FR@NKLY SP3@K!NG ONL!N3!!!11one


The Best of Frankly Speaking from Volume 1-This is it, folks. The classic Frankly Speaking. I don't have anything elase from Volume One, due to disk problem (stupid cheap disks . . . ).

Volume 2-Two years later, I was asked to write this as a senior. It was all right. Of course, by that time, I was a bit deranged because of all the years of school, and I really needed a vacation. There are a few that were salvageable at the end . . .

Out on Da Tizzown and Police Blotters-I did two of each of these close to the end of my volume two run. They're worth a look see.

Volume 3-This is the current series. I'm well-rested, so it's a whole lot more coherent, and that is what I strive for now. I won't even write one if I don't feel that it's worth the reader's time these days. I guess that's because I'm now a full employee, rather than a work study student, and am required to be a *snicker* professional. ;-)
