Acoustics and Ultrasonics
The papers below describe work in acoustics including sound propagation, scattering, diffraction, nondestructive evaluation, structural vibration, vibration of complicated structures, and waves in various solid media.

Relevant papers on acoustics including ultrasound and vibration
  1. D. Givoli, P.E. Barbone and I. Patlashenko, “Recent Advances in Modal Reduction of Vibrating substructures,” Chapter 20 (pp. 417-438) in Innovation in Computational Structures Technology, Ed. B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero and R. Montenegro, Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirlingshire, UK, 2006.
  2. Paul E. Barbone, “A theory to account for phase variation and diffraction in ultrasound image formation,” Acoustical Imaging, vol. 25: Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging, Bath, UK, March 2000. pp. 317–324. M. Halliwell and P.N.T. Wells, Eds. Plenum Press, New York, 2001.
  3. Rebecca B. Shuman and Paul E. Barbone, “Renormalized Born Inversion,” pp. 641–646, Acoustical Imaging, vol. 23. S. Lees and L.A. Ferrari, Eds. Plenum Press, New York, 1997.
  4. “Customization of the acoustic field produced by a piezoelectric array through inter-element delays,” Parag Chitnis, Paul E. Barbone, and Robin O. Cleveland, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123(6), June 2008, pp. 4174–4185.
  5. “Two error bounds for dynamic condensation methods,” by Christophe Lecomte, J. Gregory McDaniel and Paul E. Barbone, AIAA Journal, 46(1), pp. 166–176, Jan. 2008.
  6. “Reconstructing the adhesion stiffness distribution in a laminated elastic plate: Exact and approximate inverse scattering solutions.” Ricardo Leiderman, Paul E. Barbone, and Arthur M.B. Braga. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 122(4), pp. 1906–1916, Oct. 2007.
  7. “Scattering of ultrasonic waves by defective adhesion interfaces in submerged laminated plates,” Ricardo Leiderman, Paul E. Barbone and Arthur M. B. Braga, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 118(4): 2154–2166, Oct 2005.
  8. “Which are the important modes of a subsystem? ” Dan Givoli, Paul E. Barbone, Igor Patlashenko. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., 59 (12): 1657-1678, March 28 2004.
  9. “Efficient high-order frequency interpolation of structural dynamic response,” Christophe Lecomte, J. Gregory McDaniel, Paul E. Barbone, and Allan D. Pierce, AIAA Journal 41 (11): 2208-2215 Nov 2003.
  10. “Optimal Modal Reduction of Vibrating Substructures,” Paul E. Barbone, Dan Givoli, Igor Patlashenko. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., May 2003; 57:341-369.
  11. “Estimating Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes from Forced Response Calculations,” J.G. McDaniel, Paul E. Barbone, F. Widjaja and A.D. Pierce, AIAA Journal, 40(4), 758–764, April 2002.
  12. “Time reversal invariance and the nonlinear absorbing wave equation,” Ibrahim M. Hallaj, Robin O. Cleveland, Paul E. Barbone, Steven G. Kargl and Ronald A. Roy, Ultrasonics, 38:885-889 (Sept. 2000).
  13. “Multiple length and time scales in acoustics,” Paul E. Barbone, Aerotecnica Missili e Spazio, 79(3-4):65–74, 2000.
  14. “Canonical representations of complex vibratory subsystems: Time domain Dirichlet to Neumann maps,” Paul E. Barbone, Aravind Cherukuri and Daniel Goldman, Internat. J. of Solids and Struct., vol. 37, pp. 2825–2857, 2000.
  15. “A Phase-Plane Description of Nonlinear Traveling Waves in Bubbly Liquids,” A. Nadim, D. Goldman, J.J. Cartmell and Paul E. Barbone, Journal of Computational Acoustics, Vol 7(2), pp. 71-82, June 1999.
  16. “Scattering from submerged objects by a hybrid asymptotic-boundary integral equation method,” Paul E. Barbone and Ofer Michael, Wave Motion, Vol 29, pp. 137–156, 1999.
  17. “Scattering by a Hybrid Asymptotic/Finite Element Method,” Paul E. Barbone, Joshua M. Montgomery, Ofer E. Michael and Isaac Harari, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 164, Nos. 1-2, pp. 141–156, October 1998.
  18. “High Modal Density Approximations for Equipment in the Time Domain,” Aravind Cherukuri and Paul E. Barbone. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol 104(4), pp. 2048-2053, October 1998.
  19. “Diffraction from simple shapes by a hybrid asymptotic-numerical method,” Joshua M. Montgomery and Paul E. Barbone, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol 104(4), pp. 1964–1972, October 1998.
  20. “Boundary Infinite Elements for the Helmholtz Equation in Exterior Domains,” Isaac Harari, Paul E. Barbone, Michael Slavutin and Rami Shalom, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 41, pp. 1105–1131, 1998.
  21. “Finite Element Formulations for Exterior Problems: Application to Hybrid Methods, Non-reflecting Boundary Conditions, and Infinite Elements,” Isaac Harari, Paul E. Barbone and Joshua M. Montgomery, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 40, 1997, pp. 2791–2805.
  22. “Approximate Diffraction Coefficients by the Method of Matched Asymptotic Expansions,” Paul E. Barbone, Wave Motion, Vol. 22, pp. 1-16, 1995.
  23. “Stability of Harmonic Waves in a Periodic System and the Radiation Condition,” Paul E. Barbone, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 980–983, 1994.
  24. “Vibrational Modes of Submerged Elastic Bodies,” Paul E. Barbone & D.G. Crighton, invited paper in Applied Acoustics, Vol. 43, pp. 295–317, 1994.
  25. “Disorder and Localization in Ribbed Structures with Fluid Loading,” M. Spivack & Paul E. Barbone, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, vol. 444, 73-89, 1994.
  26. “Active Suppression of Radiating Wavenumbers in the Dynamic Response of Submerged Plates,” Paul E. Barbone & A.M.B. Braga, Radiofisika Journal, Vol. 36, No. 8, pp.848–852, 1993.
  27. “Suppression of Sound Reflected from a Piezoelectric Plate,” A.M.B. Braga, B. Honein, Paul E. Barbone, & G. Herrmann, J. Intel. Mat. Sys. & Struct., vol 3, pp. 209–223, 1992.
  28. “Wave Propagation in Piezoelectric Layered Media with Applications,” B. Honein, A.M.B. Braga, Paul E. Barbone, & G. Herrmann, J. Intel. Mat. Sys. & Struct., vol 2, pp. 542–557, 1991.
  29. “Wave Propagation in Fluid-Loaded Laminated Cylindrical Shells,” A.M.B. Braga, Paul E. Barbone, & G. Herrmann, Appl. Mech. Rev., vol 43, no 5, Part 2, pp. S359–S365, May 1990.
  30. “Time Reversal and Lanzcos Iterations,” Assad A. Oberai, Gonzalo R. Feijoo, Paul E. Barbone, to appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2008.
  31. “Interaction of ultrasonic waves and imperfect adhesion layers: The inverse problem,” Ricardo Leiderman, Paul E. Barbone and Arthur M.B. Braga. Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2004.
  32. “Parabolic Representations of Scattering Green’s Functions,” Paul E. Barbone, Proc. ASME Noise Control and Acoustics Division, 1999 International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Nashville, TN, November 14–19, 1999. ASME Press, New York.
  33. “Effective Dynamical Properties,” Paul E. Barbone, Proc. ASME Noise Control and Acoustics Division, No. G0 1089, 1998 International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Anaheim, CA, November 15–20, 1998. ASME Press, New York, pg. 333–339.
  34. “Dirichlet to Neumann Maps for the Representation of Equipment with Weak Nonlinearities,” Daniel Goldman and Paul E. Barbone, Proc. ASME Noise Control and Acoustics Division, Vol. NCA22, pp. 71–76, Proceedings of the 1996 International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Atlanta, GA, November 17–22, 1996.
  35. “Equipment Representations for Shock Calculations: Time Domain Dirichlet to Neumann Maps,” Paul E. Barbone, BU Dept. Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Technical Report No. AM-95-012, also in Acoustics, Vibrations, and Rotating Machines, Vol. 3, Part B, pp. 223–228, Proceedings of the 1995 Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Sept. 17–20, 1995. ASME Press, New York.
  36. “How Hard is a Hard Surface?” Paul E. Barbone, Acoustic Radiation and Wave Propagation, Proceedings of the 1994 Symposium on Structure-Sound Interaction ASME Press, New York, Sean Wu, ed. 1994.
  37. “Diffraction of Acoustic Waves from Material Discontinuities,” Paul E. Barbone & Joseph B. Keller, Flow-Structure and Flow-Sound Interactions, Proceedings of the 1992 Symposium on Flow-Induced Vibration and Noise, ASME Press, New York, TM Farabee & MP Païdoussis, eds.
  38. “Dispersion Free Finite Element Methods for Helmholtz Equation,” Paul E. Barbone and Isaac Harari, Proc. 16th International Congress on Acoustics and 135th Meeting Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 1, pp. 199-200, Acoustical Society of America, 1998. P.K. Kuhl and L.A. Crum, eds.
  39. “Numerical and Spectral Investigations of Novel Infinite Elements,” Parama Barai, Isaac Harari, and Paul E. Barbone, 27th Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 19-20 May 1998.
  40. “Forward and Inverse Scattering in Media with Microstructure,” Rebecca B. Shuman and Paul E. Barbone, BU Dept. Aerospace & Mechanical Eng. Technical Report No. AM-98-025, May 1998.
  41. “Nearly H1 Optimal Finite Element Method for the Helmholtz Equation,” Paul E. Barbone and Isaac Harari, BU Dept. Aerospace & Mechanical Eng. Technical Report No. AM-97-011, May 7, 1997.
  42. “Acoustic Scattering Calculations by a Hybrid Asymptotic-Numerical Method,” Joshua M. Montgomery and Paul E. Barbone, BU Dept. Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Technical Report No. AM-96-018, 1996.
  43. “Time Domain Dirichlet to Neumann Maps for Representing Complex Dynamical Subsystems,” Aravind Cherukuri and Paul E. Barbone, BU Dept. Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Technical Report No. AM-96-017, 1996.
  44. “Pressure-density relation and acoustics in bubbly liquids,” Ali Nadim, Paul E. Barbone, and Daniel Goldman, BU Dept. Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Technical Report No. AM-95-008.
  45. “Use of Guided Waves for Detection of Interior Flaws in Layered Materials,” Gordon G. Krauss, Julie Chen & Paul E. Barbone, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, proceedings of symposium held in Snowmass, CO, July 1994.
  46. “Wave Propagation in Piezoelectric Layered Media,” B. Honein, A.M.B. Braga, Paul E. Barbone, & G. Herrmann, Proceedings of the 2nd ISME International Symposium on the Application of Electromagnetic Forces, J. Tani, ed., Elsevier Press, 1991.
  47. “Dynamic Response of Fluid-Loaded Laminated Cylindrical Shells,” A.M.B. Braga, Paul E. Barbone, & G. Herrmann, 6o Simpósio Brasileiro Sobre Tubulações e Vasos de Pressão, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, December 1990.
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