Junior Personnel


Arianna Medina — Class of 2013

Arianna is from Danvers and she majored in Biology at BU.  She spent two and a half years in the Buston Lab as a volunteer, UROP and SURF student. While in the lab, Arianna completed a project investigating the effect social context on the expression of personality traits in clownfish. Arianna graduated from BU in May 2013 and is now studying toward a joint JD / Masters of Environmental Management at Duke University.

Research Project: Medina, A. 2013. Plasticity in personality traits in response to changes in social context in the clown anemonefish.

Curran Uppaluri  — Class of 2013

Curran grew up near the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and majored in Biology and Economics at BU. He spent two and a half years in the Buston Lab as a volunteer and as a UROP student. While in the lab, Curran completed a project investigating the causes of, outcomes of and resolution of conflict in clownfish. Curran graduated from BU in May 2013 and is now working for Americorps at the Manet Community Health Center in Quincy.

Research Project: Uppaluri, C. 2013. Causes of conflict, outcome of conflict, and resolution of conflict in the clown anemonefish. In prep for publication.

Stacy Arnold — Class of 2013

Stacy came to us from Arizona; she majored in Biological Sciences at Arizona State University. She spent one summer in the Buston Lab as a SURF student, participating in a project investigating behavioral traits and behavioral syndromes in clownfish. Stacy graduated from Arizona State in May 2013 and is now studying toward her Ph.D. in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Yale University.

Research Project: Arnold, S. 2013. Consistent behavioral traits and behavioral syndromes in pairs of the false clown anemonefish.

Diana Acosta — Class of 2014

Diana is from New Jersey and she majored in Marine Science and minored in Environmental Science at BU. She spent three years in the Buston Lab, as a volunteer, UROP student and SURF student. While in the lab, Diana spent two summers with us in the field in Belize, and created a website documenting her experience. Diana graduated from BU in May 2014 and is now working as a Lab Animal Care Technician at BU Medical Center.

Outreach Project: Acosta, D. 2014. The Buston Lab - An Undergraduate’s Perspective. https://bustonlab.wordpress.com/

Derek Scolaro — Class of 2014

Derek is from Everett and he majored in Marine Science and minored in Biology at BU. He spent two and a half years in the Buston and Atema labs, as a volunteer, as a UROP student and working toward his honors thesis. While in the labs, Derek completed a project investigating swimming speed of larval neon gobies. Derek Graduated from BU in May 2014 and is now working at Mass General Hospital as a Research Animal Specialist.

Honors Thesis: Scolaro, C. 2014. Development of swimming behavior in the larvae of the neon goby Elacatinus colini.

Philip Schmiege — Class of 2014

Phil is from New York City and he majored in Biology and minored in Marine Science at Boston University. He spent two and a half years in the Buston Lab, as a volunteer, as a UROP student and working toward his honors thesis. While in the lab, Phil completed a project investigating the effect of multiple factors on the strength of the anemone-anemonefish mutualism. Phil graduate from BU in May 2014 and is now working as a research assistant in the lab of Günter Blobel at Rockefeller University

Honors Thesis: Schmiege, P. 2014. Behavioral traits of anemonefish affect the anemone-anemonefish mutualism. In preparation for publication.

Athbah Almuhairi — Class of 2015

Growing up along the coast of Dubai gave me an appreciation for marine life. I remember collecting shells before going to school and watching sea turtles hatch under the full moon.  Previous experience with maintaining and developing habitats for animals in wildlife sanctuaries has given me an appreciation for the resilience of nature.  As a junior in Ecology and Conservation Biology, I look forward to learning about the balance of marine ecosystems and fueling my interest in sustainable development.

Cara Martone — Class of 2015

Originally from New Jersey, I am a Boston University senior pursuing a degree in Biology with a concentration in Ecology and Conservation Biology. My involvement with the Buston Lab led me to spend this past summer at Massey University in New Zealand as a UROP student, working on my project on the variation in clownfish coloration in collaboration with James Dale. With the skills I’ve gained from my time in the Buston Lab, I am excited to graduate and pursue a career in the field of marine biology.

James Ferritto — Class of 2015

I am currently a senior at Boston University, majoring in Marine Science with a minor in Chemistry. Growing up in Michigan, I have always had a passion for aquatic environments, both freshwater and marine. Caring for aquariums of all types has been a long-time hobby of mine. This year, I am excited to gain further research experience and to continue exploring my interests in chemistry and marine biology.

Andrew Lacqua — Class of 2016

Whether it be exploring the jungles of Central America or reading a biology book in the library, I’ve always had an interest in animals, nature, and the way in which living things function with their environment.  My passion for animal life began with one freshwater fish tank, but before I knew it I was reading textbooks about animals and nature for fun.  As a sophomore in ecology and conservation here at BU I hope to develop these interests much further through real experience, research and academic challenges.

Katrina Catalano — Class of 2016

I am an undergraduate majoring in Biology. In the Buston Lab, I work with John Majoris, studying the dispersal behavior of neon goby larvae. I am more broadly interested in fish population dynamics, and how information of fish population dynamics can be used to manage marine resources more effectively. While I am a huge neon goby fan, all marine biology fascinates me and I am thrilled to be part of the Buston Lab.

Corinne Burns — Class of 2013

Corinne is from Upstate New York and she majored in Marine Science and Biology at BU. She spent two years in the Buston and Atema labs, as a volunteer, UROP student and working toward her honors thesis. While in the labs, Corinne completed a project investigating hatching plasticity in the neon gobies. Corinne graduated in May 2013 and is now working toward her Ph.D. in the lab of Lee Fuiman at the University of Texas at Austin.

Honors Thesis: Burns, C. 2013. Evidence of hatching plasticity in a coral reef fish, Elacatinus colini, and the effects of early hatching on larval traits.

Jarrod Moore — Class of 2016

I am a junior at BU, majoring in Biology with a specialization in Behavioral Biology. Growing up my interest in biology was sparked as I attended many nature programs. The locations of the programs ranged from the forests to the coasts of North Carolina, and it was there that I became passionate about marine life. I plan on pursuing my passion by studying the behavior of clownfish in the Buston Lab.

Linda Wong — Class of 2016

I am from Malden, Massachusetts. I am a junior pursuing a major in Biology with a specialization in Behavioral Biology, and I hope to pursue my research interests in graduate school. My affection for nature and traveling has brought me close to the ocean and eventually to the Buston Lab. I am currently starting a project investigating learning in clownfish.


Alexander Ascher — Class of 2017

Born in Connecticut, before moving to Germany, from Germany to England, and from England to New York, where I did most of my growing up before moving to Israel for a year. I’ve come to rest in Boston and at BU, where I am majoring in Marine Science and Minoring in Biology. My interests lie mostly in ecology and biology, but I’m always open to other interesting topics. I love working in the Buston and Atema Labs where you might be unfortunate enough to overhear me singing to the gobies while I work.

Spencer Showalter — Class of 2017

Growing up surrounded by the San Francisco Bay, Puget Sound, and the Boston Harbor, I’ve had ample time to fall in love with the ocean. I spent my elementary school years rooting around tidepools of the the Northwest, my high school years working with hospitalized seals and sea lions, and I’m excited to spend my college years adding reef fish to the list of animals that I’ve inexplicably adored. At BU, I’m studying Marine Science, with minors in Biology and Environmental Science, and I’m happy to be in the Buston Lab.

Christina Menniti — Class of 2016

I’m a junior at BU, majoring in Biology and minoring in Math, with plans to do a research project in theoretical evolutionary ecology. Ultimately, I hope to use mathematical modeling to inform conservation efforts. I grew up on the coast of Southeastern Connecticut and was first drawn into biology by the public debate about teaching evolution and intelligent design in schools.
