BI508: Readings for Discussion - Spring 2014

Questions Form

22-23 January - Tinbergen's Four Questions

Bateson P, Laland KN (2013) Tinbergen’s four questions:an appreciation and an update. TREE 28, 712-718.

Nesse RM (2013) Tinbergen’s four questions, organized: a response to Bateson and Laland. TREE 28, 681-682. (PDF includes response from Bateson & Laland - please read!)

29-30 January - Comparative Analysis

Opiea C, Atkinson QD, Dunbar RIM, Shultz S (2013) Male infanticide leads to social monogamy in primates. PNAS 110, 13328–13332.

Lukas D, Clutton-Brock TH (2013) The evolution of social monogamy in mammals. Science 341, 526-530.

5-6 February - Foraging/Predator-Prey

Wang MY, Ings TC, Proulx MJ, Chittka L (2013) Can bees simultaneously engage in adaptive foraging behaviour and attend to cryptic predators? Animal Behaviour 86, 859-866.

Manassa RP, McCormick MI, Chivers DP (2013) Socially acquired predator recognition in complex ecosystems. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 67, 1033–1040.

12-13 February - Social Parasitism/Mutualism

Adams RMM, Libertia J, Illuma AA, Jonesc TH, Nasha DR, Boomsmaa JJ (2013) Chemically armed mercenary ants protect fungus-farming societies. PNAS 110, 15752–15757.

26-27 February - Alternative Reproductive Behaviors

Hurtado-Gonzales JL, Uy JAC (2009) Alternative mating strategies may favour the persistence of a genetically based colour polymorphism in a pentamorphic fish. Animal Behaviour 77, 1187–1194.

19-20 March - Group Behavior

Fernández-Juricic E, Kowalski V (2011) Where does a flock end from an information perspective? A comparative experiment with live and robotic birds. Behavioral Ecology 22, 1304–1311.

26-27 March - Sexual Selection

Gowaty PA, Kim Y-K, Anderson WW (2012) No evidence of sexual selection in a repetition of Bateman’s classic study of Drosophila melanogaster. PNAS 109, 11740–11745.

Tang-Martínez Z (2012) Repetition of Bateman challenges the paradigm. PNAS 109, 11476–11477.

2-3 April - Sexual and Parent-Offspring Conflict

Boncoraglio G, Kilner RM (2012) Female burying beetles benefit from male desertion: sexual conflict and counter-adaptation over parental investment. PLoS ONE 7, e31713.

Andrews CP, Smiseth PT (2013) Differentiating among alternative models for the resolution of parent–offspring conflict. Behavioral Ecology 24, 1185-1191.

9-10 April - Mating Systems

Wong MYL, Jordan LA, Marsh-Rollo S, St-Cyr S, Reynolds JO, Stiver KA, Desjardins JK, Fitzpatrick JL, Balshine S (2012) Mating systems in cooperative breeders: the roles of resource dispersion and conflict mitigation. Behavioral Ecology 23, 521–530.

16-17 April - Kin Selection and Social Insects

Brand N, Chapuisat M (2014) Impact of helpers on colony productivity in a primitively eusocial bee. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 68, 291–298.

Yagi N, Hasegawa E (2012) A halictid bee with sympatric solitary and eusocial nests offers evidence for Hamilton’s rule. Nature Communications 3, 939.

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