II Sequence on the birth of the lord


Iubelemus salvatori,

Quem caelestes laudant chori,

Concordi laetitia;

Pax de caelo nuntiatur,

Terra caelo foederatur,

Angelis ecclesia.


Let us celebrate the savior,

whom the heavenly choirs praise,

with harmonious joy;

peace is proclaimed from heaven,

the earth is linked with heaven,

the church with the angels.


Verbum carni counitum,

Sicut erat praefinitum,

Sine carnis copula;

Virgo parit, Dei templum,

Nec exemplar nec exemplum

Per tot habens saecula.


The word is united with the flesh,

as was predetermined,

a link without the flesh;

a virgin, the temple of God, gives birth,

having no model or equal

through all time.


Res est nova, res insignis,

quod in rubo rebuet ignis

Nec rubum attaminat;

Caeli rorant, nubes pluunt,

Montes stillant, colles fluunt,

Radix Jesse germinat.


The event is new, remarkable,

that fire burns in a bramble-bush

without damaging the bush;

the heavens flow, the clouds pour rain,

the mountains and hills pour forth water,

the root of Jesse sprouts.


De radice flos ascendit,

Quem prophetae praeostendit

Evidens oraculum;

Radix Jesse regem David,

Virga matrem prasignavit

Virginem, flos parvulum.


A flower grows from the root,

which was predicted by the prophet’s

clear oracle;

Jesse’s root prefigured king David,

the staff prefigured the virgin mother,

the little flower.


Mira floris pulchritudo,

Quem commendat plenitudo

Septiformis gratiae.

Recreemur in hoc flore,

Qui nos gustu, nos odore,

Nos invitat specie.


Wonderful is the beauty of the flower

which the sevenfold plenitude

of grace commends.

We are restored in this flower,

whose taste, smell,

and beauty allures us.


Iesu, puer immortalis,

Tuus nobis hic natalis

Pacem det et gaudia;

Flos et fructus virginalis,

Cuius odor est vitalis,

Tibi laus et gloria.


Jesus, immortal boy,

may your birthday

grant us peace and joys;

flower and virginal fruit,

whose odor gives life,

praise and glory to you.