Nazli Kibria is a faculty member of the Department of Sociology at Boston University, where she is also a Faculty Affiliate in Asian Studies and the American and New England Studies programs. She received her undergraduate degree from Wellesley College and her PhD in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. A scholar of global migration, families and identity formations, Professor Kibria teaches courses on the sociology of international migration, families, childhood and contemporary South Asia at Boston University. Her most recent book (2011) is
Muslims in Motion: Islam and National Identity in the Bangladeshi Diaspora.
Both as a scholar and a teacher, Nazli Kibria is committed to examining and exposing structures of power and inequality, and their consequences for the human experience. She seeks to generate critical reflection, meaningful dialogue and informed political action amongst students and readers. Her life and work is profiled in
Sociologists Backstage: Answers to 10 Questions about What they Do, edited by. Sarah Fenstermaker and Nikki Jones.
Also see an article in BU today titled
'Probing the Bangladeshi Diaspora.'