"Zombie Eat Brains, but Zombie Can't Swallow this Injustice"-The Simpsons

Hello again and welcome to Frankly Speaking, my column about stuff. Well, I've been a bit flaky over vacation. I've been running around like a madman this year. I have a road test on Thursday. Yay! That's right, folks. I can go driving soon. How safe do you feel now? :-p

So anyway, on to my article! Did you ever notice that there aren't enough Zombies in the world? I noticed it. We need to find that crazy Zombie virus, and infect everyone with it. Won't that be fun? I think it'll be fun. Can you imagine everyone walking around, chanting "Brains," and there might be a few dyslexic zombies, chanting "Brians!" You never know. It could happen. Anyways, I think that would be worth infecting the world with the zombie virus. The only problem is that we'd have to keep them away from fire so that they didn't burn up, and isn't that all that really matters?