Total Enrollments by Course (Online & OnCampus)

Prof. Suresh Kalathur, Boston University

Fall 2000 thru Spring 2025
## Total =  6732 students.
Courses Taught by Prof. Kalathur
Class Name
CS232 Programming with Java
CS341 Data Structures with C++
CS520 Information Structures with Java
CS544 Foundations of Analytics
CS565 Advanced Java Programming
CS568 Language Theory and Compilers
CS575 Introduction to Operating Systems
CS602 Server-Side Web Development
CS651 Web Development with .NET
CS654 Network and Software Security
CS664 Artificial Intelligence
CS665 Software Design and Patterns
CS667 Enterprise Java
CS677 Data Science with Python
CS695 Network Management and Computer Security
CS699 Data Mining and Business Intelligence
CS701 Rich Internet Application Development
CS751 Web Services
CS770 Object Oriented Analysis and Design
CS777 Big Data Analytics
CS894 Grid Computing

Online Course Breakdown

OnCampus Course Breakdown