Camera clock with finished bores |
Camera block with finished bores (second pic) |
Camera block with finished bores, oblique |
Camera block with finished bores, underside view |
Camera carriage showing reed switches |
Cold optical bench, rotated 90 deg |
Collimator aft section, after rough machining |
Collimator fore section, after rough machining |
Collimator mid section, after rough machining |
(Left) Cryostat front vacuum cover and window holder. (Right) Internal cold shield (connects to cold bulkhead) |
Cryostat shell, with bulkhead replacement cover, wrapped for heating, on cryostat cart |
Electronics rack, backside view, with stepper motor test unit at left, and open Mimir cryostat at right |
Electronics rack, front view. Showing thermal monitoring, control units at top, motor controller boards in middle, and vacuum monitoring unit at bottom |
Filter box during camera carriage testing, with motor & brake at lower right. |
Cold Head 1st stage vibration isolator unit (bellows at front) and thermal strap unit (copper straps at left). |
Four anodized filter wheels, prior to assembly |
Test bench set up of Mimir electronics, communication terminal, and filter box, with direct cable connection to motor & brake. |
Optics cabinet with vacuum jars holding optics, grisms, filters. |
Cryovac test chamber with cold head mounted at top, compressor at bottom right |
Side view of cryovac test chamber during cooling test. |