Dan Clemens: Funding Grants

  1. Correlation of Molecular Clouds with IRAS Galactic Plane Emission, Scoville, N. Z. (PI), and Clemens, D. P. (Co-PI), NASA, 6/85 - 5/86, $24,000.
  2. Star-Forming Properties and Galactic Locations of Correlated IRAS and CO Sources in the Galactic Plane, Scoville, N. Z. (PI), and Clemens, D. P. (Co-PI), NASA, 6/86 - 5/87, $25,000.
  3. Comprehensive, Multi-Wavelength Study of Bok Globules: Embedded Infrared Sources and Cloud Heating, Clemens, D. P. (PI), and Barvainis, R. E. (Co-PI), NASA, 8/86 - 7/87, $20,000.
  4. Star Formation in Bok Globules: Cloud Rotation and Embedded Magnetic Fields, Clemens, D. P. (PI), Research Corporation, 7/86 - 6/87, $3,000.
  5. The Star Formation Properties and Populations of Bok Globules: A Correlative Study under the Space Astrophysics Data Analysis Program, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NASA, 6/87 - 5/88, $24,500.
  6. Astronomical Studies of Bok Globules: A High School - College Research Partnership, Clemens, D. P. (PI), Research Corporation, 5/88 - 10/88, $5,000.
  7. Star Formation in Bok Globules: A Correlative Study of Far-Infrared Dust Morphologies under the Astrophysics Data Program, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NASA, 5/88 - 4/89, $30,000.
  8. Extended Dust Structures in Massive Cloud Cores: Correlation of Unpolarized IRAS Dust Emission with Polarized l1mm Dust Emission, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NASA, 6/89 - 5/90, $31,000.
  9. Physical Conditions in Bok Globules: A Correlative Study of Far-Infrared Dust Emission, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NASA, 6/89 - 5/90, $25,000.
  10. Optical and Near-Infrared Studies of Bok Globules: Cloud Distances, Structures, and Magnetic Field Configurations, Clemens, D. P. (PI), Leach, R. W. (Co-PI), and Janes, K. A. (Co-PI), NSF, 4/90 - 4/92, $60,000.
  11. Optical and Near-Infrared Studies of Bok Globules: Cloud Distances, Structures, and Magnetic Field Configurations (REU Supplement), Clemens, D. P. (PI), Leach, R. W. (Co-PI), and Janes, K. A. (Co-PI), NSF, 4/90 - 4/92, $5,000.
  12. Low Mass Stars in Bok Globules, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NASA, 4/92 - 3/93, $28,491.
  13. Structure, Rotation, and Magnetic Fields in Starless Bok Globules, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NSF, 3/93 - 8/96, $183,779.
  14. Structure, Rotation, and Magnetic Fields in Starless Bok Globules - REU Supplement, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NSF, 6/93 - 5/9, $5,000.
  15. Protostar Catalog, Clemens, D. P. (PI), Yun, J. (Co-I), NASA - Astrophysics Data Program, 4/94 - 3/98, $88,729.
  16. Block Grant for ISO Far-Infrared Space Studies, Clemens, D. P. (PI), Jackson, J. M. (Co-I), and Bania, T. M. (Co-I), NASA/ISO, 5/96 - 8/98, $205,000.
  17. IMPP: The far-infrared IMaging Photometer and Polarimeter Design Study, Clemens, D. P. (PI), Deutsch, L. K. (Co-I), Jackson, J. M. (Co-I), Yelle, R. (Co-I), and Bania, T. M. (Co-I), NASA/Airborne, 5/96 - 8/97, $65,209.
  18. ISO Star-formation and Magnetic Field Studies, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NASA/JPL-ISO, 5/99 - 4/01, $30,000.
  19. Mimir: Multi-function Infrared Imaging Spectrograph, Buie, M. W. (PI), Clemens, D. P. (Co-I/BU-PI), Dunham, E. W. (Co-I), Deutsch, L. K. (Co-I), Spencer, J. R. (Co-I), Yelle, R. V. (Collab.), Grundy, W. (Collab.), Stansberry, J. (Collab.), Young. L. (Collab.), & Janes, K. (Collab.), NASA/Planetary Astronomy, 5/99 - 4/00, $185,000 total award [$149,679 BU component].
  20. Mimir: Multi-function Infrared Imaging Spectrograph, Buie, M. W. (PI), Clemens, D. P. (Co-I/BU-PI), Dunham, E. W. (Co-I), Deutsch, L. K. (Co-I), Spencer, J. R. (Co-I), Yelle, R. V. (Collab.), Grundy, W. (Collab.), Stansberry, J. (Collab.), Young. L. (Collab.), & Janes, K. (Collab.), NASA/Planetary Astronomy, 5/00 - 4/02, $380,800 total award [$182,332 BU component].
  21. Mimir: Multi-function Infrared Imaging Spectrograph - II. Imaging, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NSF/ATI, 6/00 - 5/02, $307,959.
  22. Boston University Companion Cost Proposal to The SIRTF Galactic Plane Survey, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NASA/SIRTF Science Center, 1/01 - 12/06 , $333,196.
  23. Development of the Mimir Wide-Field Imaging Spectrometer and Polarimeter and a Pilot Magnetic Field Survey of the Galaxy, Clemens, D. P. (PI), W. M. Keck Foundation, 01/01-12/03, $500,000.
  24. Mimir: Multi-function Infrared Imaging Spectrograph - II. Imaging: REU Supplement, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NSF/ATI, 5/01 - 4/02, $6,000.
  25. Mimir: Multi-function Infrared Imaging Spectrograph - II. Imaging: Supplement #2, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NSF/ATI, 5/01 - 4/02, $29,779.
  26. Mimir: Multi-function Infrared Imaging Spectrograph - II. Imaging: Supplement #3, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NSF/ATI, 11/02 - 11/03, $61,421.
  27. International Conference: Milky Way Surveys: The Structure and Evolution of Our Galaxy, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NASA, 4/03-4/04, $16,473.
  28. International Conference: Milky Way Surveys: The Structure and Evolution of Our Galaxy, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NSF, 4/03-4/04, $16,500.
  29. The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS), Clemens, D. P. (PI), NSF, 7/1/06-6/30/09, $665,077
  30. Completing the Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS), Clemens, D. P. (PI), NSF, 8/2/09-8/1/13, $896,560
  31. REU Supplement: Completing the Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS), Clemens, D. P. (PI), NSF, 11/1/2010 - 10/31/2011, $9,500
  32. Magnetic Fields in Star-Forming Interstellar Media: GPIPS and Deeper, Clemens, D.P. (PI), NSF/AST-1412269, 7/1/2014 - 6/20/2017, $637,919
  33. Galactic Dust Clouds, Star Formation, and Magnetic Fields, Clemens, D.P. (PI), NASA/ADAP, 1/1/2015 - 12/31/2017, $383,912
  34. Magnetic Fields in The Low-Mass Star-Forming Dark Cloud B5 and B5IRS1, Clemens, D.P. (PI), USRA/SOFIA Cycle 4, 11/1/2015 - 2/28/2017, $48,000 (clawed back by USRA), $3,000
  35. Magnetic Fields Prior to Outflow Onset: GF 9-2 / L 1082C, Clemens, D.P. (PI), USRA/SOFIA Cycle 4, 11/1/2015 - 2/28/2017, $43,000
  36. Multi-Scale Probes of Magnetic Fields in Hll Region Cores and Clouds with Zeeman Detections, Clemens, D.P. (PI), USRA/SOFIA Cycle 4, 11/1/2015 - 2/28/2017, $73,000 (clawed back by USRA), $3,000
  37. Magnetic Fields in infrared Dark Clouds, Clemens, D.P. (Fiscal PI), Hoq, S. (Science PI), USRA/SOFIA Cycle 4, 11/1/2015 - 2/28/2017, $38,000 (clawed back by USRA), $3,000
  38. Magnetic Fields in Nine Bolocam Molecular Clumps, Clemens, D.P. (Fiscal PI), Cashman, R. (Science PI), USRA/SOFIA Cycle 4, 11/1/2015 - 2/28/2017, $3,000
  39. The Magnetic Fields of the Dense and Diffuse Cores in L1544, Clemens, D. P. (PI), USRA/SOFIA Cycle 5, 11/1/2016 - 2/28/2018, $116,250
  40. The Magnetic Fields of the Dense and Diffuse Cores in
    Clemens, D. P. (PI), USRA/SOFIA Cycle 6, 11/1/2017 - 10/31/2019, $40,500
  41. Magnetic Fields in The Low-Mass Star-Forming Dark Cloud
    B5 and B5IRS1
    , Clemens, D. P. (PI), USRA/SOFIA Cycle 6, 11/1/2017 - 10/31/2019, $22,497
  42. Multi-Scale Probes of Magnetic Fields in HII Region Cores and Clouds
    with Zeeman Detections
    , Clemens, D. P. (PI), USRA/SOFIA Cycle 6, 11/1/2017 - 10/31/2019, $30,000
  43. Magnetic Fields in Two Infrared Dark Clouds, Clemens, D. P. (PI), USRA/SOFIA Cycle 6, 11/1/2017 - 10/31/2019, $37,501
  44. Nature or Nurture: Multi-Scale Magnetic Fields in L1448, Clemens, D. P. (PI), USRA/SOFIA Cycle 6, 11/1/2017 - 10/31/2019, $69,001
  45. Understanding Magnetic Fields in The Milky Way and Star-Forming Cloud Core, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NSF/AST-18-14531, 10/1/2018 - 9/31/2023, $499,504.
  46. B-Field Tomography in the Milky Way Using Stellar Distances from Gaia, Clemens, D. P. (Funding PI), MIT/MA Space Grant, 6/1/2018 - 8/31/2019, $5,319.
  47. Magnetic Fields in The Low-Mass Star-Forming Dark Cloud B5 and B5IRS1, Clemens, D. P. (PI), USRA/SOFIA Cycle 7, 1/15/2019 - 8/31/2021, $95,798.
  48. Multi-Scale Probes of Magnetic Fields in HII Region Cores and Clouds with Zeeman Detections, Clemens, D. P. (PI), USRA/SOFIA Cycle 7, 1/15/2019 - 8/31/2021, $149,300.
  49. Study of Interstellar Magnetic Polarization: A Legacy Investigation of Filaments (SIMPLIFI) [subaward to BU], Pillai, T. (PI - MIT), Clemens, D. P. (Co-I BU), MIT (from NASA/SOFIA), 7/31/2023 - 6/30/2024, $55,628.
  50. Collaborative Research: Accessing the dark Arizona skies for research and education, a NCAT-BU partnership, Clemens, D. P. (PI), NSF/AST 2319305, 9/1/2023 - 2/28/2026, $256,696