Wastin' Time

Hello again and welcome to Frankly Speaking, my column about stuff. So yeah, I have two midterms on Thursday that I should be studying for (or at least reading the material for them), but I don't feel like doing that right now. In fact, I don't feel like doing much of anything besides eating cookies, and writing this tonight. I guess I'm just in a lazy mood.

Of course, it's clear that I have senioritis. However, that's the simplified explanation. What I really have is compound senioritis. What's that mean? Well, I have the current case of senioritis, plus the case from high school is bugging me as well. Interesting fact, senioritis is in the dictionary of Microsoft Word 2000, so I'm not seeing all those nasty red squiggles under it. Which is greatly appreciated by someone, like me, who writes papers that generally look as if I'm writing in a font that has a squiggly, red underscore (I tell you, there are no classicists at Microsoft).

Speaking of spellcheck (which, ironically, isn't in Word's dictionary), did anyone else notice that the Boston Beer Company spells Oktoberfest wrong on the "Sam Adams Octoberfest" [sic] (neither spelling of it is found in Word's dictionary) label? Did someone say Sam Adams? I'll have one! Hmmm . . . I don't know if I'll get all my reading done for Thursday, but right now, I'm enjoying my Sammy Adams, and isn't that all that really matters?