Publications and Presentations

Brody, L.R. (1999). Gender, Emotion and the Family. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press.

Brody, L.R. (Ed., 1997). Daughters of Kings: Growing Up as a Jewish Woman in America. Winchester, MA: Faber and Faber.

Chapters (*indicates co-authors are BU students).

Brody, L.R. & Hall, J. (in press).  Gender, emotion, and socialization. In D. McCreary and J. Chrisler, Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology, Springer.


Brody, L.R. & Hall J. (In press). Gender differences. In  D. Sander and K. Scherer (Eds.)  Oxford Companion to the Affective Sciences:
An encyclopedic dictionary for the affective sciences. Cambridge, UK: Oxford University Press

Brody, L.R., & Hall, J. (In press). Gender and emotion in context. In M. Lewis, J.M. Haviland-Jones, and L. Feldman Barrett (Eds.),
Handbook of Emotions, 3rd edition, N.Y.:Guilford Press

*Brody, L.R., Muderrisoglu, S., & Nakash-Eisikovits, O. (2002). Emotions, defenses, and gender.  In R. Bornstein & J. Masling (Eds.),
The Psychodynamics of Gender and Gender Roles: Empirical Studies of Psychoanalytic Theories, 10, 203-249. Washington, D.C.: APA Books.

Brody, L.R., & Hall, J. (2000). Gender, emotion, and expression. In M. Lewis and J. Haviland-Jones (Eds.), Handbook of Emotions, 2nd
edition, 338-349.  N.Y.: Guilford Press.

Brody, L.R. (2000). The socialization of emotion: Display rules, infant temperament, and differentiation. In A. Fischer, (Ed.)  Gender
and Emotion, pp. 24-47. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Brody, L.R. (1999).  Gender and emotion. In D. Levinson, J.J. Ponzetti, Jr., & P.F. Jorgensen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human
Emotions, 1, 287 - 293. N.Y.: Macmillan Publishing Co.

Brody, L.R. (1996). Gender, emotions, and parent-child boundaries. In R. Kavanaugh, B. Zimmerberg-Glick, & S. Fein (Eds.) Emotion:
Interdisciplinary Perspectives, pp. 139 -170.  N.J.:  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Brody, L.R., & Hall, J. (1993).  Gender and emotion.  In M. Lewis and J. Haviland, (Eds.) Handbook of Emotions, pp. 447-460.  N.Y.:
Guilford Press.

Brody, L.R. (1993). On understanding gender differences in the expression of emotion: Gender roles, socialization and language.
In S. Ablon, D. Brown, E. Khantzian and J. Mack, (Eds.) Human Feelings: Explorations in Affect Development and Meaning, pp. 89 - 121. Hillsdale, N.J.: Analytic  Press.

Brody, L.R. (1985).  Gender differences in emotional development: A review of  theories and  research. In A. Stewart & B. Lykes (Eds.)
Gender and Personality: Current Perspectives in Theory and Research, 14 61. Duke University Press.

Journal Articles (*indicates co-authors are/were BU students):

* Moore, S.  Brody, L.R., Dierberger, A. (in press). Mindfulness and experiential avoidance as predictors and outcomes of the narrative emotional disclosure task.
Journal of Clinical Psychology.

* Park, S., Brody, L. R., & Wilson, V. (2008). Social Sharing of Emotional Experiences in Asian- and European-American Women. Cognition and Emotion, 22, 802-814.

*Nakash, O. & Brody, L. R. (2006). The effects of social roles and personality motives on autobiographical memory. Sex Roles. 54(1-2), pp. 39-56.

* Nakash, O., & Brody, L.R. (in press) The effects gender and power imbalances on autobiographical memory. Self and Identity.

* Vashchenko, M., Lambidoni, E., & Brody, L (2007). Late Adolescents’ Coping Styles in Narratives of Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Conflicts
using the Narrative Disclosure Task. Clinical Social Work Journal, 35(4), 215-293.

* Brody, L.R., & Park, S. (2004). Narratives, mindfulness, and the implicit audience.  Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice,11, 147-154.

* Evans, D., Brody, LR, & Noam, G. (2001). Ego development, self perception and self complexity: A study of female adolescent
psychiatric inpatients.  American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 71, 79-86.

* Brody, L.R., Copeland, A., Sutton, L., Richardson, D., & Guyer, M. (1998). Mommy and Daddy like you best: Perceived family favoritism
in relation to affect, adjustment and family process. Journal of Family Therapy, 20, 269-291.

Brody, L.R. (1997).  Beyond stereotypes: Gender and emotion. Journal of Social Issues, 53, 369 - 394.

* Hirshfeld, D.,  Biederman, J., Brody, L.R.,  Faraone, S., & Rosenbaum, J. (1997). Associations between expressed emotion and child behavioral inhibition
and psychopathology: A pilot study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36(2), 205 213.

* Hirshfeld, D., Biederman, J., Brody, L.R.,  Faraone, S., & Rosenbaum, J. (1997). Expressed emotion toward children with behavioral inhibition:
Associations with maternal anxiety disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36(7), 910 917.

* Brody, L.R., Lovas, G., & Hay, D. (1995). Sex differences in anger and fear as a function of situational context. Sex Roles, 32, 47-78.

* Evans, D., Noam, G., & Brody, L.R. (1995). Self-perceptions of adolescents with and without mood disorder: Content and structure.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 36, 1337-1351.

* Brody, L.R., Hay, D., & Vandewater, E. (1990). Gender, gender role identity  and children's emotional attributions to the same and
opposite sex.  Sex  Roles, 23, 363 387.

Brody, L.R., & Harrison, R. (1987). Developmental changes in children's abilities to match and label emotionally laden situations.
Motivation and Emotion, 11, 347 365.

Brody, L.R.  (1985). Gender differences in emotional development: A review of theories and research. Journal of Personality, 53, 102 49.

* Brody, L.R., Rozek, M., & Muten, E. (1985).  Age, sex, and individual  differences in children's defense styles. Journal
of Clinical Child  Psychology, 14, 32 138.

Brody, L.R. (1984). Sex and age variations in the quality and intensity of children's emotional attributions to hypothetical situations. Sex
Roles, 11, 51 59.

Zelazo, P., Brody, L.R., & Chaika, H. (1984). Neonatal habituation and dishabituation of head turning to rattle sounds. Infant Behavior and
Development, 7, 311 321.

Brody, L.R., Zelazo, P., & Chaika, H. (1984). Habituation dishabituation to speech in the neonate. Developmental Psychology, 20, 114 119.

* Brody, L.R., & Muten, E. (1983). Developmental changes in children's attention to visual dimensions of people. Journal of Genetic
Psychology, 143, 285 6.

* Brody, L.R., & Carter, A. (1982). Children's emotional attributions to self  vs. other: An exploration of an assumption underlying
projective techniques. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 50,  665 671.

Brody, L.R. (1981). Visual short term cued recall memory in infancy. Child Development, 52, 242 250.

Ungerer, J., Brody, L.R., & Zelazo P. (1978). Long term memory for speech in two to four week old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 1, 177 186.

Conference/Symposia Presentations & Lectures (* indicate co-authors are BU students):

* Brody, L. R., Kelso, G. W., Bullis, J., Kim, J-H., Ferguson, T., Hirsch, S., Copes, S., Rosenblatt, D. Gender Differences in Affective
Responses to Leadership Ability Stereotype Threat. Poster submitted to the 117th APA Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.


* Brody, L. R., Kelso, G. W., Kim, J-H., Hirsch, S., Ferguson, T., Bullis, J., Copes, S., Rosenblatt, D. Male and Female Role Models as
Moderating Emotional Responses to Stereotype Threat about Women's Leadership Abilities. Poster accepted to the 2009 Emotion
Pre-conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida.

* Lambidoni, E., Rosenblatt, D. M., Halperin, D. M., & Brody, L. R., (2008, November). Changes in anxious children’s coping strategies after a brief CBT intervention.
Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, FL.

Brody, L. R., Lambidoni, E., Pincus, D. B., Mian, N. D., Kelso, G. W., & McCarty, J. C. (2008, August). Brief CBT with concurrent parental involvement for childhood anxiety disorders.
Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association,
Boston, MA.

* Steenkamp, M.M., Brody, L.R., Dargouth, S., & Wilson, V.R. (2007, November). Coping Style, PTSD Symptomatology, and the Narrative Disclosure Task. Poster presented
at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.

* Wilson, V.R., Brody, L.R., Steenkamp, M., & Darghouth, S.  (2007, August). Attachment, coping, and the narrative disclosure task.  Poster presented at the American
Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

* Moore, S. D., Brody, L. R., Dierberger, A. E., Darghouth, S., Steenkamp, M., & Wilson, V.  (2007, March). Mental health, mindfulness, and experiential avoidance:
Outcomes among women engaged in a narrative disclosure task. Poster presented at the Association for Women in Psychology Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

* Darghouth, S., Brody, L., Wilson, V., Steenkamp, M., Moore, S., & Dierberger, A. (2007, March). Who writes for whom? Gender, narrative writing and the imaginary audience.
Poster presented at the Association for Women in Psychology Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

* Groff, A., Perkins, N., Wilson, V., Putnam, K., & O'Keefe, M.  (2006, February). The Relationship Between Attachment Style and Frontal Lobe Functioning in an Adult Sample.
Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA.

* Lambidoni, S. E., Brody, L., Mian, N. (2007, July). Gender differences in Themes and Coping Styles in the Narrative Disclosure Task. Paper presented at the
meeting of the International Conference in Psychology, Athens, Greece.

*Dierberger, A., Brody, L.R., and Moore, S.D. (2006). Helpers’ emotional experiences of leaders and themselves: Effects of gender, gender role identity, and gender role attitudes.
Poster presented at Social Structure and Emotion, U. of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.

*Moore, S., Brody, L.R., and Dierberger, A. (2006).Gender, power, emotion, and autobiographical memory. Poster presented at Social Structure and Emotion, U. of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.

*Lambidoni, E. Vashchenko, M., & Brody, L. R. (2006). Interpersonal Conflict and Coping Styles in Narratives of Adolescents. Poster presented at Narrative Matters Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

*Stokes, L., & Brody, L.R.  (2006). Predictors of sexual risk taking behavior in Black college females. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Adolescence, San Francisco, CA.

*Brody, L., Nakash, O., Moore, S., & Dierberger, A. (July, 2004) Emotion, gender, and memory distortions. Poster presented at the International Society for Research on Emotion, N.Y., N.Y.

Brody, L. (2003). Gender and emotion: Clinical implications. Invited lecture. Boston Institute for Psychotherapy, Boston, MA.

Brody, L. (Nov., 2002). Gender and Emotion. Invited lecture. Conference on Learning and the Brain, Cambridge, MA.

Brody, L. (Dec, 2002). The development of gender differences in emotion. Invited lecture, Harvard University Extension School, Cambridge MA.

*Nakash-Eisikovits, O., Brody, L., Sotoo, N., & Gonzalez, K.  (2001). Gender, power, and autobiographical memories. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Brody, L.R. (2000). Gender differences in young children. Invited lecture presented at the Over Forty Parenting Group, Arlington, MA.

Brody, L. R. (2000). Gender and emotional development. Invited lecture presented at the Lexington Public Library, Lexington MA.

*Brody, L., Zahidi, M., Stratis, T., & Branski, R. (1999).  Gender, power, and emotional
expression.  Poster presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

*Turnbull, K.C., & Brody, L.R. (1999). The parental preferences of preschoolers: Searching for the Oedipus Complex. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research
in Child Development, Alberquerque, New Mexico.

Brody, L.R. (1998). Judaism and ethnic minority issues. Invited symposium, Boston College Panel on Diversity, Boston College Law School, Chestnut Hill: MA. 

Brody, L., Pfister, K., & Brennan, R. (1997).  Fathers' involvement in child care and gender differences in children's emotional expressiveness.  Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, D.C. 

*Brody, L., Monuteaux, M., & Wise, D. (1997). Children's emotional story themes, gender, and parenting styles. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, D.C. 

*Copeland, A., Hwang, H., & Brody, L. (1996). AsianAmerican adolescents: Caught between cultures? Poster presented at the Society for Research in Adolescence, Boston, MA.

*Brody, L.R., Copeland, A., Leader, J., Guedj, T., & Doron, S. (1996). Gender differences in the associations among family stress, family relationships, and the quality of emotion in late adolescents.
Poster presented at the American Orthopsychiatry Convention, Boston, MA

*Hirshfeld, D.,  Biederman, J., Brody, L.R.,  Faraone, S., &  Rosenbaum, J. (1996). Associations between expressed emotion, child behavioral inhibition and maternal psychopathology. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Ontario,

Brody, L. (1995). Gender and emotion. Invited paper presented at the Radcliffe Murray  Research  Center, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Conference on "Beyond Gender Differences".

*Brody, L.R., Copeland, A., Sutton, L., Guyer, M., Richardson, D., & Madden, T., (March, 1995). Family boundaries, gender roles and emotional expressiveness. 
Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, Ind.

*Copeland, A., Brody, L.R., Sutton, L., Richardson, D. Guyer, M., & Saillant, M. (March,  1995). Siblings contribution to the understanding of individual adjustment.
Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, Ind.

Brody, L. R. (1994).  He’s Mad, She’s Sad.  Invited lecture presented at the Radcliffe Bunting Institute, Cambridge, MA.

*Brody, L.R., Copeland, A., Sutton, L., Richardson, D., & Madden, T. (April, 1994).
Family favoritism in relation to self esteem, affect, and family process. Presented at the Conference on Human Development, Pittsburgh, PA.

*Copeland, A., Brody, L.R., Goldstein, J., Guyer, M., Schwartz, R.  (April, 1994).
The Family Relations Grid: Further evidence of its utility for family research. Presented at the Conference on Human Development, Pittsburgh, PA.

*Sutton, L., Copeland, A., Brody, L.R., Morley, D., & Saillant, M. ( April, 1994).
Sibling agreement on emotions and family life. Poster presented at the Conference on Human  Development, Pittsburgh, PA.
Brody, L.R. (October, 1993). Gender, emotional expressiveness, and the family. Invited address presented at the Williams College - G. Stanley Hall Symposia in Psychology on Emotion: An Interdisciplinary Approach.

*Brody, L.R., Copeland, A., Sutton, L, Ritorto, B., & Hsi, X. (1993). Shame and guilt in relation to family structure and process. Presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development,  April, 1991, Seattle, WA        

*Copeland, A., Brody, L.R., Sutton, L., Levine, D., & Casuto, D. (1993). The Family Relationships Grid: Measuring family structure. Presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, March, 1993, New Orleans, LA. 

*Brody, L.R., & Hay, D. (1991).  A projective measure of self esteem based on the TED: An alternative to selfreport measures.  Presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, April, 1991, Seattle, WA.          

*Brody, L.R., Flanagan, L.K., & DesJardins, K. (1990). Gender role correlates of fear in women and men. Presented at the American  Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

*Hay, D., & Brody, L.R. (1990). Children's defenses:  Influences of biological gender and gender typed personality traits. Presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.  

*Woodbury, A., Knowlton, S., Brody, L.R., Greene, W.M., & Placido, J. (1990). Sex role orientation, selfesteem, and marital satisfaction. Presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

*Hay, D., & Brody, L.R. (Chairs) (April, 1989). Children's adaptive and maladaptive use of defenses. Symposium presented at The Society  for Research in Child Development, Kansas City, Missouri.

Brody, L.R. (Chair) (May, 1988). Feelings of anger, envy, fear and warmth  that males and females have toward the same and opposite sex:  The socialization of affect and gender. 
Symposium presented at the Massachusetts Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Brody, L.R. (May, 1988). Gender differences in attributions to the same and opposite sex. Paper presented at the Massachusetts Psychological  Association, Boston, MA.

*Hay, D., Brody, L.R., & Vandewater, E., (March, 1988). Gender, gender role, and children's play patterns with the same and opposite sex. Presented at the Conference on Human Development, Charleston, SC.

*Brody, L.R., Hay, D. H., & Vandewater, E., (March, 1988). Developmental changes in children's emotional attributions in interactions with same and opposite sex peers. Paper presented at the Conference on Human Development as part of a symposium. Jackie Gnepp, Chair, "Emotion knowledge and emotional development", Charleston, SC.

Brody, L.R., (March, 1988). Males' and females' emotional attributions to the same and opposite sex. Paper presented at the Association for Women in Psychology, Bethesda, Maryland.

Brody, L.R. (April, 1987). Both boys and girls are more scared of boys than of girls. Presented at The Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, Maryland.

Brody, L.R., & Harrison, R.R. (April, 1985). The development of children's abilities to match and label emotions depicted in stories. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Toronto, Canada.
*Brody, L.R., & Landau, L. (1984). Mothers' emotional styles and preschoolers' emotional attributions. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Brody, L.R. (1983). Children's emotional attributions to themselves and others: A measure of children's defensiveness. In L. Brody &  J. Cunningham (Chairs),
Emotional Behaviors, Attributions, and Defenses: Developmental Research With Clinical Significance. Symposium presented at the Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Zelazo, P., Brody, L.R., & Chaika, H. (1981). Auditory habituation dishabituation in newborns. Paper presented at Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY.

Lee, L.C., Brody, L. R., Matthews, W., & Palmquist, W. (1974). The systematic delineation of continuous social interaction. In Lee C. Lee (Chair) The Development of  Interpersonal Competence:  Strategies of Social Exchange.  Symposium presented at the Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.