Zoe Hughes
Contact : -
Address: Dept Earth Sciences,
675 Commonwealth Ave,
Boston, MA 02218,
Tel: 1.617.358.4619
Fax: 1.617.355.3290
Email: zoeh@bu.edu
Research Interests:-
Sediment transport and bedform dynamics under both waves and currents, and combined flows.
Wave current interaction.
Numerical modeling of currents, waves and combined flows (presently using FVCOM, SWAN and CGWAVE).
The measurement of vessel wakes and their impact on the shoreline.
Small scale turbulence and interaction of the flow with vegetation and bedforms.
The calculation of near bed shear stress and bed roughness from high frequency measurements of velocity.
Hydrodynamics over marsh platforms and within tidal creeks.
The generation and headward erosion of tidal creeks in salt marshes.
The hydrodynamics of tidal inlets.
Last updated 17th Oct 2007