Dan Clemens: Publications

Refereed Journal Articles (most in PDF form - click links)

  1. Low-Noise 86-88 GHz Travelling Wave Maser, Sollner, T.C.L.G., Clemens, D.P., Korzeniowski, T.L., McIntosh, G.C., Moore, E.L., and Yngvesson, K.S., Appl. Phys. Lett., 35, 833 (1979).
  2. Detection of J=5-4 SiO Masers in Late-Type Stars, Clemens, D.P., and Lane, A.P., ApJ, 226, L117 (1983).
  3. A Gravitationally Stable Bok Globule, Dickman, R.L., and Clemens, D.P., ApJ, 271, 143 (1983).
  4. A Search for Interstellar Silicon Nitride, Ziurys, L.M., Clemens, D.P., Saykally, R.J., Colvin, M., and Schaefer, H.F., ApJ, 281, 219 (1984).
  5. The Distribution of CO in the Galaxy for Longitudes 294 to 86 deg, Robinson, B.J., Manchester, R.N., Whiteoak, J.B., Sanders, D.B., Scoville, N.Z., Clemens, D.P., McCutcheon, W.H., and Solomon, P.M., ApJ, 283, L31 (1984).
  6. A Search for SiO Masers in Orion-like Regions, Barvainis, R., and Clemens, D.P., AJ, 89, 1983 (1984).
  7. Massachusetts--Stony Brook Galactic Plane CO Survey: Observations, Galactic Structure, and Cloud Identification, Clemens, D.P., Ph.D thesis, University of Massachusetts (1985).
  8. Massachusetts--Stony Brook Galactic Plane CO Survey: The Galactic Disk Rotation Curve, Clemens, D.P., ApJ, 295, 422 (1985).
  9. Massachusetts--Stony Brook Galactic Plane CO Survey: I. (b,V) Maps of the First Quadrant, Sanders, D.B., Clemens, D.P., Scoville, N.Z., and Solomon, P.M., ApJS, 60, 1 (1986). [about 300 pages, so PDF file not linked - see NASA ADS for download]
  10. Massachusetts--Stony Brook Galactic Plane CO Survey: II. (l,V) Maps of the First Quadrant, Clemens, D.P., Sanders, D.B., Scoville, N.Z., and Solomon, P.M., ApJS, 60, 297 (1986).
  11. The Lynds 204 Complex: Magnetic Field Controlled Evolution? McCutcheon, W.H., Vrba, F.J., Dickman, R.L., and Clemens, D.P., ApJ, 309, 619 (1986).
  12. High Mass Star Formation Due to Cloud-Cloud Collisions, Scoville, N.Z., Sanders, D.B., and Clemens, D.P., ApJ, 310, L77 (1986).
  13. Where Massive Stars Form: The Association of Radio HII Regions and CO Clouds in the Northern Milky Way, Waller, W.H., Clemens, D.P., Sanders, D.B., and Scoville, N.Z., ApJ, 314, 397 (1987).
  14. Molecular Clouds and Cloud Cores in the Inner Galaxy, Scoville, N.Z., Yun, M.S., Clemens, D.P., Sanders, D.B., and Waller, W.H., ApJS, 63, 821 (1987).
  15. A CCD-Based Imaging Polarimeter for Astronomy, Clemens, D.P., and Leach, R.W., Optical Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 9, 923 (1987).
  16. High Excitation SiO Masers in Late-Type Stars, Jewell, P.R., Dickinson, D.F., Snyder, L.E., and Clemens, D.P., ApJ, 323, 749 (1987).
  17. Polarimetry at 1.3 mm using MILLIPOL: Methods and Preliminary Results for Orion, Barvainis, R., Clemens, D. P., and Leach, R.W., AJ, 95, 510 (1988).
  18. The Large-Scale Distribution of Molecules in the Northern Galactic Disk, Clemens, D.P., Sanders, D.B., and Scoville, N.Z., ApJ, 327, 139 (1988).
  19. A Catalog of Small, Optically-Selected Molecular Clouds: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Properties, Clemens, D. P., and Barvainis, R., ApJS, 68, 257 (1988).
  20. The Optical Counterpart of the X-Ray Source H0253+193: A Distant, High Luminosity RS CVn System, Clemens, D. P., and Leach, R. W., ApJ, 345, 346 (1989).
  21. Towards Selection of Intermediate Magnitude Polarization Standards, Clemens, D. P., and Tapia, S., PASP, 102, 179 (1990).
  22. MILLIPOL, A Millimeter/Sub-millimeter Wavelength Polarimeter: Instrument, Operation, and Calibration, Clemens, D. P., Leach, R. W., Barvainis, R., and Kane, B. D., PASP, 102, 1064 (1990).
  23. Star Formation in Small Globules: Bart Bok was correct! Yun, J. L., and Clemens, D. P., ApJ, 365, L73 (1990).
  24. Bok Globules and Small Molecular Clouds: Deep IRAS Photometry and 12CO Spectroscopy, Clemens, D. P., Yun, J. L., and Heyer, M. H., ApJS, 75, 877 (1991).
  25. Polarimetric Mapping of Orion using MILLIPOL: Magnetic Activity in BN/KL, Leach, R. W., Clemens, D. P., Kane, B. D., and Barvainis, R., ApJ, 370, 257 (1991).
  26. Radial Dust Density Profiles in Small Molecular Clouds, Yun, J. L., and Clemens, D. P., ApJ, 381, 474 (1991).
  27. Discovery of Outflows from Young Stellar Objects in Bok Globules, Yun, J. L., and Clemens, D. P., ApJ, 385, L21 (1992).
  28. The 2 M_sun Bok Globule LBN 11: Sub-sonic Molecular Clumps in a Magnetic Environment, Clemens, D. P., Dickman, R. L., and Ciardi, D. R., AJ, 104, 2165 (1992).
  29. Magnetic Fields in Massive Cloud Cores: Comparison of MILLIPOL and IRAS Results, Kane, B. D., Clemens, D. P., Barvainis, R., and Leach, R. W., ApJ, 411, 708 (1993).
  30. Near-infrared Discovery of the L810 Nebula Illuminator, Yun, J. L., Clemens, D. P., McCaughrean, M., and Rieke, M., ApJ, 408, L101 (1993).
  31. Outflows from Young Stellar Objects in Bok Globules: Maps, Yun, J. L., and Clemens, D. P., ApJS, 92, 145 (1994).
  32. Dust Extinction and Molecular Gas in the Dark Cloud IC 5146, Lada, C. J., Lada, E. A., Clemens, D. P., and Bally, J., ApJ, 429, 694 (1994).
  33. Near-Infrared Imaging Survey of Young Stellar Objects in Bok Globules, Yun, J. L., & Clemens, D. P., AJ, 108, 612 (1994).
  34. A Search for Dense Gas in Quiescent Bok Globules, Kane, B. D., Clemens, D. P., and Myers, P., ApJ, 433, L49 (1994).
  35. Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions of Young Stellar Objects in Bok Globules, Yun, J. L., and Clemens, D. P., AJ, 109, 742 (1995).
  36. Magnetic Fields in Bok Globules: CCD Polarimetry of CB4, Kane, B. D., Clemens, D. P., Leach, R. W., & Barvainis, R., ApJ, 445, 269 (1995).
  37. Collapse Candidates Among the Bok Globules, Wang, Y., Evans, N. J., Zhou, S., & Clemens, D. P., ApJ, 454, 217 (1996).
  38. The Dense Core, Outflow, and "Jet" in L810: High-Resolution Haystack Observations at l3mm, Clemens, D. P., Berkovitch, M., Yun, J. L., Patel, N., & Xie, T., ApJ, 457, 743 (1996).
  39. H_2 Imaging of Sandqvist 136: Shocked gas, Jets, and Knots, Yun, J. L., Clemens, D. P., Moreira, M. C., & Santos, N. C. ApJ, 479, L71. (1997).
  40. Rotation of Starless Bok Globules, Kane, B. D., & Clemens, D. P., AJ, 113, 1799 (1997).
  41. HCN in Bok Globules: A Good Tracer of Collapsing Cores, Afonso, J. M., Yun, J. L., & Clemens, D. P., AJ, 115, 1111 (1998).
  42. Understanding the Star Formation Process in the Filamentary Dark Cloud GF-9: Near-Infrared Observations, Ciardi, D. R., Woodward, C. E., Clemens, D. P., Harker, D. E., & Rudy, R. J., AJ, 116, 349 (1998).
  43. Photometric Distances to Dark Clouds: CB24, D. E. Peterson, & Clemens, D. P., AJ, 116, 881 (1998).
  44. Survey of CS Emission in Bok Globules, Launhardt, R., Evans, N. J. II, Wang, Y., Clemens, D. P., Henning, Th., & Yun, J. L., ApJS, 119, 59 (1998).
  45. HCN in cloud cores: a good tracer of collapse and Class 0 Young Stellar Objects, Yun, J. L., Moreira, M. C., Afonso, J. M., & Clemens, D. P., AJ, 118, 990 (1999).
  46. Morphology and Energetics of the Molecular Gas within a Core and a Diffuse Region in the Filamentary Dark Cloud GF 9, Ciardi, D. R., Woodward, C. E., Clemens, D. P., Harker, D. E., & Rudy, R. J., AJ, 120, 393 (2000).
  47. Two Distant Embedded Clusters in the Outer Galaxy, Santos, C. A., Yun, J. L., Clemens, D. P., & Agostinho, R. J., ApJ, 540, L87 (2000).
  48. The Structure of Four Molecular Cloud Complexes in the BU-FCRAO Milky Way Galactic Ring Survey, Simon, R., Jackson, J. M., Clemens, D. P., Bania, T. M., & Heyer, M. H., ApJ, 551, 747 (2001).
  49. Discovery of a molecular outflow, near-infrared jet and HH object towards IRAS 06047-1117, Yun, J. L., Santos, C. A., Clemens, D. P., Afonso, J. M., McCaughrean, M., Preibisch, T., Stanke, T., & Zinnecker, H., A&A, 372, L33 (2001).
  50. H I Self-Absorption and the Kinematic Distance Ambiguity: The Case of the Molecular Cloud GRSMC 45.6+0.3, Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Simon, R., Kolpak, M., Clemens, D. P. , & Heyer, M., ApJ, 556, L81 (2002).
  51. Comparison of 13CO and CS Emission in the Inner Galaxy, McQuinn, K. B. W., Simon, R., Law, C. J., Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P.,& Heyer, M. H., ApJ, 576, 274 (2002).
  52. Resolving the Kinematic Distance Ambiguity toward Galactic H II Regions, Kolpak, M. A., Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., & Dickey, J. M., ApJ, 582, 756 (2003).
  53. Five Star-forming Cores in the Galactic Ring Survey: A Mid-Infrared Study, Kraemer, K. E., Jackson, J. M., Kassis, M., Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Simon, R., Hoffmann, W. F., Fazio, G. G., Dayal, A., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D.P., & Heyer, M. H., ApJ, 588, 918 (2003).
  54. GLIMPSE. I. An SIRTF Legacy Project to Map the Inner Galaxy, Benjamin, R. A., Churchwell, E., Babler, B. L., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., Cohen, M., Dickey, J. M., Indebetouw, R., Jackson, J. M., Kobulnicky, H. A., Lazarian, A., Marston, A. P., Mathis, J. S., Meade, M. R., Seager, S., Stolovy, S. R., Watson, C., Whitney, B. A., Wolff, M. J., & Wolfire, Mark G., PASP, 115, 953 (2003).
  55. A GLIMPSE of Star Formation in the Giant H II Region RCW 49, Whitney, B. A., Indebetouw, R., Babler, B. L., Meade, M. R., Watson, C., Wolff, M. J., Wolfire, M. G., Clemens, D. P., Bania, T. M., Benjamin, R. A., Cohen, M., Devine, K. E., Dickey, J. M., Heitsch, F., Jackson, J. M., Kobulnicky, H. A., Marston, A. P., Mathis, J. S., Mercer, E. P., Stauffer, J. R., Stolovy, S. R., Churchwell, E., ApJS, 154, 315 (2004).
  56. RCW 49 at Mid-Infrared Wavelengths: A GLIMPSE from the Spitzer Space Telescope, Churchwell, E., Whitney, B. A., Babler, B. L., Indebetouw, R., Meade, M. R., Watson, C., Wolff, M. J., Wolfire, M. G., Bania, T. M., Benjamin, R. A., Clemens, D. P., Cohen, M., Devine, K. E., Dickey, J. M., Heitsch, F., Jackson, J. M., Kobulnicky, H. A., Marston, A. P., Mathis, J. S., Mercer, E. P., Stauffer, J. R., Stolovy, S. R., ApJS, 154, 322 (2004).
  57. Discovery of a Distant Star Formation Region using GLIMPSE, Mercer, E. P., Clemens, D. P., Bania, T. M., Jackson, J. M., Rathborne, J. M., Shah, R. Y., Babler, B. L., Indebetouw, R., Meade, M. R., Watson, C., Whitney, B. A., Wolff, M. J., Wolfire, M. G., Benjamin, R. A., Cohen, M., Dickey, J. M., Kobulnicky, H. A., Marston, A. P., Mathis, J. S., Stauffer, J. R., Stolovy, S. R., Churchwell, E. B., ApJS, 154, 328 (2004).
  58. Discovery of a New Low-Latitude Milky Way Globular Cluster Using GLIMPSE, Kobulnicky, Henry A.; Monson, A. J.; Buckalew, B. A.; Darnel, J. M.; Uzpen, B.; Meade, M. R.; Babler, B. L.; Indebetouw, R.; Whitney, B. A.; Watson, C.; Churchwell, E.; Wolfire, M. G.; Wolff, M. J.; Clemens, D. P.; Shah, R.; Bania, T. M.; Benjamin, R. A.; Cohen, M.; Dickey, J. M.; Jackson, J. M.; Marston, A. P.; Mathis, J. S.; Mercer, E. P.; Stauffer, J. R.; Stolovy, S. R.; Norris, J. P.; Kutyrev, A.; Canterna, R.; Pierce, M. J., AJ, 129, pp. 239-250. (2005).
  59. The Wavelength Dependence of Interstellar Extinction from 1.25 to 8.0 um Using GLIMPSE Data, Indebetouw, R.; Mathis, J. S.; Babler, B. L.; Meade, M. R.; Watson, C.; Whitney, B. A.; Wolff, M. J.; Wolfire, M. G.; Cohen, M.; Bania, T. M.; Benjamin, R. A.; Clemens, D. P.; Dickey, J. M.; Jackson, J. M.; Kobulnicky, H. A.; Marston, A. P.; Mercer, E. P.; Stauffer, J. R.; Stolovy, S. R.; Churchwell, E., ApJ, 619, pp. 931-938 (2005)
  60. Identification of Main-Sequence Stars with Mid-Infrared Excesses Using GLIMPSE: Beta Pictoris Analogs?, Uzpen, B.; Kobulnicky, H. A.; Olsen, K. A. G.; Clemens, D. P.; Laurance, T. L.; Meade, M. R.; Babler, B. L.; Indebetouw, R.; Whitney, B. A.; Watson, C.; Wolfire, M. G.; Wolff, M. J.; Benjamin, R. A.; Bania, T. M.; Cohen, M.; Devine, K. E.; Dickey, J. M.; Heitsch, F.; Jackson, J. M.; Marston, A. P.; Mathis, J. S.; Mercer, E. P.; Stauffer, J. R.; Stolovy, S. R.; Backman, D. E.; Churchwell, E., ApJ, 629, pp. 512-525 (2005).
  61. First GLIMPSE Results on the Stellar Structure of the Galaxy, Benjamin, R. A.; Churchwell, E.; Babler, B. L.; Indebetouw, R.; Meade, M. R.; Whitney, B. A.; Watson, C.; Wolfire, M. G.; Wolff, M. J.; Ignace, R.; Bania, T. M.; Bracker, S.; Clemens, D. P.; Chomiuk, L.; Cohen, M.; Dickey, J. M.; Jackson, J. M.; Kobulnicky, H. A.; Mercer, E. P.; Mathis, J. S.; Stolovy, S. R.; Uzpen, B., ApJ, 630, pp. L149-L152 (2005).
  62. New Star Clusters Discovered in the GLIMPSE Survey, E. P. Mercer, D. P. Clemens, M. R. Meade, B. L. Babler, R. Indebetouw, B. A. Whitney, C. Watson, M. G. Wolfire, M. J. Wolff, T. M. Bania, R. A. Benjamin, M. Cohen, J. M. Dickey, J. M. Jackson, H. A. Kobulnicky, J. S. Mathis, J. R. Stauffer, S. R. Stolovy, B. Uzpen, and E. B. Churchwell, ApJ, 635, 560-569 (2005).
  63. The Boston University-Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory Galactic Ring Survey, Jackson, J. M., Rathborne, J. M., Shah, R. Y., Simon, R., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., Chambers, E. T., Johnson, A. M., Dormody, M., Lavoie, R., and Heyer, M. H. , ApJS, 163, 145-159 (2006).
  64. The Bubbling Galactic Disk, Churchwell, E., Povich, M. S., Allen, D., Taylor, M. G., Meade, M. R., Babler, B. L., Indebetouw, R., Watson, C., Whitney, B. A., Wolfire, M. G., Bania, T. M., Benjamin, R. A., Clemens, D. P., Cohen, M., Cyganowski, C. J., Jackson, J. M., Kobulnicky, H. A., Mathis, J. S., Mercer, E. P., Stolovy, S. R., Uzpen, B., Watson, D. F., & Wolff, M. J., ApJ, 649, 759 (2006).
  65. A GLIMPSE of the Southern Jellyfish Nebula and its Massive YSO, Mercer, E. P.; Clemens, D. P.; Rathborne, J. M.; Meade, M. R.; Babler, B. L.; Indebetouw, R.; Whitney, B. A.; Watson, C.; Wolfire, M. G.; Wolff, M. J.; Bania, T. M.; Benjamin, R. A.; Cohen, M.; Dickey, J. M.; Jackson, J. M.; Kobulnicky, H. A.; Mathis, J. S.; Stolovy, S. R.; Uzpen, B.; and Churchwell, E. B., ApJ, 656, 242-247 (2007).
  66. The Frequency of Mid-Infrared Excess Sources in Galactic Surveys, Uzpen, B.; Kobulnicky, H. A.; Monson, A. J.; Pierce, M. J.; Clemens, D. P.; Backman, D. E.; Meade, M. R.; Babler, B. L.; Indebetouw, R.; Whitney, B. A.; Watson, C.; Wolfire, M. G.; Benjamin, R. A.; Bracker, S.; Bania, T. M.; Cohen, M.; Cyganowski, C. J.; Devine, K. E.; Heitsch, F.; Jackson, J. M.; Mathis, J. S.; Mercer, E. P.; Povich, M. S.; Rho, J.; Robitaille, T. P.; Sewilo, M.; Stolovy, S. R.; Watson, D. F.; Wolff, M. J.; and Churchwell, E., ApJ, 658, 1264-1288 (2007).
  67. Spitzer IRAC and JHKs Observations of h and chi Persei: Constraints on Protoplanetary Disk and Massive Cluster Evolution at ~10^7 Years, Currie, Thayne; Balog, Zoltan; Kenyon, S. J.; Rieke, G.; Prato, L.; Young, E. T.; Muzerolle, J.; Clemens, D. P.; Buie, M.; Sarcia, D.; Grabu, A.; Tollestrup, E. V.; Taylor, B.; Dunham, E.; and Mace, G., ApJ, 659, 599-615 (2007)
  68. Mimir: A Near-Infrared Wide-Field Imager, Spectrometer, and Polarimeter, Clemens, D. P., Sarcia, D., Grabau, A., Tollestrup, E. V., Buie, M. W., Dunham, E., & Taylor, B., PASP, 119, 1385-1402 (2007).
  69. Evidence of Fragmenting Dust Particles from Near-Simultaneous Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry and Polarimetry of Comet 73P/SCHWASSMANN-WACHMANN 3, Jones, T. J., Stark, D., Woodward, C. E., Kelley, M. S., Kolokolova, L., Clemens, D., & Pinnick, A., AJ, 135, 1318-1327 (2008).
  70. The Molecular Properties of Galactic HII Regions, Anderson, L.D., Bania, T.M., Jackson, J.M., Clemens, D.P., Heyer, M., Simon, R., Shah, R.Y., & Rathborne, J.M., ApJS, 181, 255–271 (2009).
  71. Synchronous Optical and Radio Polarization Variability in the Blazar OJ287, D'arcangelo, F. D., Marscher, A. P., Jorstad, S. G., Smith, P. S., Larionov, V. M., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Williams, G. G., Gear, W. K., Clemens, D. P., Sarcia, D., Grabau, A., Tollestrup, E. V., Buie, M. W., Taylor, B., & Dunham, E., ApJ, 697, 985-995 (2009).
  72. The Discovery of a Massive Cluster of Red Supergiants with GLIMPSE, Alexander, M. J., Kobulnicky, H. A., Clemens, D. P., Jameson, K., Pinnick, A., & Pavel, M., AJ, 137, 4824-4833 (2009).
  73. Spectral Energy Distributions of Be and Other Massive Stars, Touhami, Y., Richardson, N. D., Gies, D. R., Schaefer, G. H., Boyajian, T. S., Williams, S. J., Grundstrom, E. D., McSwain, M. V., Clemens, D. P., & Taylor, B. PASP, 890, 379-395 (2010).
  74. The Magnetic Field in Taurus Probed by Infrared Polarization, Chapman, N. L., Goldsmith, P. F., Pineda, J. L., Clemens, D. P., Li, D., & Krčo, M. ApJ, 741, 21 (2011).
  75. The Outer Magnetic Field of L183, Clemens, D. P. ApJ, 748, 18 (2012)
  76. Testing Galactic Magnetic Field Models Using Near-infrared Polarimetry, Pavel, M. D., Clemens, D. P., & Pinnick, A. F. ApJ, 749, 71 (2012)
  77. The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS), Clemens, D. P., Pinnick, A. F., Pavel, M. D., & Taylor, B. W. ApJS, 200, 19 (2012)
  78. Polarimetric Calibration of Mimir and The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS), Clemens, D. P., Pinnick, A. F., & Pavel, M. D. ApJS, 200, 20 (2012)
  79. The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS): Data Release 1,
    Clemens, D. P., Pavel, M. D., & Cashman, L. R. ApJS, 200, 21 (2012)
  80. Resolved Magnetic Field Mapping of a Molecular Cloud Using GPIPS, Marchwinski, R. C., Pavel, M. D., & Clemens, D. P. ApJ, 755, 130 (2012)
  81. H II Region Driven Galactic Bubbles and Their Relationship to the Galactic Magnetic Field, Pavel, M. D, & Clemens, D. P. ApJ, 760, 150 (2012)
  82. A Lack of Resolved Near-infrared Polarization across the Face of M51, Pavel, M.D., & Clemens, D. P. ApJ, 761, L28 (2012)
  83. Near-infrared polarimetry of a normal spiral galaxy viewed through the Taurus Molecular Cloud Complex, Clemens, D. P., Pavel, M. D., & Cashman, L. R. AJ, 145, 74 (2013)
  84. The H-band Emitting Region of the Luminous Blue Variable P Cygni: Spectrophotometry and Interferometry of the Wind, Richardson, N. D., Schaefer, G. H., Gies, D. R., Chesneau, O., Monnier, J. D., Baron, F., Che, X., Parks, J. R., Matson, R. A., Touhami, Y., Clemens, D. P., Aldoretta, E. J., Morrison, N. D., ten Brummelaar, T. A., McAlister, H. A., Kraus, S., Ridgway, S. T., Sturmann, J., Sturmann, L., Taylor, B., Turner, N. H., Farrington, C. D., & Goldfinger, P. J. ApJ, 768, 118 (2013)
  85. Evidence for H2 Formation-Driven Dust Grain Alignment in IC 63, Andersson, B.-G., Piirola, V., De Buizer, J., Clemens, D. P., Uomoto, A., Charcos-Llorens, M., Geballe, T. R., Lazarian, A., Hoang, T., & Vornanen, T. ApJ, 775, 84 (2013)
  86. Near-infrared Polarimetry of the Edge-on Galaxy NGC 891, Montgomery, J. D., & Clemens, D. P. ApJ, 786, 41 (2014).
  87. The Magnetic Field of Cloud 3 in L204, Cashman, L, R., & Clemens, D. P. ApJ, 793, 126 (2014)
  88. Open Clusters as Probes of the Galactic Magnetic Field. I. Cluster Properties, Hoq, S., & Clemens, D. P., AJ, 150, 135 (2015).
  89. Exceptional outburst of the blazar CTA 102 in 2012: the GASP-WEBT campaign and its extension, Larionov, V. M., Villata, M., Raiteri, C. M., et al., MNRAS, 461, 3047 (2016)
  90. The Magnetic Field of L1544: I. Near-Infrared Polarimetry and the Non-Uniform Envelope, Clemens, D. P., Goldsmith, P. F, & Tassis, K. ApJ, 833, 176 (2016)
  91. Tracing the Magnetic Field of IRDC G028.23-00.19 Using NIR Polarimetry, Hoq, S., Clemens, D. P., Guzmán, A. E., & Cashman, L. R. ApJ, 836, 199 (2017)
  92. Multiwavelength Stellar Polarimetry of the Filamentary Cloud IC5146. I. Dust Properties, Wang, J.-W., Lai, S.-P., Eswaraiah, C., Clemens, D. P., Chen, W.-P., & Pandey, A. K. ApJ, 849, 157 (2017)
  93. Proper Motion of the Faint Star near KIC 8462852 (Boyajian's Star)—Not a Binary System, Clemens, Dan P., Maheshwari, Kush, Jagani, Roshan, Montgomery, J., El Batal, A. M., Ellis, T. G., & Wright, J. T. ApJ, 856, 8 (2018)
  94. Magnetic Field Uniformity Across the GF 9-2 YSO, L1082C Dense Core, and GF 9 Filamentary Dark Cloud, Clemens, Dan P.; El-Batal, A. M.; Cerny, C.; Kressy, S.; Schroeder, G.; Pillai, T. ApJ, 867, 79 (2018).
    1. Erratum , Clemens, Dan P.; El-Batal, A. M.; Cerny, C.; Kressy, S.; Schroeder, G.; Pillai, T. ApJ, 869, 86 (2018)
  95. Multiwavelength Polarimetry of the Filamentary Cloud IC 5146. II. Magnetic Field Structures, Wang, Jia-Wei, Lai, Shih-Ping, Clemens, Dan P., Koch, Patrick M., Eswaraiah, Chakali, Chen, Wen-Ping, & Pandey, Anil K. ApJ, 888, 13 (2020)
  96. The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS): Data Release 4, Clemens, Dan P., Cashman, L. R., Cerny, C., El-Batal, A. M., Jameson, K. E., Marchwinski, R., Montgomery, J., Pavel, M., Pinnick, A., & Taylor, B. W. ApJS, 249, 23 (2020)
  97. Magnetized filamentary gas flows feeding the young embedded cluster in Serpens South, Pillai, Thushara G. S., Clemens, Dan P., Reissl, Stefan, Myers, Philip C., Kauffmann, Jens, Lopez-Rodriguez, Enrique, Alves, F. O., Franco, G. A. P., Henshaw, Jonathan, Menten, Karl M., Nakamura, Fumitaka, Seifried, Daniel, Sugitani, Koji, & Wiesemeyer, Helmut Nature Astronomy, 4, 1195, doi:10.1038/s41550-020-1172-6 (2020)
  98. Probing Interstellar Grain Growth Through Polarimetry in the Taurus Cloud Complex, Vaillancourt, John E., Andersson, B-G, Clemens, Dan P., Piirola, Vilppu, Hoang, Thiem, Becklin, Eric E., & Caputo, Miranda ApJ, 905, 175, (2020)
  99. Magnetic Fields and Star Formation around H II Regions: The S235 Complex, Devaraj, R., Clemens, D.P., Dewangan, L.K., Luna, A., Ray, T.P., & Mackey, J. ApJ, 911, 2, 81, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abe9b1 (2021)
  100. Near-infrared Polarization from Unresolved Disks around Brown Dwarfs and Young Stellar Objects, Clemens, Dan P., Pillai, Thushara G.S., Rilinger, Anneliese M., & Espaillat, Catherine C. ApJ, 926, 67, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac415c (2022)
  101. Magnetic Fields of the Starless Core L 1512, Sheng-Jun Lin, Shih-Ping Lai, Kate Pattle, David Berry, Dan P. Clemens, Laurent Pagani, Derek Ward-Thompson, Travis J. Thieme, & Tao-Chung Ching ApJ, 961, 117, doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad0cc1 (2024)


  1. Clouds, Cores, and Low Mass Stars, Proceedings of the Fourth Haystack Conference, ASP Conference Series Vol. 65, ed. D. P. Clemens and R. Barvainis (San Francisco: ASP), (1994).
  2. Milky Way Surveys: The Structure and Evolution of Our Galaxy, Proceedings of the Fifth Boston University Astrophysics Conference, ASP Conference Series Vol. 317, Ed. D. P. Clemens, R. Y. Shah, and T. Brainerd (San Francisco: ASP), (2004).
  3. Astronomical Polarimetry 2008: Science from Small to Large Telescopes, ASP Converence Series, Vol. 449, Ed. P. Bastien, N. Manset, D. P. Clemens, & N. St-Louis (San Francisco: ASP) (2012)

Conference Proceedings

  1. Distribution and Properties of the Molecular Clouds in the Galaxy, Scoville, N.Z., Sanders, D.B., and Clemens, D.P., in Proceedings of the Edinburgh Workshop on Star Formation, ed. R. Wolstencroft, Occ. Rpt. Roy. Obs. Edin., 13, 1 (1984).
  2. Molecular-Cloud Clusters and Chains, Sanders, D.B., Clemens, D.P., Scoville, N.Z., and Solomon, P.M., in The Milky Way Galaxy, IAU 106, ed. H. van Woerden, (Dordrecht: Reidel), p329 (1985).
  3. Massachusetts-Stony Brook Galactic Plane CO Survey: Spectral Line Catalog, Clemens, D.P., Sanders, D.P., Scoville, N.Z., and Solomon, P.M., Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory Reprint No. 285, (1986).
  4. Spiral Arms and Massive Star Formation: Analysis of the CO Face-On Pictures of the Galaxy, Clemens, D. P., Sanders, D. B., and Scoville, N. Z., in Summer School on Interstellar Processes: Abstracts of Contributed Papers, ed. D. J. Hollenbach and H. A. Thronson, NASA Technical Mem. 88342, p. 99 (1986).
  5. The Lynds 204 Complex: Magnetic Field Controlled Evolution?, McCutcheon, W. H., Vrba, F. J., Dickman, R. L., and Clemens, D. P., in Star Forming Regions, IAU Symposium 115 ed. M. Peimbert and J. Jugaku (Dordrecht: Reidel), p. 84 (1987).
  6. Polarimetry at 1.3mm using MILLIPOL: Preliminary Results for Orion, Barvainis, R., Clemens, D. P., and Leach, R., in Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies, ed. R. Dickman, R. Snell, and J. Young (New York: Springer-Verlag), p. 122 (1988).
  7. A Catalog of Small, Optically-Selected Molecular Clouds: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Properties, Clemens, D. P., and Barvainis, R., in Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies, ed. R. Dickman, R. Snell, and J. Young (New York: Springer-Verlag), p. 103 (1988).
  8. Probing Bok Globule Structures and Magnetic Fields Using IRAS, IR-CCDs, Optical CCD Imaging Polarimetry, and mm-lines of CO, Clemens, D. P., Leach, R. L., and Barvainis, R., in Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies, ed. R. Dickman, R. Snell, and J. Young (New York: Springer-Verlag), p. 124 (1988).
  9. The Massachusetts-Stony Brook Galactic Plane CO Survey: The Face-On Picture of the Northern Galaxy, Clemens, D. P., in Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies, ed. R. Dickman, R. Snell, and J. Young (New York: Springer-Verlag), p. 295 (1988).
  10. Polarimetry by Shifting and Exposing, Clemens, D. P., Kane, B. D., Leach, R. W., & Barvainis, R., in Optical Astronomy from the Earth and Moon, ASP Conference Series Vol. 55, ed. D. P. Smith and R. J. Angione (San Francisco: ASP) , p. 139 (1994).
  11. The Outflow, Dense Core, and "Jet'' in L810, Clemens, D. P., Berkovitch, M., Yun, J., Patel, N., and Xie, T., in Clouds, Cores, and Low Mass Stars, ASP Conference Series Vol. 65, ed. D. P. Clemens and R. Barvainis (San Francisco: ASP), p. 386 (1994).
  12. Magnetic Fields in Bok Globules, Kane, B. D., Clemens, D. P., Barvainis, R., and Leach, R., in Clouds, Cores, and Low Mass Stars, ASP Conference Series Vol. 65, ed. D. P. Clemens and R. Barvainis (San Francisco: ASP), p. 97 (1994).
  13. Collapse Candidates Among the Bok Globules, Wang, Y., Evans, N. J. II., Zhou, S., and Clemens, D. P., in Clouds, Cores, and Low Mass Stars, ASP Conference Series Vol. 65, ed. D. P. Clemens and R. Barvainis (San Francisco: ASP), p. 234 (1994).
  14. Mapping Dust Extinction with IR Cameras, Lada, C. J., Lada, E. A., Clemens, D. P., & Bally, J., in Infrared Astronomy with Arrays, The Next Generation, ed. I. S. McLean, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol 190, p473 (1994).
  15. Middle Explorers, Small Explorers, and the Polarimetric Infrared Explorer (PIREX), Clemens, D. P., in Polarimetry of the Interstellar Medium, ASP Conference Series Vol. 97, ed. W. G. Roberge and D. C. B. Whittet (San Francisco: ASP), p. 95 (1996).
  16. Investigating Correlations in the Kinematics and Magnetic Fields of Quiescent Bok Globules, Kane, B. D., and Clemens, D. P., in Polarimetry of the Interstellar Medium, ASP Conference Series Vol. 97, ed. W. G. Roberge and D. C. B. Whittet (San Francisco: ASP), p. 269 (1996).
  17. SIRTF Surveys and Legacy Science, Fazio, G. G., & Clemens, D. P., in New Horizons from Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys, Proc. 179th Symp. of Inter. Astron. Union, ed. B. J. McLean, D. A. Golombek, J. J. E. Hayes, & H. E. Payne, (Kluwer), p109 (1998).
  18. ISO Observations of Starless Bok Globules: Usually No Embedded Stars, Clemens, D., Byrne, A., Yun, J. L., & Kane, B. D., in Star Formation with the Infrared Space Observatory, ASP Conference Series Vol. 132, ed. J.L. Yun and R. Liseau (San Francisco: ASP), p. 334 (1998).
  19. First Detection of Magnetic Fields in a Dark Cloud from Space: ISO Far-Infrared Polarimetry Observations of GF9, Clemens, D., Kraemer, K., & Ciardi, D., Proceedings of the ISO Polarization Workshop, May 25-28, 1999, Madrid, Spain (1999) see: www.iso.vilspa.esa.es/meetings/polarisation/paper/web/
  20. The Milky Way Magnetic Field Mapping Mission: M4, D. Clemens, Proceedings of the ISO Polarization Workshop, May 25-28, 1999, Madrid, Spai (1999). see: www.iso.vilspa.esa.es/meetings/polarisation/paper/web/
  21. IMPP: A Far-infrared IMaging Photometer and Polarimeter for SOFIA, Clemens, D., Jackson, J., Bania, T., & Deutsch, L., Proceedings of the SOFIA Star Formation Workshop, July 12-17, 1999, Santa Cruz, CA (1999). see: www.astro.ucla.edu/meetings/SOFIA_Star_Formation99/clemens.pdf
  22. Galactic Star Formation and Galactic Structure: The BU-FCRAO Milky Way Galactic Ring Survey (GRS), Clemens, D., Jackson, J., Bania, T., & Heyer, H., in Infrared Astrophysics with Surveys: A Prelude to SIRTF, ASP Conference Series Vo. 177, ed. M. D. Bicay, C. A. Beichman, R. M. Cutri, and B. F. Madore (San Francisco: ASP), p. 340 (1999).
  23. Galactic Molecular Gas: Large-Scale Distribution, Kinematics, and Structure, Clemens, D. P., Simon, R., Jackson, J. M., & Bania, T. M., in Tetons 4: Galactic Structure, Stars, & the Interstellar Medium, ASP Conference Series Vol. 231, ed. C. E. Woodward, M. D. Bicay, and J. M. Shull (San Francisco: ASP), p. 186 (2001).
  24. The BU-FCRAO Milky Way Galactic Ring Survey, Clemens, D. P., Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Simon, R., Kolpak, M., & Law, C., in Tetons 4: Galactic Structure, Stars, & the Interstellar Medium, ASP Conference Series Vol. 231, ed. C. E. Woodward, M. D. Bicay, and J. M. Shull (San Francisco: ASP), p. 265 (2001).
  25. MSX Infrared Dark Clouds in the BU-FCRAO Galactic Ring Survey: A Galactic Ring Population, Simon, R., Shah, R. Y., Rathborne, J., Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., & Heyer, M. H., in Milky Way Surveys: The Structure and Evolution of our Galaxy, Proceedings of ASP Conference #317. The 5th Boston University Astrophysics Conference, ed. Dan Clemens, Ronak Shah, and Teresa Brainerd (San Francisco: ASP), p.159 (2004).
  26. The BU-FCRAO Galactic Ring Survey: Third Data Release, Shah, R. Y., Rathborne, J., Simon, R., Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., Johnson, A. M., Flynn, E. S., & Heyer, M. H., in Milky Way Surveys: The Structure and Evolution of our Galaxy, Proceedings of ASP Conference #317. The 5th Boston University Astrophysics Conference, ed. Dan Clemens, Ronak Shah, and Teresa Brainerd (San Francisco: ASP), p.103 (2004).
  27. Identifying Nearby Molecular Clouds, Rathborne, J. M., Shah, R. Y., Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., Johnson, A. M., Flynn, E., Bonaventura, N., Simon, R., Heyer, M. H., in Milky Way Surveys: The Structure and Evolution of our Galaxy, Proceedings of ASP Conference #317. The 5th Boston University Astrophysics Conference, ed. Dan Clemens, Ronak Shah, and Teresa Brainerd (San Francisco: ASP), p.100 (2004).
  28. The Boston University-FCRAO Galactic Ring Survey, Jackson, J. M., Simon, R., Shah, R., Rathborne, J., Heyer, M. H., Clemens, D. P., & Bania, T. M., in Milky Way Surveys: The Structure and Evolution of our Galaxy, Proceedings of ASP Conference #317. The 5th Boston University Astrophysics Conference, ed. Dan Clemens, Ronak Shah, and Teresa Brainerd (San Francisco: ASP), p.49 (2004).
  29. The Distribution of MSX Dark Clouds in the Inner Milky Way, Simon, R., Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., & Heyer, M. H., in The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies, Proceedings of the 4th Cologne-Bonn-Zermatt Symposium, ed. S.Pfalzner, C. Kramer, C. Staubmeier, and A. Heithausen. (Heidelberg: Springer), V91, p.229 (2004).
  30. The BU-FCRAO Galactic Ring Survey, Simon, R., Jackson, J. M., Shah, R., Rathborne, J., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., & Heyer, M. H., in The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies, Proceedings of the 4th Cologne-Bonn-Zermatt Symposium, ed. S.Pfalzner, C. Kramer, C. Staubmeier, and A. Heithausen. (Heidelberg: Springer), V91, p.199 (2004).
  31. Missing Galactic PNe: [S III] Imaging Survey, Shiode, J., Clemens, D. P., Janes, K. A., & Pinnick, A., in Planetary Nebulae in our Galaxy and Beyond, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Symposium #234. Edited by Michael J. Barlow and Roberto H. Méndez. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.509-510 (2006).
  32. Identification of Main Sequence Stars with Mid-Infrared Excesses Using GLIMPSE, Uzpen, B., Kobulnicky, H. A., Clemens, D. P., & Whitney, B. A. in "The Spitzer Space Telescope: New Views of the Cosmos," ASP Conference Series, Volume 357, Ed. L. Armus & W.T. Reac .(San Francisco: ASP), p.124 (2006)
  33. The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS), Clemens, D., on-line PPT presentation for the conference "The Cosmic Agitator - Magnetic Fields in the Galaxy" held at the University of Kentucky 2008 March 26-29.
  34. Polarimetry of Galactic Bubbles, Pavel, M.; Pinnick, A.; Carveth, C.; Jameson, K.; Clemens, D. P., "The Evolving ISM in the Milky Way and Nearby Galaxies, The Fourth Spitzer Science Center Conference, "Proceedings of the conference held December 2-5, 2007 at the Hilton Hotel, Pasadena, CA, Eds.: K. Sheth, A. Noriega-Crespo, J. Ingalls, and R. Paladini, Published online at http://ssc.spitzer.caltech.edu/mtgs/ismevol/ (2009)
  35. The Galactic Magnetic Field Toward 12 Open Clusters, Pinnick, A., & Clemens, D. in "Astronomical Polarimetry 2008: Science from Small to Large Telescopes," Ed. P. Bastien, N. Manset, D. P. Clemens, and N. St-Louis. ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 449. (San Francisco: ASP), p.240 (2012)
  36. GPIPS - The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey, Clemens, D., Pinnick, A., Pavel, M., Taylor, B., Carveth, C., Jameson, K., & Moreau, J. in "Astronomical Polarimetry 2008: Science from Small to Large Telescopes," Ed. P. Bastien, N. Manset, D. P. Clemens, and N. St-Louis. ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 449. (San Francisco: ASP), p.182 (2012)
  37. Intense velocity-shears, magnetic fields and filaments in diffuse gas, Falgarone, E., Hily-Blant, P., Levrier, F., Berthet, M., Bastien, P., Clemens, D., Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 16, pp. 388-388 (2015)
  38. The resolved magnetic fields of the quiescent cloud GRSMC 45.60+0.30, Pavel, M. D., Marchwinski, R. C., & Clemens, D. P., Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 16, pp. 615-615 (2015)
  39. Recent H-alpha Results on Pulsar B2224+65's Bow-Shock Nebula, the "Guitar", Dolch, T., Chatterjee, S., Clemens, D. P., Cordes, J. M., Cashmen, L. R., & Taylor, B. W., Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Vol. 33, p. 167-172 (2016)

White Papers

  1. Training of Instrumentalists and Development of New Technologies on SOFIA, Erikson, Edwin F.; Allamandola, Louis J.; Baluteau, Jean-Paul; Becklin, Eric E.; Bjoraker, Gordon; Burton, Michael; Caroff, Lawrence J.; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; Churchwell, Edward B; Clemens, Dan P.; and 39 coauthors, Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Position Papers, no. 13 (2009)
  2. O/IR Polarimetry for the 2010 Decade (GAN): Science at the Edge, Sharp Tools for All, Clemens, Dan; Andersson, B.-G.; Adamson, Andy; Axon, David; De Buizer, James; Cellino, Alberto; Hines, Dean C.; Hoffman, Jennifer L.; Jones, Terry Jay; Lazarian, Alexander; and 9 coauthors; Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Science White Papers, no. 48 (2009)
  3. O/IR Polarimetry for the 2010 Decade (PSF): Science at the Edge, Sharp Tools for All, Clemens, Dan; Andersson, B.-G.; Adamson, Andy; Axon, David; De Buizer, James; Cellino, Alberto; Hines, Dean C.; Hoffman, Jennifer L.; Jones, Terry Jay; Lazarian, Alexander; and 9 coauthors; Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Science White Papers, no. 49 (2009)
  4. O/IR Polarimetry for the 2010 Decade (CGT): Science at the Edge, Sharp Tools for All, Hines, Dean C.; Packham, Christopher C.; Adamson, Andy; Andersson, B.-G.; Antonucci, Robert; Axon, David; de Buizer, James; Cellino, Alberto; Clemens, Dan; Hoffman, Jennifer L.; and 10 coauthors; Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Science White Papers, no. 125 (2009)
  5. O/IR Polarimetry for the 2010 Decade (SSE): Science at the Edge, Sharp Tools for All, Hoffman, Jennifer L.; Hines, Dean C.; Adamson, Andy; Andersson, B.-G.; Bjorkman, Karen; Chornock, Ryan; Clemens, Dan; De Buizer, James; Elias, Nicholas M.; Ignace, Richard; and 9 coauthors; Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Science White Papers, no. 128 (2009)
  6. Understanding Polarized Foreground from Dust: Towards Reliable Measurements of CMB Polarization, Lazarian, A., Clemens, D. P., and 17 coauthors; Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Science White Papers, no. 174 (2009)
  7. AURA's Response to the NSF Portfolio Review, Clemens, D. P., Heckman, T., Hammel, H. B, & the AURA Board of Directors. (2012) http://www.aura-astronomy.org/news/NSFPortfolioReview/AURA_Response_NSF_Portfolio_Review_121102_V3.pdf


  1. SiO Maser Emission from VY CMa, McIntosh, G.C., Lane, A.P., and Clemens, D.P., BAAS, 12, 456 (1980).
  2. Cloud-Cluster Associations: The B0 Phenomenon Re-examined, Clemens, D.P., and Scoville, N.Z., BAAS, 13, 539 (1981).
  3. A Dynamically Stable Bok Globule in Cassiopeia? Clemens, D.P., and Dickman, R.L., BAAS, 14, 641 (1982).
  4. The Size Distribution of Molecular Clouds from the FCRAO Galactic Plane CO Survey, Sanders, D.B., Scoville, N.Z., Clemens, D.P., and Solomon, P.M., BAAS, 14, 929 (1982).
  5. Searches for Interstellar SiN and SiH: Implications for Silicon Chemistry in the ISM, Ziurys, L.M., Saykally, R.J., and Clemens D.P., BAAS, 15, 640 (1983).
  6. Distribution of CO in the Galaxy, L = 294 to L = 86 deg, Robinson, B.J., Manchester, R.N., Whiteoak, J.B., Sanders, D.B., Scoville, N.Z., Clemens, D.P., McCutcheon, W.H., and Solomon, P.M., BAAS, 15, 993 (1983).
  7. FCRAO-SUNY CO Survey: The Size-Linewidth Relation, Clemens, D.P., Scoville, N.Z., and Sanders, D.B., BAAS, 15, 992 (1983).
  8. Massachusetts-Stony Brook Galactic Plane CO Survey: The Galactic Disk Rotation Curve, Clemens, D.P., BAAS, 16, 911 (1985).
  9. The Lynds 204 Complex - Magnetic Field Controlled Evolution ?, McCutcheon, W.H., Vrba, F.J., Dickman, R.L., and Clemens, D.P., BAAS, 16, 921 (1985).
  10. The Large-Scale Distribution of Molecules in the Northern Galactic Disk, Clemens, D.P., Scoville, N.Z., and Sanders, D.B., BAAS, 17, 606 (1985).
  11. GMC's Associated with HII Regions in the Inner Galaxy, Scoville, N.Z., Clemens, D.P., Sanders, D.B., Solomon, P.M., and Waller, W.H., BAAS, 17, 606 (1985).
  12. The Largest Molecular Clouds in the Galactic Plane, Sanders, D.B., Scoville, N.Z., Clemens, D.P., and Solomon, P.M., BAAS, 17, 606 (1985).
  13. The Massachusetts--Stony Brook CO Survey of the Inner Galaxy, Irvine, W.M., Clemens, D.P., Sanders, D.B., and Scoville, N.Z., BAAS, 17, 615 (1985).
  14. Windows in the Galactic Plane, Waller, W.H., Clemens, D.P., Sanders, D.B., and Scoville, N.Z., BAAS, 17, 615
  15. The Inner Milky Way: Ring-like or Spiral-like? Clemens, D.P., Sanders, D.B., and Scoville, N.Z., BAAS, 17, 860 (1985).
  16. A CCD Imaging Polarimeter Optimized for Stellar Observations, Clemens, D.P., Leach, R.W., and Barvainis, R.E., BAAS, 18, 968 (1987).
  17. A Catalog of Small, Optically-Selected Molecular Clouds: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Properties, Clemens, D.P., and Barvainis, R., BAAS, 19, 1093 (1988).
  18. Polarized Dust Emission from Massive Cloud Cores: Polarimetric Observations at l1mm Using MILLIPOL, Clemens, D. P., Barvainis, R., and Leach, R. W., BAAS, 20, 956 (1989).
  19. Small Molecular Clouds: Deep IRAS Photometry and 12CO Spectroscopy, Yun, J. L., Clemens, D. P., and Heyer, M. H., BAAS, 21, 761 (1989).
  20. Extended Dust Structures in Massive Cloud Cores: Correlation of Polarized l1mm Dust Emission with Unpolarized IRAS Dust Emission, Kane, B., Clemens, D. P., Barvainis, R., and Leach, R., BAAS, 21, 761 (1989).
  21. The X-Ray Source H0253+193 Towards L1457: Not A T Tauri Star, But A Distant, High Luminosity RS CVn System, Clemens, D. P., and Leach, R., BAAS, 21, 793 (1989).
  22. Magnetic Fields in Bok Globules: Reverse Ambipolar Diffusion?, Clemens, D. P., BAAS, 21, 1089 (1989).
  23. Physical Conditions in Bok Globules, Yun, J. L., and Clemens, D. P., in Protostars and Planets III, Program and Abstracts, University of Arizona Space Science Series, p. 37 (1990).
  24. Near-Infrared Discovery of the L810 Nebula Illuminator, Yun, J. L., and Clemens, D. P., BAAS, 24, 1287 (1992).
  25. The 2 Msun Bok Globule LBN 11: Sub-sonic Molecular Clumps in a Magnetic Environment, Clemens, D. P., Dickman, R. L., and Ciardi, D. R., BAAS, 24, 1199 (1992).
  26. Magnetic Fields in Bok Globules: CCD Polarimetry of CB4 and CB17, Kane, B. D., & Clemens, D. P., BAAS, 25, 1316 (1993).
  27. Modelling of Dust Extinction through Dark Clouds: Small Scale Structure, Clemens, D. P., & Lada, C. J., BAAS, 25, 1315 (1993).
  28. Mapping Dust Extinction with Infrared Array Cameras: Method and Initial Results, Lada, C. J., Lada, E. A., Clemens, D. P., Bally, J., BAAS, 25, 1333 (1993).
  29. Star-Forming Cores in Bok Globules, Wang, Y., Evans, N. J., Zhou, S., Clemens, D. P., and Yun, J., BAAS, 25, 1366 (1993).
  30. A Search for Dense Gas in Quiescent Bok Globules, Kane, B. D., Clemens, D. P., and Myers, P. C., BAAS, 26, 905 (1994).
  31. The Star Forming Core of L810: CO Outflows, CS Dense Gas, and a Jet, Berkovitch, M., Clemens, D. P., Yun, J. L., Patel, N., and Xie, T., BAAS, 26, 906 (1994).
  32. Magnetic Field Maps of Quiescent Bok Globules, Kane, B. D., & Clemens, D. P., BAAS, 26, 1456 (1995).
  33. The Outflow, Dense Core, and "Jet'' in L810, Clemens, D. P., Yun, J. L., Berkovitch, M., Patel, N., and Xie, T., BAAS, 26, 1456 (1995).
  34. Protostar Catalog - I. The Reddest Sources, Clemens, D. P., Cushing, M., Donovan, D., Hill, D., Cook, J., Yun, J. L., and Moreira, BAAS, 27, 1316 (1995).
  35. Toward Determining the Galactic Distribution of Protostars, Cushing, M., & Clemens, D., BAAS, 28, 883 (1996).
  36. IMPP: The far-infrared IMaging Photometer and Polarimeter for SOFIA, Clemens, D., Deutsch, L., Jackson, J., Bania, T., & Yelle, R., BAAS, 28, 906 (1996).
  37. Improved Flat-Fielding for Crowded Field Imaging Polarimetry: The Star Forming Bok Globule B335, Wright, J., Ilardi, P., & Clemens, D., BAAS, 28, 912 (1996).
  38. Community Participation in the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF) Mission: An Overview, Gehrz, R. D., Beichman, C. A., Bicay, M. D., Caroff, L. J., Christian, C. A., Clemens, D. P., Cruikshank, D. P., Cutri, R. M., Greenhouse, M. A., Hanner, M. S., Jones, T. J., Miller, R. B., Rieke, M. J., Thronson, H. A. Jr., Weiler, E. J., Werner, M. W., & Woodward, C. E., BAAS, 28, 1273 (1996).
  39. Community Use of SIRTF - I. Legacy Science, Clemens, D., Greenhouse, M. A., & Thronson, H. A. Jr., BAAS, 28, 1273 (1996).
  40. IMPP: The Far-Infrared IMaging Photometer and Polarimeter for SOFIA: Optical Design, Deutsch, L., Jackson, J., & Clemens, D., BAAS, 28, 1327 (1996).
  41. Molecular Gas and Dust Extinction in the Globular Filament GF-9, Ciardi, D. R., Woodward, C. E., Clemens, D. P., & Rudy, R. J. BAAS, 28, 1415 (1996).
  42. IMPP, The far-infrared IMaging Photometer and Polarimeter for SOFIA: Cryo/Mech Design, Jackson, J., Deutsch, L., & Clemens, D. BAAS, 29, 789 (1997).
  43. M4, The Milky Way Magnetic Field Mapping Mission, Clemens, D., Jones, T.J., Goodman, A., Myers, P., Field, G., Rieke, G., Young, E., McKee, C., Heiles, C., Draine, B., Hildebrand, R., Zweibel, E., Lord, S., & Ellis, B. , BAAS, 29, 804 (1997).
  44. Mission Planning Simulator Tool for the M4 SMEX Mission: Movies, Wright, J. T., Ilardi, P.J., & Clemens, D., BAAS, 29, 804 (1997).
  45. Galactic Protostellar Distribution and Luminosity Function, Cushing, M., & Clemens, D., BAAS, 29, 834 (1997).
  46. Photometric Distances to Dark Clouds and Small Bok Globules: CB24, Peterson, D., & Clemens, D., BAAS, 29, 834 (1997).
  47. Galactic Protostar Catalog: IRAS Resolution-Matching HIRES Processing, Clemens, D., Donovan, D., & Yun, J., BAAS, 29, 1218 (1997).
  48. The SIRTF Legacy Observing Program, Greenhouse, M. A., Leisawitz, D., Gehrz, R. D., & Clemens, D. P., BAAS, 29, 1274 (1997).
  49. Community Participation in the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF) Mission, Gehrz, R. D., Beichman, C. A., Bicay, M. D., Christian, C. A., Clemens, D. P., Cruikshank, D. P., Cutri, R. M., Greenhouse, M. A., Hanner, M. S., Jones, T. J., Miller, R. B., Rieke, M. J., Thronson, H. A., Weiler, E. J., Werner, M. W., & Woodward, C. E., BAAS, 29, 1274 (1997).
  50. Density Structures of Starless Bok Globules, Kane, B. D., & Clemens, D. P., BAAS, 29, 1220 (1997).
  51. HCN in Bok Globules: A Good Tracer of Collapsing Cores, Afonso, J. M., Yun, J. L., & Clemens, D. P., BAAS, 29, 1220 (1997).
  52. Photometric Distances to Dark Clouds and Small Bok Globules: Reddening Law Sensitivities, Peterson, D. E., & Clemens, D. P., BAAS, 29, 1219 (1997).
  53. ISO Observations of Starless Bok Globules: Usually No Embedded Stars, Byrne, A., Clemens, D., Yun, J., & Kane, B., BAAS, 29, 1219 (1997).
  54. Magnetic Fields in GF-9: ISO FIR Polarimetry Observations, Clemens, D. P., Kraemer, K., Byrne, A., Eldredge, D., Bowen, P., & Ilardi, P., BAAS, 30, 830, (1998).
  55. The BU-FCRAO Milky Way Galactic Ring Survey II. Kinematics and Correlation with the Optical and Infrared, Kolpak, M., Simon, R., Jackson, J. M., Clemens, D. P., Bania, T. M., Heyer, M. H., Egan, M. P., & Price, S. D., BAAS, 31, 970 (1999).
  56. The BU-FCRAO Milky Way Galactic Ring Survey I. The first two Square Degrees, Simon, R., Jackson, J. M., Clemens, D. P., Bania, T. M., Kolpak, M., & Heyer, M., BAAS, 31, 970 (1999).
  57. First Detection of Polarized Dust Emission from a Filamentary Dark Cloud: Magnetic Field Maps, Clemens, D. P., & Kraemer, K. E., BAAS, 30, 890 (1999).
  58. The BU-FCRAO Galactic Ring Survey: Resolving the Near-Far Kinematic Distance Ambiguity, Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Kolpak, M., Simon, R., Clemens, D. P., & Heyer, M. H., { BAAS, 32, 708 (2000).
  59. The BU-FCRAO Galactic Ring Survey: Structure and Equilibrium for four Molecular Clouds, Simon, R., Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., & Heyer, M. H., BAAS, 32, 708 (2000).
  60. The BU-FCRAO Galactic Ring Survey: Comparison of CS with 13CO Emission, Law, C. J., Simon, R., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., Heyer, M. H., Jackson, J. M., & Kolpak, M. A., BAAS, 32, 709 (2000).
  61. The BU-FCRAO Galactic Ring Survey: Determining the Distances to Infrared Point Sources, Kolpak, M. A., Simon, R., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., Jackson, J. M., Law, C. J., Heyer, M. H., Egan, M. P., & Price, S. D., BAAS, 32, 709 (2000).
  62. The Milky Way Magnetic Field Mapping Mission: M4, Clemens, D. P., et al., BAAS, 32, 709 (2000).
  63. Mimir: A Multi-Function Near-Infrared Imaging Spectrograph, Eldredge, D. W., Clemens, D. P., Tollestrup, E., Deutsch, L. K., Janes, K. A., Buie, M. W., & Dunham, E. W., BAAS, 32, 757 (2000).
  64. The BU-FCRAO Galactic Ring Survey: Breaking the Near-Far Kinematic Distance Ambiguity, Kolpak, M. A., Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., Simon, R., Heyer, M. H., Dickey, J. M., BAAS, 197, 05.09 (2000).
  65. The BU-FCRAO Milky Way Galactic Ring Survey: Principal Component and Delta-Variance Analysis of large scale spectral line images of clouds in the first Galactic quadrant, Simon, R., Heyer, M. H., Bensch, F. P., Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., BAAS, 197, 05.10 (2000).
  66. Infrared Dark Clouds in the BU-FCRAO Milky Way Galactic Ring Survey, Simon, R., Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., Heyer, M. H., Egan, M. P., & Price, S. D., BAAS, 199, 97.06 (2001).
  67. The BU-FCRAO Milky Way Galactic Ring Survey, Shah, R. Y., Simon, R., Flynn, E., Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., Heyer, M. H., Johnson, A., Kolpak, M., McQuinn, K., Fox, O., Kubiszewski, I., Nero, D., Rogers, K., & Veach, T., BAAS, 112.22 (2002).
  68. MSX Infrared Dark Clouds in the BU-FCRAO Galactic Ring Survey: A Galactic Ring Population, Simon, R., Jackson, J. M., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., & Heyer, M. H., BAAS, 112.21 (2002).
  69. AIRO: the Antarctic Infrared Observatory, Jackson, J. M., Clemens, D. P., Bania, T. M., & Tollestrup, E. V., IAU, SS 2E, 25J (2003).
  70. First Results from the Perkins Re-Imaging SysteM (PRISM), Janes, K. A., Clemens, D. P., Hayes-Gehrke, M. N., Eastman, J. D., Sarcia, D. S., Bosh, A. S., BAAS, 204.1001J (2004).
  71. A Systematic and Automated Technique for Detection of Star Clusters Applied to New GLIMPSE Data, Mercer, E., Clemens, D., & the GLIMPSE team, BAAS, 205, 137.07 (2005).
  72. First Light for Mimir, a Near-Infrared Wide-Field Imager, Spectrometer, and Polarimeter for the Perkins Telescope, Clemens, D. P., Sarcia, D., Tollestrup, E. V., Grabau, A., Bosh, A., Buie, M., Taylor, B., & Dunham, E., BAAS, 205, 49.10 (2005).
  73. The Boston University-Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory Galactic Ring Survey, Jackson, J.M., Rathborne, J.M., Shah, R.Y., Simon, R., Bania, T.M., Clemens, D.P., Chambers, E.T., Johnson, A.M., Dormody, M., Lavoie, R., & Heyer, M., BAAS, 207, 81.20 (2006).
  74. Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey: Calibration and Pilot Surveys, Clemens, D.P., Pinnick, A., Bonaventura, N., Sarcia, D.S., Grabau, A., Tollestrup, E.V., Buie, M., Taylor, B., & Dunham, E., BAAS, 207, 133.06 (2006).
  75. GLIMPSing the Galactic Horizon, Mercer, E.P., Clemens, D.P., Jackson, J.M., Bania, T.M., Rathborne, J.M., Shay, R.Y., & the GLIMPSE Team, BAAS, 207, 133.07 (2006).
  76. Multifrequency Observations of Exotic Behavior of the Quasar 3C 454.3 in Spring-Autumn 2005, Jorstad, S., Marscher, A., McHardy, I., Markowitz, A., Clemens, D., & Janes, K., BAAS, 207, 141.04 (2006).
  77. The Perkins Telescope in the 21st Century: An NSF PREST Project, Janes, K.A., Buie, M.W., Bosh, A.S., Clemens, D.P., & Jackson, J.M., BAAS, 207, 173.11, (2006).
  78. GPIPS: Season One, Clemens, Dan P., Pinnick, A., Pavel, M., Taylor, B., & Jameson, K., BAAS, 209, 172.23 (2006)
  79. Searching for the Missing Galactic Planetary Nebulae: A Pilot [S III] Imaging Survey, Shiode, Joshua H., Clemens, D. P., Janes, K. A., Pinnick, A., & Taylor, B., BAAS, 209, 156.10 (2006).
  80. NIR Spectroscopy and Imaging of the Massive Star Cluster Mercer 23, Jameson, K., Clemens, D. P. Pinnick, A., & Pavel, M., BAAS, 211, 58.37 (2007).
  81. Latitude Survey of the Outer Galaxy Magnetic Field, Pavel, M. D., Pinnick, A., Clemens, D. P., & Taylor, B., BAAS, 211, 14.14 (2007).
  82. Probing the Galactic Magnetic Field toward 12 Open Clusters, Pinnick, A., & Clemens, D. P., BAAS, 211, 14.13 (2007).
  83. Magnetic Fields for All: The GPIPS Community Web-Access Portal, Carveth, C., Clemens, D. P., Pinnick, A., Pavel, M., Jameson, K., & Taylor, B., BAAS, 211, 14.12 (2007).
  84. Stalking the Milky Way Magnetic Field: GPIPS Season Two, Clemens, D. P., Pinnick, A., Pavel, M., Jameson, K., Carveth, C., & Taylor, B., BAAS, 211, 14.11 (2007).
  85. Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS), Clemens, Dan P.; Pinnick, A.; Pavel, M.; Jameson, K.; Moreau, J.; Taylor, B., BAAS, 213, 325.04 (2009).
  86. Discovery of a Massive Galactic Star Cluster in Aquila, Kobulnicky, Henry A.; Alexander, M.; Clemens, D.; Jameson, K.; Pinnick, A.; Pavel, M., BAAS, 213, 442.11 (2009)
  87. Does Molecular Hydrogen Formation Contribute to Grain Alignment? - New Polarimetric Observations of IC 63, Andersson, B.-G.; Piirola, V.; Clemens, D.; Pinnick, A., BAAS, 213, 486.01(2009)
  88. Strong Symmetry in the Outer Galactic Magnetic Field at Low Latitudes, Pavel, Michael D.; Pinnick, A.; Clemens, D. P.; Taylor, B., BAAS, 213, 486.04 (2009)
  89. Polarization of Open Clusters in the Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS), Pinnick, April; Clemens, D. P.; Pavel, M.; Jameson, K.; Moreau, J.; Taylor, B., BAAS, 213, 486.05 (2009)
  90. Exploring Grain Alignment Mechanisms in Giant Molecular Clouds using GPIPS, Jameson, Katherine; Clemens, D.; Pinnick, A.; Pavel, M.; Moreau, J.; Taylor, B., BAAS, 213, 486.06 (2009)
  91. The Magnetic Field in Taurus, Chapman, Nicholas L.; Goldsmith, P.; Clemens, D., BAAS, 215, 332.03 (2010).
  92. Spectral Energy Distributions of Bright Be Stars and Other Massive Stars, Touhami, Yamina; Gies, D. R.; Richardson, N. D.; Schaefer, G. H.; Boyajian, T. S.; Williams, S. J.; Grundstrom, E. D.; McSwain, V. M.; Clemens, D. P.; Taylor, B., BAAS, 215, 428.17 (2010).
  93. Automated Analysis Pipelines For The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey: From Basic Image Processing To Crowded-field, Variable-PSF, Imaging Polarimetry, Clemens, Dan P.; Pavel, M.; Pinnick, A., BAAS, 215, 438.01 (2010).
  94. Using Synthetic Polarization Images to Test and Validate the Automated Data Analysis Pipeline for the Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS), Pinnick, April; Clemens, D. P.; Pavel, M., BAAS, 438.02 (2010).
  95. Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of Star Cluster Mercer 17, Moreau, Julie May; Clemens, D.; Jameson, K.; Pavel, M.; Pinnick, A., BAAS, 215, 455.27 (2010).
  96. The Alignment of Dust Grains With the Magnetic Field in Dense Regions of Taurus, Chapman, N. L., Goldsmith, P., Li, D., & Clemens, D., BAAS, 217, 112.07 (2011).
  97. Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS): Large-area B-field maps, Clemens, D. P., Pinnick, A., Pavel, M., Taylor, B., Moreau, J., Bartlett, M., & Marchwinski, R., BAAS, 217, 241.15 (2011).
  98. Polarizations, Magnetic Fields, and Dust towards 26 Outer Galaxy Open Clusters, Pinnick, A., Clemens, D.P., & Pavel, M., BAAS, 217, 250.05 (2011).
  99. Constraining Galactic Dynamo Models with NIR Polarimetry, Pavel, M.D., Clemens, D.P., & Pinnick, A.F., BAAS, 217, 251.03 (2011).
  100. GPIPS Pathfinder for Three Dimensional Magnetic Fields, Moreau, Julie May; Clemens, D. P.; Pinnick, A. F.; Pavel, M. D., BAAS, 217, 251.04 (2011).
  101. Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS) - Example Science Applications, Pavel, M. D., Clemens, D. P., Pinnick, A. F., Moreau, J. M., Marchwinski, R., Bartlett, M., & Taylor, B. BAAS, 218, 321.02 (2011)
  102. Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey - First Data Release, Clemens, D. P., Pinnick, A., Pavel, M., Moreau, J., Marchwinski, R., Bartlett, M., & Taylor, B. BAAS, 218, 321.01 (2011)
  103. How Are Magnetic Fields Being Traced By Dust? Testing Grain Alignment Theory Using GPIPS, Jameson, K., Clemens, D. P., Marchwinski, R., Pavel, M., & Pinnick, A. BAAS, 218, 318.02 (2011)
  104. Using Open Clusters to Constrain the Large Scale Structure of the Galactic Magnetic Field and the Distribution of Polarizing Dust, Pinnick, A., Clemens, D. P., & Pavel, M. BAAS, 218, 231.01 (2011)
  105. Resolved Magnetic Field Map of GRSMC 45.60+0.30, Marchwinski, R., Pavel, M., Clemens, D., & Pinnick, A. BAAS, 218, 129.15 (2011)
  106. A Telescope Tale of Two Cities: Flagstaff & Boston: One NSF REU Supplement's Impact on 90 Students and a Dean, Clemens, D.P. BAAS, 219, 147.05 (2012)
  107. Polarimetric Calibration of Mimir and the Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey, Clemens, D.P., Pinnick, A., & Pavel, M. BAAS, 219, 319.04 (2012)
  108. Magnetic Fields in Star Forming Regions: A GPIPS Study, Marchwinski, R., Pavel, M.D., & Clemens, D.P. BAAS, 219, 341.02 (2012)
  109. Mapping the Magnetic Field of Cloud 3 in Lynds 204, Cashman, L., & Clemens, D.P. BAAS, 219, 349.08 (2012)
  110. Near-Infrared Polarization Observations of NGC891, Montgomery, J., Cashman, L. R., Clemens, D. P., & Pavel M. D. BAAS, 221, 146.12 (2013)
  111. Evolved Stars and Variability in the M5 and M15 Globular Clusters, Kraemer, K. E., Sloan, G. C., Lagadec, E., Devost, D., Clemens, D. P., Cashman, L. R., McDonald, I., Boyer, M. L., & Zijlstra, A. A. BAAS, 221, 250.23 (2013)
  112. Using Open Star Clusters to Probe the Small-Scale Characteristics of the Galactic Magnetic Field, Hoq, S., Cashman, L. R., & Clemens, D. P. BAAS, 221, 250.30 (2013)
  113. The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS): The Full Poster, Clemens, D. P., Cashman, L. R., Hoq, S., Montgomery, J., & Pavel, M. D. BAAS, 221, 352.15 (2013)
  114. The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS): Data Release 1, Cashman, L. R., Clemens, D. P., & Pavel, M. D. BAAS, 221, 352.16 (2013)
  115. The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS): Final Calibration and Full Data Release, Clemens, D. P., Cashman, L., Hoq, S., Montgomery, J., & Pavel, M. D. BAAS, 224, 220.06 (2014)
  116. Testing for Helical Magnetic Fields in the Orion Molecular Cloud Integral-Shaped Filament, Cashman, L., & Clemens, D. P. BAAS, 224, 220.07 (2014)
  117. High-Mass Star Formation in IRDCs: The Role of Magnetic Fields, Hoq, S., & Clemens, D. P. BAAS, 224, 220.08 (2014)
  118. K-band Polarimetry of NGC 891, Montgomery, J., & Clemens, D. P. BAAS, 224, 222.04 (2014)
  119. Stellar Variability in the M2 and M3 Globular Clusters, Kraemer, K. E., Sloan, G. C., Clemens, D. P., Lagadec, E., Barry, D. J, & Goes, C. W. BAAS, 224, 223.11 (2014)
  120. Magnetic Field Structure Of The Filamentary Cloud IC5146, Wang, J.-W., Lai, S.-P., Eswaraiah, C., Clemens, D., Chen, W.-P., & Pandey, Anil., IAU General Assembly, Meeting #29, id.2256899 (2015)
  121. The Magnetic Field of the L1544 Starless Dark Cloud, Traced Using Near-Infrared Background Starlight, Clemens, D. P., Goldsmith, P., & Tassis, K., B.A.A.S, 228, 405.04 (2016)
  122. Multi-wavelength Polarimetry of the GF9-2 YSO, Clemens, Dan P.; El-Batal, Adham M.; Montgomery, Jordan; Kressy, Sophia; Schroeder, Genevieve; Pillai, Thushara, B.A.A.S., 232, 103.02 (2018)
  123. The Magnetic Field Structure of W3(OH), El-Batal, Adham M.; Clemens, Dan P.; Montgomery, Jordan, B.A.A.S., 232, 103.01 (2018)
  124. Near-infrared Polarization From Unresolved Disks Around Brown Dwarfs And Young Stellar Objects, Clemens, D.P., Pillai, T.G., Rilinger, A.M., & Espaillat, C.C. B.A.A.S., 53, 316.07 (2021)
  125. Large- and Small-Scale Magnetic Fields in Cygnus-X North and DR21(OH), Clemens, Dan, Pillai, Thushara, Ching, Tao-Chung, Wang, Jia-Wei, & Lai, Shih-Ping B.A.A.S., 54, 105.01 (2022)
  126. OMC Filamentary Structure: Quantitative Assessments of Cloud and Magnetic Field Orientations, Kressy, Sophia, Pillai, Thushara, Clemens, Dan B.A.A.S., 53, 103.03 (2022)
  127. The Magnetic Field Structure of L1544: Mimir NIR and SOFIA HAWC+ FIR Polarimetry, CLemens, Dan B.A.A.S., 55, 402.01 (2023).

Electronic Forms of Posters - Public

  1. Collaborative Research: Accessing the dark Arizona skies for research and education, a NCAT-BU partnership, Dan Clemens (Boston University [BU]), Athina Meli (North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University [NCAT]), Philip Muirhead (BU), Catherine Espaillat (BU), Carlos Martinis (BU), Carl Schmidt (BU), and JJ Hermes (BU), 2024, presented at the National Society of Black Physicists meeting in Houston, TX November 15, 2024.

Abstracts of Funded Proposals

  1. Magnetic Fields in The Low-Mass Star-Forming Dark Cloud B5 and B5IRS1, Clemens, D., SOFIA Proposal, Cycle 4, ID. 04_0014 (2015)
  2. Multi-Scale Probes of Magnetic Fields in HII Region Cores and Clouds with Zeeman Detections, Clemens, D., SOFIA Proposal, Cycle 4, ID. 04_0025 (2015)
  3. Magnetic Fields Prior to Outflow Onset: GF 9-2 / L1082 C, Clemens, D., SOFIA Proposal, Cycle 4, ID. 04_0026