For more information about the life and work of Carl Dreyer:

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Ray Carney, Speaking the Language of Desire: The Films of Carl Dreyer (New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), 50 illustrations, paperback, 365 pages. This book is available directly from the author for $20 in a Xeroxed bound copy of the original published book edition. (The book itself is now out of print.)

Although Carl Dreyer is universally acknowledged to be one of the supreme masters of world cinema, it is one of the oddities of film history that beyond The Passion of Joan of Arc, his films have seldom had the general recognition that they undeniably deserve. This book is an attempt to bring his work to the awareness of contemporary filmgoers everywhere.

Ray Carney argues that the key to an understanding of Dreyer’s work is to be found in an appreciation of his distinctive style. Professor Carney argues that Dreyer’s style creates a "radically new way of knowing and feeling" that can change how we understand our experiences and identities outside of the movies.

Following a general consideration of Dreyer’s style, the book offers lucid and comprehensive interpretations of the three crowning masterworks of Dreyer’s career: Day of Wrath, Ordet, and Gertrud.

The study will appeal both to general filmgoers and to undergraduate and graduate students interested in film.

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This book is available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, your local bookseller, or, for a limited time, directly from the author (in discounted and specially autographed editions).

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If you order directly from the author, also included will be a copy of Ray Carney's "Learning from Dreyer: Reflections on the Lessons His Work Teaches," which originally appeared in Lene Crone and Lars Movin, eds. Close-Ups: Contemporary Art and Carl Th. Dreyer, Nikolaj, Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center (Copenhagen, Denmark, November-December 1999).

To obtain a bound Xeroxed copy of the original published book edition directly from the author (please stipulate if you would like an inscription or autograph on the inside front cover), please send $20 (US Postal Money Order only) with your name and address, and the title of the book you are ordering, to the following address. (Domestic US orders only.)

Ray Carney
Special Book Offer
College of Communication
640 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston University
Boston, MA 02215

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