MET CS 565 -- Advanced Java Programming


Suresh Kalathur, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Computer Science Dept.
Boston Univeristy Metropolitan College
808 Commonwealth Ave, Room 250
Boston, MA 02215

Phone: 617-358-0006
Fax: 617-353-2367

Course Description

The main objective of this course it to develop and enhance skills in object oriented computer programming using the Java programming language. The course provides a comprehensive coverage of control flow, classes and methods, class composition and extension, interfaces, generics, and exceptions. Use of concurrency control, file I/O, event handling, Swing Library, Networking, and JDBC are also covered.

The course is an advanced Java programming course and is for students who have taken at least one semester of Java programming (CS 342 or CS 520).

Course Grading Policy

The course grade will be based on class participation and quizzes (10%), programming assignments (30%), mid term exam (30%), and final project (30%). Assignments are expected to be submitted by their respective due dates.

Course Web Site

All course materials will be available for the students on BU's Blackboard Learn site.

Click here to enter Blackboard site for this course (


Student Conduct Code

Please review the academic conduct code

Tentative Course Schedule

Module 1 Readings
-- Control structures
-- Classes and Interfaces
-- Inheritance and Polymorphism
Weeks 1 and 2
Module 2
-- Collections Framework
-- Generics
-- Exceptions
Weeks 3 and 4
Module 3
-- GUI (SWING and AWT)
-- Event Handling
Weeks 5 and 6
Mid Term Exam, In Class (March 18th), Open Text Book
Module 4
-- JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) Week 8
Module 5
-- Networking Week 9
Module 6
-- Multithreading and synchronization
-- Concurrency
Weeks 10 and 11
Module 7
-- File I/O
-- Performance Tuning
Week 12
Module 8
--Class loading
-- Security
Week 13
Final Project Presentation (Week 14)