Laboratory SOPs - Resin Embedment

Resin Embedment

Resin embedment is one of basic skills for material research. We currently provide EpoxiCure 2 Resin for lab general use.

Prcedure of mixing resin

  1. Prepare plastic embedment mold, seal the edges with wax or tape. Cover inner surface with very thin layer of Vaseline.
  2. Align your specimen(s) in the mold. You may use clips on the shelf or a bit wax to hold the position.
  3. Weigh resin and hardener: Measure resin part and hardner part 1:4 volume ratio, or 100 part resin with 23 part hardner by weight.
  4. Mix well with wooden tough presser. Poorly mixed resin could be either soft or brittle.
  5. Pour resin mix into the mold and leave overnight to set.
  6. Leave leftover resin in the cup to set. Any uncured resin is considered as chemical toxic. After set, the waste resin can be dumped as regular trash.
embedment step 1 photo
Step 1 Prepare plastic embedment mold
embedment step 1 photo
Step 2 Align your specimen(s) in the mold
embedment step 1 photo
Step 3 Weigh resin and hardener
embedment step 1 photo
Step 4 Mix resin
embedment step 1 photo
Step 4 Pour resin mix
embedment step 1 photo
Step 4 Take embeded samples out after set overnight
