RENTAL APPLICATION: (Updated 11/2014)





Owner(s) of Property: 

Jeffrey Allen

Cell 617-312-0096

Application can be Faxed or emailed to me

(Application needs to be signed by Applicant and Co-Applicant)


RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY:  384 16th Street, Unit #3, Atlanta, Georgia 30363

Date you desire to Move-in: _______________________________



Applicant Information:  (Only Non-Smokers)



Full Name of occupants (Please list below)                   


Applicant Name:  _______________________________________________________________



Social Security #: ________________________________ 



Smoker or Non-Smoker: ________________________________



State of Drivers License and Drivers License Number: ______________________


Copy of the Drivers license must also be provided and must be copied/faxed/scanned and sent

via email along with Application or given in person.  Must be readable and clear picture of face



Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):     _________________________________


Email address:  ______________________     Phone #: (H): ________________, (W): ______________


                                                                                      (C): ________________




Co-Applicant Information: (Only Non-Smokers)



 =================Any Roommates need to complete an Entire Separate application===============


Co-Applicant Name:  ______________________________________________________________



Line of Occupation:  _________________________________________________



Smoker or Non-Smoker: ________________________________



Relationship to Applicant: _________________________



Social Security #: ________________________________



State of Drivers License, Drivers License Number, Expiration date: _________________________________________


Copy of the Drivers license must also be provided and must be copied/faxed/scanned and sent

via email along with Application or given in person.  Must be readable and clear picture of face



 Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):     _________________________________


Email address: _______________________   Phone #: (H): _________________, (W): ______________


                                                                                      (C): _________________


List Others who plan to occupy the Home:


    Name                       Social Security #               Birthdate               Relationship to You















RESIDENCE HISTORY (To be completed by each Applicant)



 Present Address Information:  Full Information Needed including names of contact person and phone numbers:




Present Address: ___________________________________City: ________________






Present Landlord Name: ________________________________________



Address of Present Landlord:  ____________________________________



Area Code/Phone of Landlord:  __________________________________



Monthly Payment$ ____________________   Dates Property Occupied: ________________



Reason for moving:_____________________________________




Previous Address Information



Length of time at previous address: ____________________________________



Previous Landlord/Mortgage: ___________________________________



Area Code/Phone: _________________



Monthly Payment$ ___________________     Dates Property Occupied: ________________



Reason for moving:_____________________________________






Applicant’s Employment (You might also be asked to provide a copy of your most recent pay stub)


Full Company Name:____________________________________________________

(No Abbreviations)


 How Long Employed: _____________________


Employer’s Full address:___________________________________





Phone number for Human Resources/Personnel for the company your employed: ________________________________



Current Position held:_____________________________________________



Current Salary per Month: $_____________



Supervisor’s name: __________________________________________________



Supervisor’s Phone Number: __________________________________________




Co-applicant’s Employment: (You might also be asked to provide a copy of your most recent pay stub)


Full Company Name: ________________________________________________

(No abbreviations) 



How Long Employed: _______________________



Employer’s address:___________________________________





Phone number for Human Resources/Personnel for the company your employed: ________________________________



Position held:_______________________________________________


Current Salary per Month: $_____________


Supervisor’s name:__________________________________


Supervisor’s Phone #:  ___________________________________________________________





Provide two References with Full contact Information (Can NOT be family members):



            Reference Name                          Phone number(s)                                     Relationship



1)    ________________________________________________________________________________________



2)  __________________________________________________________________________________________




                                                                     Bank and Credit Information


Bank Name/Branch: ______________________________________



Bank Address:____________________________________




Phone Number: ___________________________________




Checking Account Number:  _______________________________



Other Information:  (Number of Vehicles you intend to have at the property (including cars, boats, RVs, etc)


Vehicle 1:



Make: ________________        Model/Year:_______________        Color:_________________



Tag Number: __________________    Tag State: ______________    



Vehicle ID #: ______________________




Vehicle 2:



Make: ________________        Model/Year:_______________        Color:_________________



Tag Number: __________________    Tag State: ______________   



Vehicle ID #: ______________________



Pet Information:



Pet Information:  Dog or Cat  (Circle one or both): 

Breed of Animal_____________        Weight of Animal_______________



In case of emergency notify:  ______________________________ Phone: _______________



Relationship to you: ___________________________________________________________


I/We hereby authorize landlord to contact Credit services, personal and credit references given herein,

plus my/our employers to verify the information I have given.  In addition, if necessary, I understand that

landlord might if they desire to run a background check and history of possible past evictions as well as a

credit check.  


If after the acceptance of this application, and the receiving of the agreed upon security deposit between

I and the landlord, I fail or refuse to execute a lease, the security deposit may be retained by the landlord

as liquidated damages in payment for time, effort and possible loss of rent in processing my inquiry and

this application, including making necessary investigation of my character and reputation.


I acknowledge the above facts to be true to the best of my knowledge.  I further realize that the landlord

is leasing the home predicated on the above facts supplied by me being true, and should any fact not be

true, the landlord may cancel said lease at his option by giving me notice in writing.



X Applicant’s Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________



X Co-Applicant’s Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ____________



No Application Fee     Security deposit $: ____________

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