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Ray Carney wrote the following program note for the theatrical adaptation of Wim Wenders's Wings of Desire created by Toneelgroep Amsterdam, which played in Amsterdam, Belgium, and the Netherlands in October and November 2006, and was presented at Harvard University's Loeb Drama Center by the American Repertory Theater from November 25 through December 17, 2006. Falling into the World: Wim Wenders’ Wings of Desire Ray Carney “I have always found that angels have the vanity to speak of themselves as the only wise; this they do with a confident insolence sprouting from systematic reasoning.”
Wenders’ angels are neither guardian nor avenging. They are witnesses – ideal observers who move from time to time, place to place, and person to person, eavesdropping on the most secret thoughts, most private moments in peoples’ lives – and deaths. The controlling metaphor of the film is that the earthly characters inhabit a world of endless, ubiquitous walls. It is not accidental that Wenders sets his film in Berlin at the height of the Cold War. At the point the movie was made, the city was politically, ideologically, and linguistically sliced up like a jig–saw puzzle and the wall that separated East from West was an omnipresent fact. As if those national and geopolitical divisions aren’t bad enough, Wenders further separates and segregates his characters within a series of boxes within boxes: the rooms, businesses, factories, institutions, and glass and metal cocoons – or coffins – they call their cars. But the most important walls that alienate and estrange individuals in Wings of Desire are imaginative and emotional – the personal barriers and boundaries that individuals erect around themselves that separate parent from child, husband from wife, boyfriend from girlfriend, and individuals from their own more hopeful selves. The initial scenes of the film – in the apartment building, on the highway, and on the subway – present an anthology of the ways people lock themselves in mental prisons of their own creation. Wenders’ camera sweeps across a panorama of states of self–created ontological solitary confinement defined by characters’ despairs, fears, doubts, and disappointments. Wenders positions characters behind car windows and windshields or shoots them standing on the other side of plate–glass windows to suggest the extent to which even when someone is conspicuously visible, he or she can still be cut off imaginatively, sequestered in his or her own private emotional world, trapped in the secrecy of consciousness. Notwithstanding all of its crowds and groups, the world Wenders presents is a frighteningly lonely place, one in which both angels and men have ample reason to declare: why this is hell nor am I out of it.
The other two modes of moving through or across walls – or of leaving them behind – are exemplified by the readers, writers, and researchers at the library and by the angels. The library scenes, filmed at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, one of the city’s most magnificent architectural spaces, give the viewer a visual experience at the opposite remove from the dinginess of the film’s apartments and the confinement of its automobiles. The openness and spaciousness of the interior of the Staatsbibliothek is Wenders’ visual representation of the imaginative expansions of view the library provides. Its books and maps take researchers on journeys that leave worldly walls, boundaries, and barriers behind. Writers and story–tellers (represented by a character named Homer played by veteran actor Curt Bois in his final film performance) navigate seas of time and thought that are blissfully free of the provincialism of national boundaries and the limitations of a merely personal point–of–view. (It’s telling that Wenders includes globes in several of the library scenes, globes that significantly lack markings denoting the divisions of man–made political and ideological boundaries.)
But Wenders takes pains to emphasize that there is a deficiency in the angels’ beautiful, free–ranging powers of imaginative sympathy and compassion. Their virtue is that they are detached from the complications and confusions of non–angelic life – that they rise above the corporeality of the body and the mess of the mundane. But that is also their limitation. As Blake puts it in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, they gain certainty and confidence at the expense of replacing the confusion of life with “systematic reasoning.” Damiel, the angel played by Bruno Ganz, summarizes Wenders’ reservations about the limitations of being an angel when he tells angel cohort Cassiel (played by Otto Sandler) that the purity of an imaginative relation to experience is not enough. He longs to experience the mess, opacity, and partiality of the earthbound world. He longs to know what no angel can know: “It would be nice to feed the cat, to get ink from the newspaper on my fingers, to be excited not just by the mind but by a meal…. to feel your bones moving, to live in the now, to guess instead of knowing.” That wish leads Damiel out of the library and away from the streets and into the oddest and most complex imaginative space in the film: the circus where Damiel sees and falls in love with the trapeze artist Marion (played by Wenders’ then–girlfriend Solveig Donmartin). In a brilliant visual coup de theatre, at the precise point Damiel resolves to give up his state of pure spirituality, Wenders switches the film’s photography from the abstraction of beautifully nuanced black–and–white (representing the angels’ point of view) to the distracting busyness of garishly oversaturated and mismatched color (representing that of humans). Like Dorothy transported to Oz, we and Damiel suddenly realize that we’re not in Kansas anymore.
As a trapeze artist, Marion is comically positioned as someone who functions suspended between heaven and earth. Like an angel, she does her most creative work above eye–level, but she is also inescapably human in that she is afraid of heights, of the full moon, of losing her job, and of not finding someone to love and be loved by. As a line in the film’s dialogue comically formulates her in–between position, Marion may play an angel in her trapeze act, but she is an angel with chicken–feather wings. In the end, Damiel the angel who wants to descend into the impurity of earthly life, and Marion the non–angel who wants to rise above her state of isolation and loneliness might be said to meet half–way. In the spatial metaphor of the film, each abandons his or her respective perch to move into a middle realm where, rather than rising above, they admit their emotional confusions and doubts – exposing themselves to the pains and uncertainties of a flesh–and–blood relationship.
Just as Damiel wants to engage himself with the mess and confusion of earthly life, Wenders asks his art to engage itself with forms and forces that are customarily screened out of film. Damiel turns away from the library’s sense of works of art as monuments of unageing intellect and toward the comical, carnivalesque, and performative forms of art represented by the circus. Wenders actually did the same thing in making Wings of Desire. Most of the film’s dialogue was improvised, many of its scenes were created on the spur of the moment, and much of its photography was grabbed. (Wenders was, in fact, so committed to a carnivalesque notion of life and art that his original intention was to end his movie with a pie fight.) Damiel’s fall to earth is an embrace of compromising political, social, and imaginative realities that dovetails with Wenders’ own use of Berlin as a location and his inclusion of painful, personal World War II documentary footage in his narrative. Wings of Desire wants us to question the idealizations, detachments, and purifications that most art relies on. But the questions about the functions of art that Wenders poses won’t be asked or answered theoretically. The work of art is the artist’s way of wrestling with the relation of dreams and realities. And given the state of the contemporary world, the relation of social involvement and imaginative detachment in a work of art is something artists have to grapple with now more than ever. Ray Carney is professor of film and American studies at Boston University and the author of many books on film and other art. He manages a web site devoted to film, culture, and the function of art at: |
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