Journal Publications
Topological Mechanics Papers
| Machine Learning Papers
| 2D Materials Papers
| Piezoelectric/Flexoelectric (Electromechanical Coupling) Papers
| Soft Materials Papers
| Long Timescale Atomistic Modeling Papers
| Protein Papers
| Plasmon Resonance Papers
| Surface Cauchy-Born Papers
| Nanowire Papers
| Bridging Scale Papers
| Finite Element Papers
| Book Chapters
| Books
| Edited Journal Special Issues
Graduate students are noted in red. Post-doctoral scholars are noted in blue.
Topological Mechanics Papers
- M. Shaat and H.S. Park. Chiral Nonreciprocal Elasticity and Mechanical Activity,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2023; 171:105163.
- Y. Lu and H.S. Park. Double Dirac Cones and Topologically Non-Trivial Phonons for Continuous, Square Symmetric
(C4v and C2v) Unit Cells, Physical Review B 2021; 103:064308.
- B.H. Nguyen, X. Zhuang, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Topologically Non-Trivial Behavior Induced by an Elastic Instability in a 1D Phononic Crystal,
Journal of Applied Physics 2020; 127:245109.
- J-H Hong, J.H. Oh, H.S. Park and S.Y. Kim. Valley-Dependent Topologically Protected Elastic Waves Using Solid Continuous Membranes on Patterned Substrates
Nanoscale 2020; 12:8997-9004.
- B.H. Nguyen, X. Zhuang, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Tunable Topological Bandgaps and Frequencies in a Pre-Stressed Soft Phononic Crystal,
Journal of Applied Physics 2019; 125:095106.
- S.S. Nanthakumar, C. Nguyen, Y. Chen, H.S. Park, X. Zhuang and T. Rabczuk. Inverse Design of Quantum Spin Hall-Based Phononic Topological
Insulators, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2019; 125:550-571.
- J-W Jiang and H.S. Park. Strain Tunable Phononic Topological Bandgaps in Two-Dimensional Hexagonal Boron Nitride,
Journal of Applied Physics 2019; 125:082511 (Invited paper: Special Issue on Strain Engineering in Functional Materials).
- J-W Jiang, B-S Wang and H.S. Park. Topologically Protected Interface Phonons in Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials: Hexagonal Boron Nitride
and Silicon Carbide, Nanoscale 2018; 10:13913-13923.
Machine Learning Papers
- L-K Wan, Y-X Xue, J-W Jiang ahd H.S. Park. Machine Learning Accelerated Search of the Strongest Graphene/h-BN Interface with Designed Fracture
Properties, Journal of Applied Physics 2023; 133:024302.
- L. Yuan, H.S. Park and E. Lejeune. Towards Out of Distribution Generalization for Problems in Mechanics,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2022; 400;115569. Arxiv Link
- P.Z. Hanakata, E.D. Cubuk, D.K. Campbell and H.S. Park. Forward and Inverse Design of Kirigami via Supervised Autoencoder,
Physical Review Research (Rapid Communications) 2020; 2:042006(R).
- J. Wan, J-W Jiang and H.S. Park. Machine Learning-Based Design of Porous Graphene with Low Thermal Conductivity, Carbon 2020; 157:262-269.
- P.Z. Hanakata, E.D. Cubuk, D.K. Campbell and H.S. Park. Accelerated Search and Design of Stretchable Graphene Kirigami Using Machine
Learning, Physical Review Letters 2018; 121:255304
2D Materials Papers
- B. Zhang, Y. Xue, H.S. Park and J-W Jiang. Flexible Nanomechanical Bit Based on Few-Layer Graphene, submitted for publication 2023.
- Y. Xue, J-W Jiang and H.S. Park. Graphene/Fullerene Heterostructures as Robust and Flexible Nanomechanical Bits, submitted for publication 2023.
- Y. Xue, J-W Jiang and H.S. Park. A Universal Law for the Pattern Evolution of Fullerene-Based Sandwiches, submitted for publication 2023.
- Y. Xue, H.S. Park and J-W Jiang. On/Off Switchable Interfacial Thermal Resistance in Graphene/Fullerene/Graphene Heterostructures,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2023; 212:124222.
- S.E. Birang O., H.S Park, A-S Smith and P. Steinmann. Atomistic Configurational Forces in Crystalline Fracture,
Forces in Mechanics 2021; 4:100044.
- D.T. Ho, H.S. Park, S.Y. Kim and U. Schwingenschglgl. Graphene Origami with Highly Tunable Coefficient of Thermal Expansion,
ACS Nano 2020; 14:8969-8974.
- K. Momeni, Y. Ji, Y. Wang, S. Paul, S. Neshani, D.E. Yilmaz, Y.K. Shin, D. Zhang, J-W Jiang, H.S. Park, S. Sinnott, A. van Duin, V. Crespi
and L-Q Chen. Multiscale Computational Understanding and Growth of 2D Materials: A Review, NPJ Computational Materials 2020; 6:22.
- P.Z. Hanakata, A.S. Rodin, H.S. Park, D.K. Campbell and A.H. Castro Neto. Strain-Induced Gauge and Rashba Fields in Two-Dimensional
Ferroelectric Rashba Lead Chalcogenide PbX (X=S, Se, Te) Monolayers, Physical Review B 2018; 97:235312.
- D.T. Ho, H.S. Park and S.Y. Kim. Intrinsic Rippling Enhances Static Non-Reciprocity in a Graphene Metamaterial,
Nanoscale 2018; 10:1207-1214.
- J-S Sun, J-W Jiang, H.S. Park and S. Zhang. Self-Cleaning by Harnessing Wrinkles in Two-Dimensional Layered Crystals,
Nanoscale 2018; 10:312-318.
- J. Wan, J-W Jiang and H.S. Park. Irreversible Crumpling of Graphene From Hydrostatic and Biaxial Compression,
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2018; 51:015302.
- D.T. Ho, V.H. Ho, H.S. Park and S.Y. Kim. Negative In-Plane Poisson's Ratio of Single Layer Black Phosphorus: An Atomistic Simulation Study,
Physica Status Solidi (b) 2017; 254:1700285.
- A.S. Rodin, P.Z. Hanakata, A. Carvalho, H.S. Park, D.K. Campbell and A.H. Castro Neto. Rashba-Like Dispersion in Buckled
Square Lattices, Physical Review B 2017; 96:115450.
- P.Z. Hanakata, A.S. Rodin, A. Carvalho, H.S. Park, D.K. Campbell and A.H. Castro Neto. Two-Dimensional Square Buckled Rashba Lead
Chalcogenides, Physical Review B 2017; 96:161401(R).
- H.S. Park and S.Y. Kim. A Perspective on Auxetic Nanomaterials, Nanoconvergence 2017; 4:10 (Invited Paper: Thematic Series on
Advanced Characterization for Nano-materials)
- J. Wan, J-W Jiang and H.S. Park. Negative Poisson's Ratio in Graphene Oxide, Nanoscale 2017; 9:4007-4012.
- D. Akinwande, C. Brennan, J.S. Bunch, P. Egberts, J. Felts, H. Gao, R. Huang, J. Kim, T. Li, Y. Li, K.M. Liechti, N. Lu, H.S. Park, E. Reed,
B.I. Yakobson, T. Zhang, Y-W Zhang, Y. Zhou and Y. Zhu. A Review on Mechanics and Mechanical Properties of 2D Materials - Graphene and Beyond,
Extreme Mechanics Letters 2017; 13:42-72.
- C-X Wang, C. Zhang, J-W Jiang, N. Wei, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Self-Assembly of Water Molecules Using Graphene Nanoresonators,
RSC Advances 2016; 6:110466-110470.
- J-W Jiang, S.Y. Kim and H.S. Park. Auxetic Nanomaterials: Recent Progress and Future Development,
Applied Physics Reviews 2016; 3:041101.
- H-Y Zhang, J-W Jiang, T. Chang, X. Guo and H.S. Park. The Effects of Free Edge Interaction-Induced Knotting on the Buckling of Monolayer Graphene,
International Journal of Solids and Structures 2016; 100-101:446-455.
- J-W Jiang, T. Chang, X. Guo and H.S. Park. Intrinsic Negative Poisson's Ratio for Single-Layer Graphene,
Nano Letters 2016; 16:5286-5290.
- P.Z. Hanakata, A. Carvalho, D.K. Campbell and H.S. Park. Polarization and Valley Switching in Monolayer Group-IV Monochalcogenides,
Physical Review B 2016; 94:035304.
- D.A. Bahamon, Z.N. Qi, H.S. Park, V.M. Pereira and D.K. Campbell. Graphene Kirigami as a Platform for Stretchable and Tunable
Quantum Dot Arrays, Physical Review B 2016; 93:235408.
- J-W Jiang and H.S. Park. Negative Poisson's Ratio in Single-Layer Graphene Ribbons, Nano Letters 2016; 16:2657-2662.
- J-W Jiang, B-S Wang and H.S. Park. Interlayer Breathing and Shear Modes in Few-Layer Black Phosphorus,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2016; 28:165401.
- P.Z. Hanakata, Z.N. Qi, D.K. Campbell and H.S. Park. Highly Stretchable MoS2
Kirigami, Nanoscale 2016; 8:458-463.
- C-X Wang, C. Zhang, J-W Jiang, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Strain Effects on Black Phosphorus Nanoresonators,
Nanoscale 2016; 8:901-905.
- J-W Jiang and H.S. Park. Analytic Study of Strain Engineering the Electronic Bandgap in Single-Layer Black Phosphorus,
Physical Review B 2015; 91:235118.
- D.A. Bahamon, Z.N. Qi, H.S. Park, V.M. Pereira and D.K. Campbell. Conductance Signatures of Electron Confinement Induced by
Strained Nanobubbles in Graphene, Nanoscale 2015; 7:15300-15309.
- Z.N. Qi, J. Zhang, G.P. Zhang and H.S. Park. Coupling Tension and Shear for Highly Sensitive Graphene-Based Strain Sensors,
2D Materials 2015; 2:035002.
- J-W Jiang and H.S. Park. A Gaussian Treatment for the Friction Issue of Lennard-Jones Potential in Layered Materials: Application to Friction
Between Graphene, MoS2 and Black Phosphorus, Journal of Applied Physics 2015; 117:124304.
- J-W Jiang, T. Rabczuk and H.S. Park. A Stillinger-Weber Potential for Single-Layer Black Phosphorus, and the Importance of Cross-Pucker
Interactions for Negative Poisson's Ratio and Edge Stress-Induced Bending, Nanoscale 2015; 7:6059-6068.
- J-W Jiang, B-S Wang, J-S Wang and H.S. Park. A Review on the Flexural Mode of Graphene: Lattice Dynamics, Thermal Conduction, Thermal Expansion,
Elasticity, and Nanomechanical Resonance, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2015; 27:083001.
- Z.N. Qi, D.K. Campbell and H.S. Park, Atomistic Simulations of Tension-Induced Large Deformation and
Stretchability in Graphene Kirigami, Physical Review B 2014; 90:245437.
- Z.N. Qi, A.L. Kitt, H.S. Park, V.M. Pereira, D.K. Campbell and A.H. Castro Neto, Pseudomagnetic Fields in Graphene Nanobubbles of
Constrained Geometry: A Molecular Dynamics Study, Physical Review B 2014; 90:125419.
- J-W Jiang and H.S. Park. Mechanical Properties of MoS2/Graphene Heterostructures,
Applied Physics Letters 2014; 105:033108.
- J-W Jiang and H.S. Park. Mechanical Properties of Single-Layer Black Phosphorus,
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2014; 47:385304.
- J-W Jiang and H.S. Park. Negative Poisson's Ratio in Single-Layer Black Phosphorus, Nature Communications 2014; 5:4727.
- D. Midtvedt, A. Croy, A. Isacsson, Z.N. Qi and H.S. Park. Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Physics With Nanomechanical Graphene Resonators:
Intrinsic Relaxation and Thermalization from Flexural Mode Coupling, Physical Review Letters 2014; 112:145503.
- J-W Jiang, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. MoS2 Nanoresonators: Intrinsically Better than Graphene?,
Nanoscale 2014; 6:3618-3625.
- J-W Jiang, B-S Wang, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Adsorbate Migration Effects on Continuous and Discontinous Temperature-Dependent Transitions in the Quality Factors of
Graphene Nanoresonators, Nanotechnology 2014; 25:025501.
- Z.N. Qi, P. Cao and H.S. Park. Density Functional Theory Calculation of Edge Stresses in
Monolayer MoS2, Journal of Applied Physics 2013; 114:163508.
- J-W Jiang, Z.N. Qi, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Elastic Bending Modulus of Single-Layer Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2): Finite Thickness Effect,
Nanotechnology 2013; 24:435705.
- J-W Jiang, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Single-Layer Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2):
Stillinger-Weber Parametrization, Mechanical Properties, and Thermal Conductivity, Journal of Applied Physics 2013; 114:064307.
- X. Liu, F. Wang, H.S. Park and H.A. Wu. A Reactive Force Field Study of the Controllability of Bombardment-Induced Defects in Graphene,
Journal of Applied Physics 2013; 114:054313.
- Z.N. Qi, D.A. Bahamon, V.M. Pereira, H.S. Park, D.K. Campbell and A.H. Castro Neto, Resonant Tunneling in Graphene Pseudomagnetic Quantum
Dots, Nano Letters 2013; 13:2692-2697.
- A.L. Kitt, Z.N. Qi, S. Remi, H.S. Park, A.K. Swan and B.B. Goldberg. How Graphene Slides: Measurement and Theory of Frictional Forces Between Graphene
and SiO2, Nano Letters 2013; 13:2605-2610.
- J-W Jiang, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Enhancing the Mass Sensitivity of Graphene Nanoresonators via Nonlinear Oscillations: The Effective Strain Mechanism,
Nanotechnology 2012; 23:475501.
- Z.N. Qi and H.S. Park. Intrinsic Energy Dissipation in CVD-Grown Graphene Nanoresonators,
Nanoscale 2012; 4:3460-3465.
- S.Y. Kim and H.S. Park. On the Effective Plate Thickness of Monolayer Graphene from Flexural Wave Propagation,
Journal of Applied Physics 2011; 110:054324.
- S. Jun, T. Tashi and H.S. Park. Size-Dependence of the Nonlinear Elastic Softening of Nanoscale Graphene Monolayers Under Plane-Strain
Bulge Tests, Journal of Nanomaterials 2011; 380286. (Invited paper: Special issue on Low-Dimensional Carbon Nanomaterials:
Synthesis, Properties, and Applications).
- S.Y. Kim and H.S. Park. Boundary Condition and Strain Effects on the Q-Factors of Carbon Nanotubes,
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 2011; 8:814-819. (Invited paper: Special Issue on Multiscale and Multiphysics Simulations
for Energy Applications).
- Z.N. Qi, F.P. Zhao, X.Z. Zhou, H.S. Park and H.A. Wu. A Molecular Simulation Analysis of Producing Monatomic Carbon Chains by Stretching
Ultranarrow Graphene Nanoribbons, Nanotechnology 2010; 21:265702.
- S.Y. Kim and H.S. Park. On the Utility of Vacancies and Tensile Strain-Induced Quality Factor Enhancement for Mass
Sensing Using Graphene Monolayers, Nanotechnology 2010; 21:105710.
- S.Y. Kim and H.S. Park. Multilayer Friction and Attachment Effects on Energy Dissipation in Graphene Nanoresonators,
Applied Physics Letters 2009; 94:101918. (Also selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, March 30, 2009).
- S.Y. Kim and H.S. Park. The Importance of Edge Effects on the Intrinsic Loss Mechanisms of Graphene Nanoresonators,
Nano Letters 2009; 9(3):969-974.
- S. Jun, S. Pendurti, I.-H. Lee, S.Y. Kim, H.S. Park and Y.-H. Kim. Action-Derived Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics,
International Journal of Applied Mechanics 2009; 1:469-482. (Invited paper: Special Issue on Theoretical and Computational Nanomechanics).
Piezoelectric/Flexoelectric (Electromechanical Coupling) Papers
- H.D. Huynh, X. Zhuang, H.S. Park, S.S. Nanthakumar, Y. Jin and T. Rabczuk. Maximizing Electro-Momentum Coupling in Generalized Willis Metamaterials,
Extreme Mechanics Letters 2023; 61:101981.
- X. Chen, J. Yvonnet, H.S. Park and S. Yao. Enhanced Converse Flexoelectricity in Piezoelectric Composites by Coupling Topology Optimization
with Homogenization, Journal of Applied Physics 2021; 129:245104 .
- B. Javvaji, R. Zhang, X. Zhuang and H.S. Park. Flexoelectric Energy Generation by Crumpling Graphene, Journal of Applied Physics 2021;
- X. Chen, J. Yvonnet, S. Yao and H.S. Park. Topology Optimization of Flexoelectric Composites Using Computational Homogenization,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2021; 381:113819.
- T.Q. Thai, X. Zhuang, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. A Staggered Explicit-Implicit Isogeometric Formulation for Large Deformation
Flexoelectricity, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2021;122:1-12.
- B. He, B. Javvaji, X. Zhuang and H.S. Park. High Flexoelectric Constants in Janus Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides,
Physical Review Materials 2019; 3:125402.
- X. Zhuang, B. He, B. Javvaji and H.S. Park. Intrinsic Bending Flexoelectric Constants in Two-Dimensional Materials,
Physical Review B 2019; 99:054105.
- H. Ghashemi, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. A Multi-Material Level Set-Based Topology Optimization of Flexoelectric Composites,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2018; 332:47-62.
- S.S. Nanthakumar, X. Zhuang, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Topology Optimization of Flexoelectric Structures,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2017; 105:217-234.
- H. Ghashemi, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. A Level-Set Based IGA Formulation for Topology Optimization of Flexoelectric Materials,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2017; 313:239-258.
- S.S. Nanthakumar, T. Lahmer, X. Zhuang, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Topology Optimization of Piezoelectric Nanostructures,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2016; 94:316-335.
- S. Dai and H.S. Park. Surface Effects on the Piezoelectricity of ZnO Nanowires,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2013; 61:385-397.
- S. Dai, M. Gharbi, P. Sharma and H.S. Park. Surface Piezoelectricity, Size-effects in Nanostructures and the Emergence of Piezoelectricity in
Non-piezoelectric Materials, Journal of Applied Physics 2011; 110:104305.
- H.S. Park, M. Devel and Z. Wang. A New Multiscale Formulation for the Electromechanical Behavior of Nanomaterials,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2011; 200:2447-2457.
- S. Dai, M.L. Dunn and H.S. Park. Piezoelectric Constants for ZnO Calculated Using Classical Polarizable Core-Shell
Potentials, Nanotechnology 2010; 21:445707.
Soft Materials Papers
- J-H Lee, H.S. Park and D.P. Holmes. Stimuli-Responsive Shell Theory, accepted for publication in
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 2023.
- N. Vu-Bac, T. Rabczuk, H.S. Park, X. Fu and X. Zhuang. A NURBS-Based Inverse Analysis of Swelling Induced Morphing of Thin Stimuli-Responsive Polymer
Gels, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2022; 397:115049.
- L. Stein-Montalvo, J-H Lee, Y. Yang, M. Landesberg, H.S. Park and D.P. Holmes. Efficient Snap-Through of Spherical Caps by
Applying a Localized Stimulus Curvature, The European Physical Journal E 2022; 45:3.
- J-H Lee, H.S. Park and D.P. Holmes. Elastic Instabilities Govern the Morphogenesis of the Optic Cup,
Physical Review Letters 2021; 127:138102.
- D.P. Holmes, J-H Lee, H.S. Park and M. Pezzulla. The Nonlinear Buckling Behavior of a Complete Spherical Shell Under Uniform External Pressure
and Homogeneous Natural Curvature, Physical Review E 2020; 102:023003.
- N. Vu-Bac, T.X. Duong, T. Lahmer, P. Areias, R.A. Sauer, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. A NURBS-Based Inverse Analysis of Thermal Expansion Induced Morphing
of Thin Shells, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2019; 350:480-510.
- J. He and H.S. Park. A Computational Methodology for Modeling Surface Effects on Stiff and Soft Solids,
Computational Mechanics 2018; 61:687-697.
- S. Seifi, K.C. Park and H.S. Park. A Staggered Explicit-Implicit Finite Element Formulation for Electroactive Polymers,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2018; 337:150-164.
- N. Vu-Bac, T.X. Duong, T. Lahmer, X. Zhuang, R.A. Sauer, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. A NURBS-Based Inverse Analysis for Reconstruction of Nonlinear
Deformations of Thin Shell Structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2018; 331:427-455.
- M.A. Dias, M.P. McCarron, D. Rayneau-Kirkhope, P.Z. Hanakata, D.K. Campbell, H.S. Park and D.P. Holmes. Kirigami Actuators,
Soft Matter 2017; 13:9087-9092.
- B. Osmani, S. Seifi, H.S. Park, V. Leung, T. Töpper and B. Müller. Nanomechanical Probing of Thin-Film Dielectric Elastomer
Transducers, Applied Physics Letters 2017; 111:093104.
- S. Seifi and H.S. Park. Electro-elastocapillary Rayleigh-Plateau Instability in Dielectric Elastomer Films,
Soft Matter 2017; 13:4305-4310.
- S. Seifi and H.S. Park. Computational Modeling of Electro-Elasto-Capillary Phenomena in Dielectric Elastomers,
International Journal of Solids and Structures 2016; 87:236-244.
- B. Arash, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Coarse-Grained Model of the J-Integral of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Composites,
Carbon 2016; 96:1084-1092.
- B. Arash, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Tensile Fracture Behavior of Short Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Composites: A Coarse-Grained Model,
Composite Structures 2015; 134:981-988.
- J. Guo, R. Xiao, H.S. Park and T.D. Nguyen. The Temperature Dependent Viscoelastic Behavior of Dielectric Elastomers,
Journal of Applied Mechanics 2015; 82:091009.
- B. Arash, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposites: A Coarse-Grained Model,
Composites: Part B 2015; 80:92-100.
- J. Wang, T.D. Nguyen and H.S. Park. Electrostatically-Driven Creep in Viscoelastic Dielectric Elastomers,
Journal of Applied Mechanics 2014; 81:051006.
- H.S. Park, Q. Wang, X. Zhao and P.A. Klein. Electromechanical Instability on Dielectric Polymer Surface: Modeling and Experiment,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2013; 260:40-49.
- H.S. Park and T.D. Nguyen. Viscoelastic Effects on Electromechanical Instabilities in Dielectric Elastomers, Soft Matter 2013; 9:1031-1042.
- H.S. Park, Z. Suo, J.X. Zhou and P.A. Klein. A Dynamic Finite Element Method for Inhomogeneous Deformation and Electromechanical Instability of Dielectric Elastomer
Transducers, International Journal of Solids and Structures 2012; 49:2187-2194.
Long Time Scale Atomistic Modeling Papers
- W.W. Tao, P. Cao and H.S. Park. Superplastic Creep of Metal Nanowires From Rate-Dependent Plasticity Transition,
ACS Nano 2018; 12:4984-4992.
- W.W. Tao, P. Cao and H.S. Park. Atomistic Simulation of the Rate-Dependent Ductile-to-Brittle Failure
Transition in Bicrystalline Metal Nanowires, Nano Letters 2018; 18:1296-1304.
- P. Cao, A. Kushima, K. Dahmen, W. Wright, H.S. Park, M. Short and S. Yip.
Nanomechanics of Slip Avalanches in Amorphous Plasticity, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2018; 114:158-171.
- X. Yan, P. Cao, W. Tao, P. Sharma and H.S. Park. Atomistic Modeling at Experimental
Strain Rates and Time Scales, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (invited topical review) 2016; 49:493002.
- P. Cao, X. Lin and H.S. Park. Surface Shear Transformation Zones in Amorphous Solids,
Physical Review E 2014; 90:012311.
- P. Cao, X. Lin and H.S. Park. Strain-Rate and Temperature-Dependence of Yield Stress of Amorphous Solids via Self-Learning
Metabasin Escape Algorithm, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2014; 68:239-250.
- P. Cao, H.S. Park and X. Lin. Strain-Rate and Temperature-Driven Transition in the Shear Transformation Zone for
2D Amorphous Solids, Physical Review E 2013; 88:042404.
- P. Cao, M. Li, R.J. Heugle, H.S. Park and X. Lin. Self-Learning Metabasin Escape Algorithm for Supercooled Liquids,
Physical Review E 2012; 86:016710.
Protein Papers
- H. Choi, M. Lee, H.S. Park and S.S. Na. The Effect of Structural Heterogeneity on the Conformation and Stability of Aβ-Tau Mixtures,
RSC Advances 2016; 6:52236-52247.
- P. Cao, W. Tao and H.S. Park.
Force-Dependent Mechanical Unfolding Pathways of GFP, Extreme Mechanics Letters 2016; 8:251-256.
(Special Issue on Nanomechanics: Bridging Spatial and Temporal Scales).
- W. Tao, G. Yoon, P. Cao, K. Eom and H.S. Park. β-Sheet-Like Formation
During the Mechanical Unfolding of Prion Protein, Journal of Chemical Physics 2015; 143:125101.
- H. Choi, H.J. Chang, Y. Shin, J.I. Kim, H.S. Park, G. Yoon and S-S Na. The Molecular Mechanism of Conformational Changes of the Triplet Prion Fibrils in pH,
RSC Advances 2015; 5:49263-49269.
- J-I Kim, J. Kwon, I. Baek, H.S. Park and S-S Na. Cofilin Reduces The Mechanical Properties of Actin Filaments: Approach with Coarse-Grained Methods,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2015; 17:8148-8158.
- P. Cao, G. Yoon, W. Tao, K. Eom and H.S. Park.
The Role of Binding Site on the Mechanical Unfolding Mechanism of Ubiquitin, Scientific Reports 2015; 5:8757.
Plasmon Resonance Papers
- X. Ben and H.S. Park. Surface Plasmon Resonance-Induced Stiffening of Silver Nanowires,
Scientific Reports 2015; 5:10574.
- X. Ben and H.S. Park. Atomistic Simulations of Electric Field Effects on the Young's Modulus of Metal Nanowires,
Nanotechnology 2014; 25:455704.
- X. Ben, P. Cao and H.S. Park. The Effect of Planar Defects on the Optical Properties of Silver Nanostructures,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013; 117:13738-13746.
- X. Ben and H.S. Park. Strain Engineering Enhancement of Surface Plasmon Polariton Propagation Lengths for Gold Nanowires,
Applied Physics Letters 2013; 102:041909.
- X. Ben and H.S. Park. Size-Dependent Validity Bounds on the Universal Plasmon Ruler for Metal Nanostructure Dimers,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012; 116:18944-18951.
- X. Ben and H.S. Park. Size-Dependence of the Plasmon Ruler for Two-Dimensional Metal Nanosphere Arrays,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2011; 115:15915-15926.
- X. Qian and H.S. Park. Strain Effects on the SERS Enhancements for Spherical Silver Nanoparticles,
Nanotechnology 2010; 21:365704.
- H.S. Park and X. Qian. Surface Stress Driven Lattice Contraction Effects on the Extinction Spectra of Ultrasmall Silver
Nanowires, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010; 114:8741-8748.
- X. Qian and H.S. Park. The Influence of Mechanical Strain on the Optical Properties of Spherical Gold
Nanoparticles, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2010; 58:330-345.
Surface Cauchy-Born/Surface Elasticity Papers
- D.T. Ho, S-Y Kown, H.S. Park and S.Y. Kim. Metal Nanoplates: Smaller is Weaker due to Failure by Elastic Instability,
Physical Review B 2017; 96:184103.
- S.S. Nanthakumar, N. Valizadeh, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Surface Effects on Shape and Topology Optimization of Nanostructures,
Computational Mechanics 2015; 56:97-112.
- K. Jayawardana, C. Mordac, C. Ortner and H.S. Park. An Analysis of the Boundary Layer in the 1D Surface Cauchy-Born Model,
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 2013; 47:109-123.
- H.S. Park. Surface Stress Effects on the Critical Buckling Strains of Silicon Nanowires, Computational Materials Science
2012; 51:396-401.
- G. Yun and H.S. Park. Bridging the Gap Between Experimental Measurements and Atomistic Predictions of the Elastic Properties
of Silicon Nanowires Using Multiscale Modeling, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 2012; 49:3-12. (Invited paper:
Special issue on Analysis and Design of MEMS/NEMS).
- F. Song, G.L. Huang, H.S. Park and X.N. Liu. A Continuum Model of the Mechanical Behavior of Nanowires Including Surface and Surface-Induced
Initial Stresses, International Journal of Solids and Structures 2011; 48:2154-2163.
- M. Farsad, F.J. Vernerey and H.S. Park. An Extended Finite Element/Level Set Method to Study Surface Effects on the Mechanical Behavior and Properties
of Nanomaterials, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2010; 84:1466-1489.
- H.S. Park. A Multiscale Finite Element Method for the Dynamic Analysis of Surface-Dominated Nanomaterials,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2010; 83:1237-1254. (Invited paper: Special Issue on Atomistic and Multiscale Analysis).
- G. Yun and H.S. Park. Surface Stress Effects on the Bending Properties of FCC Metal Nanowires,
Physical Review B 2009; 79:195421.
- H.S. Park. Quantifying the Size-Dependent Effect of the Residual Surface Stress on the Resonant Frequencies of Silicon Nanowires if Finite Deformation
Kinematics are Considered, Nanotechnology 2009; 20:115701.
- H.S. Park and P.A. Klein. Surface Stress Effects on the Resonant Properties of Metal Nanowires: The Importance of Finite Deformation Kinematics and the
Impact of the Residual Surface Stress, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2008; 56:3144-3166.
- H.S. Park and P.A. Klein. A Surface Cauchy-Born Model for Silicon Nanostructures,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2008; 197:3249-3260.
(Invited paper: Special issue on Recent Advances in Computational Study of Nanostructures).
- G. Yun and H.S. Park. A Multiscale, Finite Deformation Formulation for Surface Stress Effects
on the Coupled Thermomechanical Behavior of Nanomaterials, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2008; 197:3337-3350.
(Invited paper: Special issue on Recent Advances in Computational Study of Nanostructures).
- G. Yun and H.S. Park. A Finite Element Formulation for Nanoscale Resonant Mass Sensing Using
the Surface Cauchy-Born Model, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2008; 197:3324-3336.
(Invited paper: Special issue on Recent Advances in Computational Study of Nanostructures).
- H.S. Park. Strain Sensing Through the Resonant Properties of Deformed Metal Nanowires,
Journal of Applied Physics 2008; 104:013516. (Also selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, July 21, 2008).
- H.S. Park. Surface Stress Effects on the Resonant Properties of Silicon Nanowires,
Journal of Applied Physics 2008; 103:123504. (Also selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, June 30, 2008.)
- H.S. Park and P.A. Klein. Surface Cauchy-Born Analysis of Surface Stress Effects on Metallic Nanowires,
Physical Review B 2007; 75:085408. (Also selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, Feb. 19, 2007.)
- H.S. Park, P.A. Klein and G.J. Wagner. A Surface Cauchy-Born Model for Nanoscale Materials,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2006; 68:1072-1095.
Nanowire Papers
- L. He, G. Cheng, Y. Zhu and H.S. Park. Size-Dependent Strengthening in Nanowires: The Roles of Adatom Diffusion and Surface
Morphology on Surface Dislocation Nucleation, submitted for publication 2023.
- L. He, G. Cheng, Y. Zhu and H.S. Park. Surface Adatom Diffusion-Assisted Dislocation Nucleation in Metal Nanowires,
Nano Letters 2023; 23:5779-5784.
- J-H Seo, S-G Kang, Y. Cho, H.S. Park, Y. Yoo, B. Kim, I-S Choi and J-P Ahn. Exploiting Elastic Buckling of High Strength Gold Nanowire Towards Stable
Electrical Probing, iScience 2022; 25:105199.
- D.T. Ho, S-Y Kown, H.S. Park and S.Y. Kim. Negative Thermal Expansion of Ultra-Thin Metal Nanowires: A Computational Study,
Nano Letters 2017; 17:5113-5118.
- Z.Z. He, F.C. Wang, Y.B. Zhu, H.A. Wu and H.S. Park. Mechanical Properties of Copper Octet-Truss Nanolattices,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2017; 101:133-149.
- J-H Seo, H.S. Park, Y. Yoo, T-Y Seong, J. Li, J-P Ahn, B. Kim and I-S Choi. Origin of Size-Dependency in Coherent-Twin-Propagation Mediated Tensile
Deformation of Noble Metal Nanowires, Nano Letters 2013; 13:5112-5116.
- J-W Jiang, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Polar Surface Effects on the Thermal Conductivity in ZnO Nanowires: Shell-Like Surface Reconstruction-Induced
Preserving Mechanism, Nanoscale 2013; 5:11035-11043.
- J-W Jiang, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. Preserving the Q-factors of ZnO Nanoresonators via Polar Surface Reconstruction,
Nanotechnology 2013; 24:405705.
- J-W Jiang, A.M. Leach, K. Gall, H.S. Park and T. Rabczuk. A Surface Stacking Fault Energy Approach to Predicting Defect Nucleation in
Surface-Dominated Nanostructures, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2013; 61:1915-1934.
- T.J. Delph, P. Cao, H.S. Park and J.A. Zimmerman. A Harmonic Transition State Theory Model for Defect Initiation in Crystals,
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2013; 21:025010.
- H.F. Zhan, Y.T. Gu and H.S. Park. Beat Phenomena in Metal Nanowires, and Their Implications for Resonance-Based Elastic Property Measurements,
Nanoscale 2012; 4:6779-6785.
- P.A.T. Olsson and H.S. Park. On the Importance of Surface Elastic Contributions to the Flexural Rigidity of Nanowires,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2012; 60:2064-2083.
- G. Yun, P. Cao, J.A. Zimmerman, T.J. Delph and H.S. Park. Nonlocal Instability Analysis of FCC Bulk and (100) Surfaces Under
Uniaxial Stretching, International Journal of Solids and Structures 2011; 48:3406-3416.
- J-H Seo, Y. Yoo, N-Y Park, S-W Yoon, H Lee, S Han, S-W Lee, T-Y Seong, S-C Lee, K-B Lee, P-R Cha, H.S. Park, B. Kim and J-P Ahn.
Superplastic Deformation of Defect-Free Au Nanowires via Coherent Twin Propagation, Nano Letters 2011; 11:3499-3502.
- K. Eom, H.S. Park, D.S. Yoon and T. Kwon. Nanomechanical Resonators and Their Applications: Nanomechanics Principles,
Physics Reports 2011; 503:115-163.
- P.A.T. Olsson and H.S. Park. Atomistic Study of the Buckling of Gold Nanowires,
Acta Materialia 2011; 59:3883-3894.
- P.A.T. Olsson, H.S. Park and P.C. Lidstrom. Influence of Shear and Rotary Inertia on Resonant Properties of Gold Nanowires,
Journal of Applied Physics 2010; 108:104312.
- H.S. Park, W. Cai, H.D. Espinosa and H. Huang. Mechanics of Crystalline Nanowires,
MRS Bulletin 2009; 34(3):178-183. (Invited review paper).
- S.Y. Kim and H.S. Park. Utilizing Mechanical Strain to Mitigate the Intrinsic Loss Mechanisms in Oscillating Metal Nanowires,
Physical Review Letters 2008; 101:215502. (Also selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, December 8, 2008).
- C. Ji and H.S. Park. The Coupled Effects of Geometry and Surface Orientation on the Mechanical Properties of Metal Nanowires,
Nanotechnology 2007; 18:305704.
- H.S. Park and V. Laohom. Surface Composition Effects on Martensitic Phase Transformations in Nickel Aluminum Nanowires,
Philosophical Magazine 2007; 87:2159-2168. (Invited paper: Special Issue on Nanowires).
- C. Ji and H.S. Park. The Effects of Defects on the Mechanical Behavior of Silver Shape Memory Nanowires,
Journal of Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience 2007; 4:578-587.
- Q. Pu, Y. Leng, L. Tsetseris, H.S. Park, S.T. Pantelides and P.T. Cummings. Molecular
Dynamics Simulations of Stretched Gold Nanowires - The Relative Utility of Different Semimempirical
Potentials, Journal of Chemical Physics 2007; 126:144707.
- C. Ji and H.S. Park. Characterizing the Elasticity of Hollow Metal Nanowires,
Nanotechnology 2007; 18:115707.
- C. Ji and H.S. Park. Geometric Effects on the Inelastic Deformation of Metal Nanowires,
Applied Physics Letters 2006; 89:181916. (Also selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, Nov. 13, 2006.)
- H.S. Park, K. Gall and J.A. Zimmerman. Deformation of FCC Nanowires by Twinning and Slip,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2006; 54 (9):1862-1881.
- H.S. Park and C. Ji. On the Thermomechanical Deformation of Silver Shape Memory Nanowires, Acta Materialia
2006; 54 (10):2645-2654.
- H.S. Park. Stress-Induced Martensitic Phase Transformation in Intermetallic Nickel Aluminum Nanowires,
Nano Letters 2006; 6 (5): 958-962.
- H.S. Park and J.A. Zimmerman. Stable Nanobridge Formation in <110> Gold Nanowires under Tensile Deformation,
Scripta Materialia 2006; 54 (6): 1127-1132.
- H.S. Park, K. Gall and J.A. Zimmerman. Shape Memory and Pseudoelasticity in Metal Nanowires,
Physical Review Letters 2005; 95:255504. (Also selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, Dec. 25, 2005.)
- H.S. Park and J.A. Zimmerman. Modeling Inelasticity and Failure in Gold Nanowires,
Physical Review B 2005; 72:054106.
Bridging Scale Papers
- D.E. Farrell, H.S. Park and W.K. Liu. Implementation Aspects of the Bridging Scale Method and Application to Intersonic
Crack Propagation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2007; 71:583-605.
- E.G. Karpov, H.S. Park and W.K. Liu. A Phonon Heat Bath Approach for the Atomistic and Multiscale Simulation of Solids,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2007; 70:351-378.
- E.G. Karpov, H. Yu, H.S. Park, W.K. Liu, J. Wang and D. Qian. Multiscale Boundary Conditions in Crystalline Solids:
Theory and Application to Nanoindentation, International Journal of Solids and Structures 2006; 43:6359-6379.
- W.K. Liu, H.S. Park, D. Qian, E.G. Karpov, H. Kadowaki and G.J. Wagner. Bridging Scale Methods for Nanomechanics and Materials,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2006; 195:1407-1421. (Invited paper: Special Issue
In Honor of the 60th Birthday of Prof. T.J.R. Hughes).
- H.S. Park, E.G. Karpov, P.A. Klein and W.K.Liu. Three-Dimensional Bridging Scale Analysis of Dynamic Fracture,
Journal of Computational Physics 2005; 207:588-609.
- H.S. Park, E.G. Karpov and W.K. Liu. Non-reflecting Boundary Conditions for Atomistic, Continuum and Coupled
Atomistic/Continuum Simulations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2005;
- H.S. Park, E.G. Karpov, W.K. Liu and P.A. Klein. The Bridging Scale for Two-Dimensional Atomistic/Continuum Coupling,
Philosophical Magazine 2005; 85 (1): 79-113.
- H.S. Park, E.G. Karpov and W.K. Liu. A Temperature Equation for Coupled Atomistic/Continuum Simulations,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2004; 193: 1713-1732. (Invited paper: Special Issue on Multiple
Scale Methods for Nanoscale Mechanics and Materials).
- H.S. Park and W.K. Liu. An Introduction and Tutorial on Multiple Scale Analysis in Solids,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2004; 193: 1733-1772. (Invited paper: Special Issue on Multiple
Scale Methods for Nanoscale Mechanics and Materials).
- W.K. Liu, E.G. Karpov, S. Zhang and H.S. Park. An Introduction to Computational Nano Mechanics and Materials,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2004; 193: 1529-1578. (Invited paper: Special Issue on Multiple
Scale Methods for Nanoscale Mechanics and Materials).
Finite Element Papers
- W.K. Liu, S. Li and H.S. Park. Eighty Years of the Finite Element Method: Birth, Evolution and Future,
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 2022; 29:4431-4453. Arxiv Link
- S. Hao, H.S. Park and W.K. Liu. Moving Particle Finite Element Method,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2002; 53:1937-1958.
- H.S. Park and P.A. Klein. Multiscale Models for Surface Effects on Nanomaterials, Springer Series: Challenges and
Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics, editor Jerzy Leszczynski, Springer 2008.
- W.K. Liu, H.S. Park, E.G. Karpov and D.E. Farrell. Bridging Scale Method and its Applications, Meshfree Methods for Partial
Differential Equations III, editors M. Griebel and M.A. Schweitzer, Springer 2007, ISBN: 3540462147.
- W.K. Liu and H.S. Park. Bridging Scale Methods for Computational Nanotechnology, Handbook of Theoretical and
Computational Nanotechnology, editors M. Rieth and W. Schommers, 2006, ISBN: 1-58883-042-X.
- W.K. Liu, L.T. Zhang, E.G. Karpov, H. Kadowaki and H.S Park. Bridging Scale Methods,
Springer Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering,
editors T. Barth, M. Griebel, D.E. Keyes, R.M. Nieminen, D. Roose and T. Schlick, 2005, ISSN: 1439-7358.
- W.K. Liu, H.S. Park, E.G. Karpov, H. Kadowaki, G.J. Wagner, D. Qian and S. Li. Bridging Scale Mechanics and Materials,
Finite Element Methods: 1970s and BeyondA book dedicated to Thomas J.R. Hughes,
editors L.P. Franca, T.E. Tezduyar and A. Masud. International Center for Numerical Methods and Engineering (CINME),
ISBN: 84-95999-49-8, 72-88 2004.
- W.K. Liu, E.G. Karpov and H.S. Park. Nano Mechanics and Materials: Theory, Multiscale Methods
and Applications, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN:0-470-01851-8, 2006.
- Special issue on Recent Advances in Computational Study of Nanostructures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics
and Engineering 2008; 197:3173-3418 (co-editors J. Fish, H.E. Fang and H. Huang).