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If you miss a lab, you need to notify the following people:

    Your partner

    The teaching fellow

    The instructor

By contacting these people, you can make alternative arrangements for a make-up session. Keep in mind that all of the laboratory reports are based on data collected by all groups, and without it you can't write a report.

Missing a lab should only under the most extenuating of circumstances.



No you do not need to use a computer to do your statistical analysis and figures. However, acquiring these computer skills are encouraged, and is of great benefit to you.

There are several PC's in the lab for student use, and the university offers tutorials in a variety of statistical packages for you to become familiar with their use. You may want to take tutorials for Excel and SPSS.



Excel is equipped to do simple statistics such as means, medians, standard deviations, and t-tests. The more advanced statistical functions such as repeated measure ANOVA's are better done in SPSS.



If you do not know what to look for in the SPSS printout, try looking it up in your statistics text, they usually have an explanation for the SPSS output. If that does not work, check with your statistics professor.
