Aaron Stevens: Biographical

Activities and Interests

In addition to teaching, Aaron's interests and activities include: running; coaching youth hockey; listening to folk music, playing guitar, singing in three and a half different languages, and leading others in song; watching the New England Patriots splitting firewood; discussing real estate, home renovations/improvements, and working to solve poverty housing; reading about economics, finance, and politics; sharing local in-season foods (and wine) with friends.


So coincidence has a random way of happening along in our lives, and I wouldn't have it any other way. In January of 1998, I met my companion and life partner, Jennifer, at my business school advisor's office.

She's caring, understanding, and sweet. Best of all, we spend hours every day talking about everything, enjoying the experience of life. Her companionship is everything I've never had and everything I'll always cherish.

We became engaged on a trip to Australia (in February 2000) -- I figured any girl who would fly halfway around the world (literally) to be with me was worth keeping. We were married on August 26th, 2001 in Lexington, Massachussetts, and honeymooned in British Columbia.

We live in Natick, Massachusetts with our three children, Caleb (b.2006), Elisheva (b.2008) and Jacob (b.2012).

A Brief History of Aaron

Born in Warren, Ohio, Aaron spent his formative years in Montreal, Quebec. On the up side, Aaron had an multicultural experience in school and became fluent in French at a young age. On the downside, the 1990s were a tough time to be anglophone in Quebec.

In Quebec, the legal drinking age is merely a suggestion.

As a long-hairy-freak in high-school, Aaron hung out with the "rockers" crowd and played guitar in a band doing Metallica and Guns n' Roses cover songs.

Aaron quit Quebec in December 1995 in the wake of the most recent referendum on Quebec soverenty.

Indiana, oh Indiana

When I moved to Bloomington, Indiana in August 1996 to attend college, I had the religious experience of becoming a born again Big Red Football fan. Apparently I was the only one.

I attended Indiana University from 1996-1998, completing my degree in business and computer information systems quickly by overloading classes every semester and going straight through two summers. I enjoyed my time in Bloomington very much. Looking back, though, I wish I had taken more time at IU to become involved in the music scene and to take classes in the arts and natural sciences.

How the heck did we get to Boston?

After graduating from Indiana University in 1998, Aaron and Jennifer did the tour du mid-west, living successively in Bloomington, Indiana, Racine Wisconsin, and Chicago. We can attribute all of this moving around to blissfully pursuing job opportunities - it took moving to Boston for us to feel at home enough for us to both leave the corporate job race and focus on defining our lives outside of the office.

After 5 years in corporate America, I decided to pursue my calling in teaching. While working on my second master's degree, I quit my day job and was hired to teach undergraduate statistics at Bentley College and Finance at Boston College. In 2004, I took a part-time position at Boston University to create a new class in applications programming. Part-time became full-time, and then overtime...

Family Pictures

For ever I've been meaning to put some good pictures up here. Well, after only 6 years of procrastination... here's a link to family pictures.

Music and Poetry

I'm a huge fan of the Indigo Girls and play most of their music. I also love the Beatles, Guns N Roses, Barenaked Ladies, John Mellencamp, Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton and all manner of what is typically called "rock music."

Check out my guitar and songleading pages.

My favorite poem is The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost.
A Man Doesn't Have Time In His Life, by Yehuda Amichai is a close second.

Some Favorite Quotes

"You have to laugh at yourself, because you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't."
-Emily Saliers

"What is hateful to you, you shall not do to others; all the rest is commentary: go and learn it."
- Attributed to Rabbi Hillel

"The only thing that matters in life is what you do outside of your job."
-Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

Created and maintained by: Aaron Stevens.
Last updated: 8/26/2014