Welcome to the Abrams chemical education research group homepage. Our work focuses on developing novel approaches to teaching introductory chemistry that excite students across disciplines.
Some of our active projects include:
- BU Chemical Writing Program,
- JUST activities,
- Teaching analytical chemistry labs using a hybrid class model (partially-flipped),
- Workshops and tutorials for supporting incoming students in the sciences,
- ... and more.
Abrams group in the news:
- Anna Booras's poster "Effects of Exohelical Functionalization on Structure of Water-Soluble meta-Poly(phenylene ethynylene) Foldamers" wins the Undergraduate Award at the 250th ACS National Meeting COMP division poster session (August, 2015)
- Dr. Abrams is awarded the prestigious Metcalf Award for Excellence in Teaching (May, 2015): BU Today, Provost site
- Anna Booras receives summer research fellowship (May, 2015)
- Morris Cohen receives James Flack Norris and Theodore William Richards Undergraduate Summer Fellowship (June, 2012)
- Dr. Abrams receives Templeton Prize for Excellence in Student Advising (May, 2010)
