof. Tamar Frankel, Law, Boston University
The Recorder, October 1, 1998 , Thursday, In Brief, 464 words, by Brenda Sandburg .. over the composition of the board. Tamar Frankel, chairwoman of the International Forum
The Recorder, September 23, 1998 , Wednesday, News; PG. 1, 1473 words, The Future Of Domain Name Governance, by Brenda Sandburg
Communications Standards News, September 1, 1998, No. 250, 1075 words, IETF Gets Behind New IANA Charter Proposal
Network World, July 27, 1998 , Pg. 6 News, 683 words, Warring 'Net parties soothed; Govt. launches a world tour to gain consensus for domain name revamp plan, by Sandra Gittlen
PR Newswire, July 20, 1998, Monday, Financial News, 846 words, IFWP Hosts Meeting on Private Sector Management of Internet Names System; Registration Details Announced for Meeting Set July 24 to 25 in Geneva, Switzerland - LEXIS-NEXIS
PR Newswire, July 2, 1998 , Thursday, Domestic News, 665 words, Internet Privatization Discussion Convenes- LEXIS-NEXIS. Professor Tamar Frankel of Boston University 's School of Law
The New York Times, June 29, 1998, Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section D; Page 1; Column 2; Business/Financial Desk , 1841 words, We, the People Of the Internet; Cybercitizens Debate How to Form On-Line Union, Perfect or Otherwise, by Amy Harmon
PR Newswire European, June 22, 1998 , Financial, 259 words, international meetings to discuss the issues of Internet Technical. ... Chaired by Professor Tamar Frankel - a world-renowned
Federal Document Clearing House Congressional Testimony, June 10, 1998, 3742 words; Anthony M. Rutkowski Director World Internet Alliance - House Commerce Telecommunication, Trade And Consumer Protection . The Future Of The Domain Name System. ... fiduciary experts, Prof. Tamar Frankel, to develop the model, structure, ...
Federal Document Clearing House Congressional Testimony, May 19, 1998, 5109 words; Richard W. Painter Professor Cornell University Law School - House Commerce Finance And Hazardous Materials Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act
Board IQ, Money Media, March 16, 2004 , 664 words; Directors: Leave Industry Reform to SEC by Beagan Wilcox, Reporter