Late Thanksgiving Edition

Hello and welcome to Frankly Speaking, my column about stuff. Well, I accidentally took a week off because I was sick and forgot about this column entirely. My bad. It's just as well, though, because you don't want a stupid thanksgiving edition do you? What's that? You do? OK. Here goes.

I'm not exactly sure what to do this year, since I kinda sold out Tom Turkey to that hunter two years ago. That was cool, but in hindsight, not very smart of me, since I now have no guest for this column. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to ramble about thanksgiving.

It's a great holiday, it is. What other time do you get the excuse to gorge yourself on turkey? In fact, when do you get the excuse to gorge on anything, aside from this great holiday? Yup, it's quite an amazing holiday, and the only official feast day that we have in the states. We should have more of those days. It's a damn, dirty shame that we don't have more feast days. Please write to your state representatives and tell them you want more feasts!

Well, that was my rant about thanksgiving. I really don't have much else to say about it. Turkey good, and pumpkin pie good. I guess it was nice to have the days off from school, but it really wasn't long enough, and I wish I could have stayed at my dorm. It'd be a whole lot better to stay in my room, and do my thing there. It's really unnecessary to kick us out. Lazy fools.