Click to hear these pieces read aloud by Shawn Normandin
Merlins Mother
7818 Ža sęiden že king Vortiger wiš ža
nunne he spilede žer, talk with
7819 Gode lęuedi sęi me
sęl že scal iwurše.
7820 whar weoren žu iboren? Wha streonede že
to bearne?
7821 Žę andswarede ža nunne & hire fader nemnede.
7822 Žriddendale žis lond stod a mines fader
7823 of žan londe he
wes king cuš hit wes wide.
7824 he wes ihaten Conaan, cnihtene lauerd.
7825 Ža answarede že king swulc heo his cun weore.
7827 her is Męrlin ži
sune wha streonede hine?
7828 Who wes him a
folke for fader iholden?
7829 Ža heng heo hire hęfued & heolde touward bręsten;
7830 bi žan kinge heo
sęt ful softe & ane lutle while žohte;
7831 vmbe while heo spac & spilede wiš žan kinge.
7832 King, ich že wulle tellen for seolcuše
7833 Mi fader Conaan že
king luuede me žurh alle žing.
7834 ža iwarš ich on
vestme wunder ane fęir.
7835 Ža ich wes an uore
fiftene yere. /fore/
7836 ža wunede ich on bure, on wunsele mine,
7837 maidene mid me wunder ane uęire.
7838 ženne ich węs on
bedde iswaued mid soft mine slepen.
7839 žen com biuoren ža
fęireste žing žat wes iboren.
7840 swulc hit weore a
muchel cniht al of golde idiht.
7841 Žis ich isęh on
sweuene alche niht on slepe.
7842 Žis žing glad me
biuoren and glitene[de] on golde.
7843 ofte hit me custe; ofte hit me clupte;
7844 ofte hit me to-bęh & eode me swiše neh.
7845 Ža ich an ęnde me
bisęh selcuš me žuhte žas.
7846 mi męte me wes
lę[š] mine limes uncuše.
7847 selcuš me žuhte
what hit beon mihte.
7848 Ža anyęt ich on
ęnde žat ich was mid childe.
7849 ža mi time com, žisne cnaue ich hęfuede.
7850 Nat ic on folde
what his fader weoren,
7851 ne wha hine biyate inne weorlde-riche,
7852 no whašer hit
weore unwiht že on Godes halue idiht.
7853 La swa ich ibedde
are nat ich na-mare,
7854 to suggen že of
mine sune hu he to worulde is icume.
7855 Že nunne beh hire hęfde adun, & hire
huye dihte. /hewe/ covered face.
Arthur Becomes King
9893 Ža com hit al to-gadere žat hęhst wes
on londe,
9894 eorles & beornes & boc-ilarede men.
9895 heo comen to Lundene
to muchelere hustinge.
9896 Nomen heom to rade
žeines riche,
9897 žat heo wolden
ouer sę. senden sonde
9898 in-to Bruttainne after bezst alre yeoyeše. OE geoguthe
9899 ža a žissere weorlden-riche
a žan dęyen weore,
9900 Ęršur ihaten, bezst
alre cnihten,
9901 and suggen žat he cumen
sone to his kinedome
9902 for dęd him wes Všer,
al-swa Aurilien wes ęr,
9903 and Všer Pendragune nefde nenne ošerne
9904 žat mihte after his dayen halden Bruttes
to laye
9905 mid wurš-scipe halden & žisne kinedom walden.
9906 For yęt weoren in žissen
londe Sęxes at-stonden,
9907 Colgrim že kene
and moni žusend of his iueren.
9908 ža ofte ure
Bruttes makeden hufele burstes. evil deeds, injuries
9909 Bruttes ful sone
žreo biscopes nomen
9910 and ridęres seouene ręiye on wisdome.
9911 forš heo gunnen
buyen in-to Bruttaine, to turn
9912 & heo ful sone
to Ęršure comen.
9913 Hail seo žu Aršur,
ašelest cnihten.
9914 Všer že gręten
ža he sculde iwiten
9915 & będ žat žu
sculdest a Brutten že seoluen
9916 halden layen rihte,&
hęlpen žine folke,
9917 and witen žisne kinedom,
swa god king sculden don,
9918 žine feond flęmen, & driuen heom of londen.
9919 & he bad že to fultume žene
milde Godes sune,
9920 žat žu mostes
wel don & žat lond of Godde a-fon
9921 for dęd is Všer Pendragun, & žu ęrt Ęršur his sune,
9922 & dęd is že ošer
Aurilien his brošer.
9923 Žus heo gunnen
tellen, & Aršur sęt ful stille.
9924 ęnne stunde he wes blac and on heuwe swiše wak.
9925 ane while he wes reod and reousede on heorte. to grieve OE, hreowsian
9926 Ža hit alles up brac, hit wes god žat he spac.
9927 žus him sęide žer-riht,
Aršur že ašele cniht.
9928 Lauerd Crist, Godes
sune, beon us nu a fultume. help,
aid, grace
9929 žat ich mote on life Goddes layen halden.
moral law, order