What's the Deal with "Magic" Tape?

Hello again, and welcome to Frankly Speaking, my column for pretty much stuff. The other day, I was buying tape for something, and I noticed that the label on the tape said "magic tape." What I would like to know is why it is called magic tape. I know that's not the brand name because the brand name was "Scotch Tape."

Could there be some hidden arcane powers within the tape that mortals have yet to figure out how to tap into, or does it have something to do with its sticky properties. Maybe, some explorer showed it to a primitive person, and the person was like "ooh, magic."

Maybe it's the amazing property of being able to hold together object with such strength. Think about it, I'm sure you can think of all the uses of tape. Wrapping a present-the wrapping paper usually gives out before the tape, posters-holds better than that "poster tack" (what a piece of trash), boxes-I often have to cut the tape in order to open the box, and the list goes on. With such strength, it's no wonder that tape has earned the title of "magic."

However, the name comes most likely from the one property that distinguishes it from other tape. It is a whitish color on the roll, but when it is applied, it becomes clear, and cannot be seen.

Of course, such a question is better left to the philosophers. Could you picture Socrates scrutinizing a roll of tape, and pondering its divine nature? Anyway, the true reason for this particular name may never be known, but tape does its job, and isn't that all that matters?