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Curriculum Vitae
Russell Paul Lopez Boston University School of Public Health (617) 414-1439 rptlopez@bu.edu
EDUCATION Stanford University. Bachelor of Science Applied Earth Sciences – Land Resources Planning 1979 Harvard University – Kennedy School of Government. Master of City and Regional Planning. Concentration in Housing and Community Development 1981 Boston University School of Public Health. Doctor of Science in Environmental Health. 2003. Dissertation: Racial Segregation, Poverty Differentials and Income Inequality: Impacts on Health and Environmental Exposure Disparities
PAST AND CURRENT RESEARCH SUPPORT The built environment and health: a curriculum for urban communities, NIEHS Thirty years of sprawl in metropolitan America. Fannie Mae Foundation Racial disparities in exposure to air toxics. NIH Geographic Information Systems and community-based health initiatives. Boston University Office of Information Technology Boston Schoolyard Initiative Case Study. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation – Active Living Research Impact of Physical/Socioeconomic Environment on Diet and Exercise Interventions – NIH Multiple Institutes Racial Segregation and Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke - EPA
TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2001 – Present. Boston University School of Public Health. Urban Environmental Health. . 2003 – Present. Brown University – Watson Institute Scholars on the Environment. International Health Colloquium. 2004 Tufts University Urban Environment Program. Sustainability and Development 2004 – Present. Boston University School of Public Health. Needs Assessment. 2005 Boston University School of Public Health. Geographic Information Systems and Public Health. 2006 Boston University School of Public Health. The Built Environment: Design Solutions for Health
GUEST LECTURES Harvard University. University of Massachusetts – Boston. Northeastern University. Tufts University. Clark University. Brown University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
PUBLICATIONS Lopez. Segregation and Black/White Differences in Exposure to Air Toxics in 1990. Environmental Health Perspectives Supplements 2002. 110 (Supplement – 2):289-295. Lopez and Hynes. Sprawl in the 1990s: Measurement, Distribution and Trends. Urban Affairs Review. 2003. 38(3): 325-355 Lopez. Density and Health: Is Less More? In Rediscovering the American Dream: Essays on Density. Boston Society of Architects. Boston, MA 2003 Lopez. Urban Sprawl and Risk of Being Overweight or Obese. American Public Health Association Journal. 2004. 94(9): 1574-1579 Lopez . Income Inequality and Self-Rated Health in U.S. Metropolitan Areas: A Multilevel Analysis. Social Science and Medicine. 2004. 59(12):2409-2419. Lopez. Racial Segregation and Physical Inactivity. Ethnicity and Disease. 2006. 16(2):495-502 Morello-Frosch and Lopez. The Riskscape and the Color Line: Examining the Role of Segregation in Environmental Health Disparities. Environmental Research. July 2006 102:181-196 Lopez and Hynes. Obesity, Physical Activity, and the Urban Environment: Public Health Research Needs. Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source. September 2006. 5:25
MANUSCRIPTS SUBMITTED OR IN PREPARARTION Cumulative Risk and a Call for Action in Environmental Justice Communities Neighborhoods and Health: Findings from a Zip Code Level Analysis The Boston Schoolyard Initiative: A Case Study Revitalized Schoolyards and Test Scores: An Ecologic Analysis Air Toxics and Racial Disparities in Health The Neighborhood Built Environment Building Better Health: A History
PRESENTATIONS Urban Sprawl: Environmental and Health Implications Urban Sprawl and Obesity. Poor Health by Design One Pathway to Ill Health: Urban Sprawl and the Risk of Being Physically Inactive Urban Sprawl and Obesity Risk The Geography of Inequality The Metropolitan Environment and Health Asians, Racial Segregation and Exposure to Air Toxics Pathways to Health: The Role of Transportation and Transportation Infrastructure in the Development of Obesity Thirty Years of Sprawl in Metropolitan America Racial Segregation and the Environment Planning for At-Risk Communities Building Healthier Communities: The Health Effects of the Built Environment Gentrification and Health Neighborhood Risk Factors for Obesity The Boston Schoolyard Analysis: Revitalizing Urban Playspaces Teaching the Built Environment PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1980 – 1981 Junior Planner, Hispanic Office of Planning and Evaluation, Boston MA
FELLLOWSHIPS, HONORS, AWARDS National Merit Scholar 1975
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Public Health Association. (Assistant Program Planner – Environment Section 2002)
COMMUNITY SERVICE (Past and Current) Alianza Hispana International Joint Commission – Health Professionals Task Force