Click here for an application.
Application Instructions: PDF
Deadline to apply for Fall 2010 Grants: June 15, 2010
The GSO awards ten travel grants (five per semester) to facilitate graduate student attendance at academic conferences and research forums. Each award can be as high as $500. Travel grant winners are selected the semester before the trip is taken, but awards are not distributed until after receipts are submitted.
To qualify for a Fall 2010 grant your trip must be between: July 1, 2010 – December 31, 2010 and outside the Boston area
Who is eligible: Any graduate student from a departments represented at 3 or more GSO meetings in Spring 2010 (see below for attendance to date)
Congratulations to the Spring 2010 winners!
Susan Ruiz. Program in Neuroscience. Paper Title: "Alcoholism and Gender Effects in Relation to Measures of Alcoholism Severity, Alcohol Craving, and Regional Brain Volumes." Conference: International Neuropsychological Society 38th Annual Meeting. Acapulco, Mexico.
Elizabeth Jones Sbrocco. Biology. Poster title: "MARSPEC: A Global Database of High-Resolution Ocean Climate Data for Applications in Marine Spatial Ecology." Conference: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2010 Cosponsored by the American Geophysical Union, The Oceanography Society, and the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography.
Portland, OR.
Holly Markovitz Goldstein. Art History. Paper Title: "Traveling East to Revisit the West: Robert Adams's 'Turning Back.'" Conference: College Art Association (CAA) Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
Peter Mahoney. Romance Studies. Paper Title: "Gonzalo González: Una nueva consideración de su figura heroica a partir de Las siete partidas." ["Gonzalo González: A new consideration of his heroic figure based on Las siete partidas."] Conference: Western Michigan University Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, MI.
Sheila Cordner. English Department. Paper Title: "Reading Mary Oliver into a 'schoolhouse/of little words,/thousands of words.'"
Conference: NeMLA (Northeastern Modern Language Association). Montreal, Canada.
Eligible departments for Fall 2010 Grants:
Applied Linguistics | English | Political Science |
Archaeology | Geography and Environment | Psychology |
Art History | History | Religion |
Biology | International Relations | Romance Studies |
Earth Science | Music | Sociology |
Economics | Philosophy | |
Editorial Institute | Physics |
There have been 5 meetings in the Spring 2010 semester. To be eligible for a Fall 2010 travel grant award, your department needs to be represented in at least three of the Spring 2010 meetings. The attendance record is below.
Attendance Record (Spring 2010): PDF
Applications must be emailed to the GSO at Applicants who submit via email will receive email confirmation of receipt. PLEASE DO NOT send applications via USPS or campus mail, as these methods usually result in delayed or lost applications.