Chaucer’s Miller’s Tale, ll. 3233-3270
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Fair was this yonge wyf, and
3234 As any wezele hir body
gent and smal.
3235 A ceynt she werede,
barred al of silk,
3236 A barmclooth eek as
whit as morne milk
3237 Upon hir lendes, ful of
many a goore.
3238 Whit was hir smok, and
broyden al bifoore
3239 And eek bihynde, on hir
coler aboute,
3240 Of col-blak silk,
withinne and eek withoute.
3241 The tapes of hir white
3242 Were of the same suyte
of hir coler;
3243 Hir filet brood of
silk, and set ful hye.
3244 And sikerly she hadde a
likerous ye;
3245 Ful smale ypulled were
hire browes two,
3246 And tho were bent and
blake as any sloo.
3247 She was ful moore
blisful on to see
3248 Than is the newe
pere-jonette tree,
3249 And softer than the
wolle is of a wether.
3250 And by hir girdel heeng
a purs of lether,
3251 Tasseled with silk, and
perled with latoun.
3252 In al this world, to
seken up and doun,
3253 There nys no man so wys
that koude thenche
3254 So gay a popelote or
swich a wenche.
3255 Ful brighter was the
shynyng of hir hewe
3256 Than in the tour the
noble yforged newe.
3257 But of hir song, it was
as loude and yerne
3258 As any swalwe sittynge
on a berne.
3259 Therto she koude skippe
and make game,
3260 As any kyde or calf
folwynge his dame.
3261 Hir mouth was sweete as
bragot or the meeth,
3262 Or hoord of apples leyd
in hey or heeth.
3263 Wynsynge she was, as is
a joly colt,
3264 Long as a mast, and
upright as a bolt.
3265 A brooch she baar upon
hir lowe coler,
3266 As brood as is the boos
of a bokeler.
3267 Hir shoes were laced on
hir legges hye.
3268 She was a prymerole, a
3269 For any lord to leggen
in his bedde,
3270 Or yet for any good
yeman to wedde.