Filter wheel detent reed switch sensor and detent arm |
Filter wheel reed switch position encoders |
Filter wheel reed switch position encoder circuit board, back view |
Temperature monitoring and control, motor controllers, and vacuum monitoring units |
Cryovac test chamber, exterior view |
Cryovac test chamber, interior view. Setting up for crystal materials testing. Used 1" OD disks of the four crystalline materials making up Mimir's lenses. We tested these pieces to determine maximum allowed thermal ramp rates before crystal failure. |
Details showing three of the test crystals (BaF2 - upper left; ZnS - right, LiF lower left). Holding them are thin G10 spacers |
Top view of crystal test unit. lowermost crystal is ZnSe, with a Si diode temp sensor attached. Another Si sensor is attached to the bottom of this black anodized aluminum box, which was strapped to the 2nd stage of the cold head. |
Similar view |
View showing all 4 crystalls prior to testing |
Similar view. We found we were unable to break or crack any of the crystals for any achievable cooling or heating rates. This included a deliberate vacuum breach test when the crystals were at 70K. None cracked. (so much for urban legends...) |