Sequence XLII On the Birth of Mary

Salve Mater Salvatoris,
Vas electum, vas honoris,
Vas coelestis gratiae,
Ab aeterno vas provisum,
[5] Vas insigne, vas excisum Manu sapientiae.

Hail, mother of the savior, chosen vessel, vessel of honor, vessel of celestial grace, vessel foreseen from eternity, famous vessel, vessel cut by the hand of wisdom.

Salve, verbi sacra parens,
Flos de spinis, spina carens,
Flos, spineti gloria;
[10] Nos spinetum, nos peccati
Spina sumus cruentati,
Sed tu spinae nescia.

Hail, sacred parent of the Word, Flower from thorns, without a thorn, flower, glory of the thorn-hedge; we bleed from the thorn, but you know no thorn.

Porta clausa, fons hortorum,
Cella custos unguentorum,
[15] Cella pigmentaria;
Cinnamomi calamum,
Myrrham, tus et balsamum,
Superas fragrantia.

Closed gate, fountain of gardens, custodial chamber of unguents, healing chamber; you surpass in fragrance the twig of cinnamon, myrrh, incense, and balsam.

Salve, decus virginum,
[20] Mediatrix hominum,
Salutis puerpera,
Myrtus temperantiae,
Rosa patientiae,
Nardus odorifera.

Hail, glory of virgins, mediator for men, myrtle of temperance, rose of patience, odiferous nard. [25]

Tu convallis humilis,
Terra non arabilis,
Quae fructum parturiit;
Flos campi, convallium
Singulare lilium,
[30] Christus ex te prodiit.

You humble valley, unplowable land that bears fruit; flower of the field, unique lily, Christ comes forth from you.

Tu coelestis paradisus
Libanusque non incisus,
Vaporans dulcedinum;
Tu candoris et decoris,
[35] Tu dulcoris et odoris
Habes plenitudinem.

You celestial paradise, untouched frankincense, glowing sweetnes; you have the fullness of brightness and beauty, of sweetness and fragrance.

Tu thronus es Salomonis,
Cui nullus par in thronis
Arte vel materia;
[40] Ebur candens castitatis.
Aurum fulvum, charitatis
Praesignant mysteria.

You are the throne of Solomon, unequalled by any king in manner or matter; shining ivory of purity and yellow gold signify the mysteries of divine love.

Palmam praefers singularem
Nec in terris habes parem
[45] Nec in coeli curia;
Laus humani generis,
Virtutum prae caeteris

Habes privilegia. You offer the only palm, you have no equal on earth
nor in the heavenly court; praise of humankind, you have precedence over all other forces.

Sol luna lucidior,
[50] Et luna sideribus
Sic Maria dignior
Creaturis omnibus.

The sun is brighter than the moon, and the moon brighter than the stars, so Mary is worthier than all created beings.

Lux eclypsim nesciens
Virginis est castitas.
[55] Ardor indeficiens
Immortalis charitas.

Light that knows no eclipse is the chastity of the virgin. An ardor without deficiency is immortal love.

Salve, mater pietatis
Et totius trinitatis
Nobile triclinium.
[60] Verbi tamen incarnati
Speciale majestati
Praeparans hospitium.

Hail, mother of piety and noble container of the entire trinity, offering a special welcome for majesty.

O Maria stella maris,
Dignitate singularis,
[65] Super omnes ordinaris
Ordines coelestium;
In supremo sita poli,
Nos commenda tuae proli,
Ne terrores sive doli
[70] Nos supplantent hostium.

O Mary, star of the sea, unique in worthiness, above all celestial orders you reign; in the lofty sky, commend us to your child, lest fear or the wiles of the enemies overthrow us.

In procinctu constituti
Te tuente simus tuti.
Pervicacis et versuti
Tuae cedat vis virtuti,
[75] Dolus providentiae.
Jesu, verbum summi Patris:
Serva servos tuae matris.
Solve reos, salva gratis
Et nos tuae claritatis
[80] Configura gloriae.

Prepared for battle, we are safe as long as you watch over us. The forces of evil, deceitful men, the trickery of fortune, yield to your power. Jesus, word of the highest father: save the servants of your mother. Absolve the guilty,