Inverse Problems & Imaging |
The papers listed below address inverse problems.
These include analysis of the well-posedness of the elasticity imaging
inverse problem, computational methods for inverse elasicity and
inverse potential problems, inverse scattering, and imaging.
Link to recent talk:
Linking Time-reversal to Krylov Methods in Acoustic Focusing and Imaging,
NUWC, Newport, Jan 2009.
Relevant papers on inverse problems |
“Lanczos iterated time-reversal,”
Assad A. Oberai,
Gonzalo R. Feijoo,
Paul E. Barbone,
JASA Express Letters,
to appear January 2009.
“A review of the mathematical and computational foundations of biomechanical imaging,” Paul
E. Barbone and Assad A. Oberai. invited chapter in Computational Methods in Biomechanics,
Ed. Suvranu De, Springer, (in review) 2008.
- A stabilized B-splines FEM formulation for the solution of an inverse elasticity problem arising in
medical imaging,” Carlos E. Rivas, Paul E. Barbone, and Assad A. Oberai. Proceedings of IMECE
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition October 31- November 6, 2008,
Boston, MA, IMECE2008-66700, in press.
- “Adjoint-weighted variational formulation for the direct solution of plane stress inverse elasticity
problems,” Paul E. Barbone, Carlos E. Rivas, Isaac Harari, Uri Albocher, Assad A. Oberai, Sevan
Goenzen, to appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2008.
- “Divergence of finite element formulations for inverse problems treated as optimization problems,”
Carlos Rivas, Paul E. Barbone, Assad A. Oberai, to appear in Journal of Physics: Conference
Series, 2008.
- “Time Reversal and Lanzcos Iterations,” Assad A. Oberai, Gonzalo R. Feijoo, Paul E. Barbone, to
appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2008.
- “Quantitative ultrasonic elastography for gel dosimetry,” Remo A Crescenti; Jeffrey C Bamber; Assad
A Oberai; Paul E Barbone; Joseph P Richter; Carlos Rivas; Nigel L Bush; Steve Webb, Ultrasound in
Medicine and Biology, submitted Oct. 2008.
- “Linear and Nonlinear elasticity imaging of soft tissue in-vivo: Demonstration of feasibility,” Assad
A. Oberai, Nachiket H. Gokhale Sevan Goenezen, Paul E. Barbone, Timothy J. Hall, Amy
M. Sommer, Jingfeng Jiang. Phys. Med. Biol., submitted August 2008.
- “Quantitative three dimensional elasticity imaging from quasi-static deformation: a phantom study”
Michael S. Richards, Paul E. Barbone, and Assad A. Oberai, Phys. Med. Biol., in second review,
Sept. 2008.
- “Solution of the non-linear elasticity imaging inverse problem: the compressible case,”
Nachiket H. Gokhale, Assad A. Oberai, Paul E. Barbone, Inverse Problems, 24(4), August
- “Customization of the acoustic field produced by a piezoelectric array through inter-element delays,”
Parag Chitnis, Paul E. Barbone, and Robin O. Cleveland, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123(6), June 2008,
pp. 4174–4185.
- “Adjoint weighted variational formulation for direct computational solution of an inverse heat
conduction problem,” Paul E. Barbone, Assad A. Oberai, and Isaac Harari, Inverse Problems, 23,
pp. 2325–2342, 2007.
- “Reconstructing the adhesion stiffness distribution in a laminated elastic plate: Exact and approximate
inverse scattering solutions.” Ricardo Leiderman, Paul E. Barbone, and Arthur M.B. Braga. J.
Acoust. Soc. Am., 122(4), pp. 1906–1916, Oct. 2007.
- “The adjoint weighted equation for steady advection in a compressible fluid,” A. Oberai,
P. E. Barbone, and I. Harari, Int. J. Num. Meth. in Fluids, 54:683–693, 2007.
- “Elastic modulus imaging: some exact solutions of the compressible elastography inverse problem,”
Paul E Barbone and Assad A Oberai, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52, pp. 1577–1593, 2007.
Included in Highlights of 2007.
- “Imaging the Elastic Nonlinearity of Tissues,” Hall, T.; Oberai, A. A.; Barbone, P. E.; Sommer, A. M.;
Gokhale, N. H.; Goenezen, S.; Jiang, J.; IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2007. 28-31 Oct. 2007
- “Ultrasonic Elastography and Plane Strain Inverse Algorithms for Polymer Gel Dosimetry,” Crescenti,
R. A.; Bamber, J. C.; Oberai, A. A.; Barbone, P. E.; Richter, J. P.; Bush, N. L.; Webb, S.; IEEE
Ultrasonics Symposium, 2007. 28-31 Oct. 2007 pp:2025 - 2027.
- “Elastic modulus imaging: on the uniqueness and nonuniqueness of the elastography inverse problem in
two dimensions,” Paul E. Barbone, Nachiket H. Gokhale, Inverse Problems, 20 (1): 283-296 Feb
- “Interaction of ultrasonic waves and imperfect adhesion layers: The inverse problem,” Ricardo
Leiderman, Paul E. Barbone and Arthur M.B. Braga. Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization
Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2004.
- “Simultaneous Elastic Image Registration and Elastic Modulus Reconstruction,” Nachiket Gokhale,
Mike Richards, Assad Oberai, Paul Barbone, and Marvin Doyley, Proceedings ISBI 2004: From Nano to
Macro, IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 15-17 April 2004, Arlington VA.
IEEE Press, 2004, pp. 543–546.
- “Quantitative Elasticity Imaging: What can and cannot be inferred from strain images,” Paul E.
Barbone and Jeffrey C. Bamber, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 47(12), 2147–2164, June
- “Time reversal invariance and the nonlinear absorbing wave equation,” Ibrahim M. Hallaj, Robin
O. Cleveland, Paul E. Barbone, Steven G. Kargl and Ronald A. Roy, Ultrasonics, 38:885-889
(Sept. 2000).
- Paul E. Barbone, “A theory to account for phase variation and diffraction in ultrasound image
formation,” Acoustical Imaging, vol. 25: Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on
Acoustical Imaging, Bath, UK, March 2000. pp. 317–324. M. Halliwell and P.N.T. Wells, Eds.
Plenum Press, New York, 2001.
- “Forward and Inverse Scattering in Media with Microstructure,” Rebecca B. Shuman and Paul
E. Barbone, BU Dept. Aerospace & Mechanical Eng. Technical Report No. AM-98-025, May
- Rebecca B. Shuman and Paul E. Barbone, “Renormalized Born Inversion,” pp. 641–646,
Acoustical Imaging, vol. 23. S. Lees and L.A. Ferrari, Eds. Plenum Press, New York,