Would You Really Want a Chimp to do it?

Today, we'll be talking about the phrase "it's so easy that even a chimp can do it. This is a very odd sentence. When you think of it, it's probably true because primates are very smart animals. Scientists have actually been able talk to them using sign language.

When I hear this sentence, I usually think about a chimp actually doing the task in question, and a smile comes upon my face, and most of the time I start to laugh. Just imagine a chimp trying to do something like drive a car. Now, someone cuts him off. Let me just say that it'll definitely give road rage a new meaning.

Yeah, you could train a chimp to work at McDonalds, but let's face it, chimps are usually viewed as dirty animals, and I know I wouldn't want one serving me a burger.

By virtue of the infinite monkey theory, they could be authors. This theory states that if you have an infinite supply of monkey, all typing on typewriters, you're eventually going to get a monkey that'll type out a perfect copy of a play by Shakespeare, but this requires too many resources (The cost of the bananas alone would bankrupt your company.).

So, until the day that we can create super monkeys that can do all of our work for us, we'll have to settle for their entertainment value.