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Class Theological Analysis Projects

"Bridging the gap between faith and culture"

By Paul Cannon, Dave Lafurge, Rolanda Ward, Lisa Zambarano

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Bibliography for this project

Ammerman, Nancy Tatom and Wade Clark Roof, eds. 1995. Work, Family, and Religion in Contemporary Society. New York: Routledge.

Barna, George. 1996. The Index of Leading Spiritual Indicators. Dallas: Word.

________. 1995. Generation Next. Ventura, California: Regal Books.

________. 1992. Baby Busters. Chicago: Northfield Publishing.

Baldwin, George, Executive Editor, Praise, 3rd Edition, Nashville: Word Maranatha, 1993.

Berger, Peter L., The Sacred Canopy, New York: Doubleday, 1967.

Bible, New Revised Standard Version, Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers, 1990.

Brueggemann, Walter. 1993. Biblical Perspectives on Evangelism. Nashville: Abingdon.

Di Sabatino, David, quoting Donald P. Hustad, "The Power of Music: What to Keep in Mind While Under Its Influence," Worship Leader, May/June 1999.

Eliade, Mircea, Editor in Chief, The Encyclopedia of Religion, 12, New York: MacMillian Publishing Company, 1987.

Emerging Trends. May, 1997.

Foster, Charles. 1982. Teaching in the Community of Faith. Nashville: Abingdon.

Gallup, George H. Jr. 1996. Religion in America. Princeton, N.J.: The Princeton Religious Research Center.

Goetz, Dave. 1995. The Man Who Brought Marketing to the Church. Leadership, September 1995, 120-126.

Hamlin, Jeff and Brooks, Tom, Praise Worship, 1, Mobile: Integrity Music, Inc., 1987.

Hauerwas, Stanley and William H. Willimon. 1989. Resident Aliens. Nashville: Abingdon.

Hunter, George G. III. 1992. How to Reach Secular People. Nashville: Abingdon.

Jary, Jary & Julia, The Harper Collins Dictionary of Sociology, New York: Harper Collins, 1991.

John Paul II, Pope. 1995 World Day Prayer for Vocations.

Johnson, Allan G., The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1995.

Kallestad, Walt and Steve Schey. 1994. Total Quality Ministry. Minneapolis: Augsburg.

Kenneson, Philip D. and James L. Street. 1997. Selling Out the Church. Nashville: Abingdon.

Lindner, Eileen W., ed. c1998. Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches 1998. Nashville: Abingdon.

Luecke, David. 1988. Evangelical Style and Lutheran Substance. St. Louis: Concordia.

McCarty, Bob and Lynn Tooma. Training Adults for Youth Ministry. St. Mary’s Press, 1991. p. 84

Mouw, Richard and Sander Griffioen. 1993. Pluralisms and Horizons. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans.

Mullin, Robert Bruce and Russell E. Richey, eds. 1994. Reimagining Denominationalism: Interpretive Essays. New York: Oxford University Press.

National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Renewing the Vision. Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference, 1997. pp. 3-16.

Ponsetto, Dan. Walking Together. St. Mary’s Press, 1989. pp. 14-17

Rowland, Randy L., "Complexities of a Growing, Maturing Church," Worship Leader, July/August 1998.

Shawchuck, Norman and Philip Kotner, Bruce Wrenn, and Gustave Rath. 1992. Marketing For Congregations. Nashville: Abingdon.

Stewart, Sonja M. 1989. "Children and Worship," Religious Ecuation 84/3.

Stone, David. Spiritual Growth. Group Books, 1985. pp. 18-20

United Church of Christ. 1996. Affirming our Faith. Cleveland, Ohio: United Church Press.

Warren, Michael. 1987. "Facing the Problem of Popular Culture," Youth, Gospel, Liberation. San Francisco: Harper and Row.

Weber, Max. 1992. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Democratic Capitalism. New York: Routledge. Original edition, HarperCollins Academic, 1930.

What Would Jesus Do? 1997. WWJD Leader’s Guide: 6 complete youth meetings that guide students through the WWJD spiritual challenge journal. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House.

Web Sites

Christianity Online: http://www.chrisitianity.net

Search Institute: http://www.search-institute.org












