Biblical Principles Supporting Donation


Organ and tissue transplants are not mentioned specifically in the Bible because they are a recent development. However, there is nothing in the Bible that would prevent organ donations nor organ transplants. The following scriptures can guide our thinking and actions on organ donation.


Genesis 2:20-30          Can be seen as the first transplant: A Rib taken from Adam to create Eve.


Matthew 5:7-8            Blessed are the merciful . . . Blessed are the pure in heart.


Matthew 7:12             Do for others as you would have them do for you.


Matthew 10:8             Heal the Sick . . . you have freely received, now freely give.


Mark 9:47                   One can enter heaven without all body parts present.


Mark 12:33                 Loving one’s neighbor as onself is more important than all offerings and sacrifices.


Luke 6:37-38              Give and it will be given to you.


John 3:16-17               God so loved the world . . .


John 10:10                  Christ died so others may have life more abundantly.


John 15:12-13             No one has greater love than to give life to others.


1 John 4:7-12              If God loves us, we ought to love one another.


Revelation 21:4-5       We do not need our bodies in eternity, for all things will be made new.


Leviticus 19:18

Matthew 19:19

Matthew 22:39

Mark 12:31

Luke 10:27

Romans 13:9

Galatians 5:14

James 2:8


* Bible verse hyperlinks connect to an online version of the New Revised Standard Version which the author of this paper is not responsible for maintaining.


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You shall Love your Neighbor as Yourself