My Perspective on Teaching                                             



My Perspective on Teaching :


 The classroom needs to have a fun, dynamic atmosphere to capture and retain the interest of the students.  I consider the classroom

environment to be a “playground” of intellectual/mental stimuli where teacher and students raise thought-provoking questions and issues. 

 The classroom atmosphere is mainly the sole responsibility of the instructor to create an environment where my students are encouraged

and comfortable in voicing their ideas, opinions and not be hesitant or tentative about disagreeing with either myself or other students. 

Divergent points of view can have “common ground” and we all learn something from the views and ideas polar opposites.  If students

 “just sit there”, not actively engaged in the learning process, then the problem is with the manner in which I have managed and maintained

the classroom – not with the students.  Yes, the classroom is a stage and it's first and foremost educational, thought provoking, skill set oriented,

entertaining, high energy and by all means caring.  I teach to Einstein as all students are gifted and enjoy the challenge of solving problems.


This engagement is much more than simply being entertaining; but first and foremost  it is based on experiential learning as the main goal in

the classroom.  I want people to think outside of their normal boundaries and paradigms they have created or been “held” within.   I feel it

is my responsibility to convey my passion and excitement about the material in the class, about academia, about life outside the classroom,

and to make the material relevant to past and present experiences.  I believe in teaching information systems that students “learn by doing”. 

Information systems is a very applied subject matter.  My classes are filled with “hands-on projects” where students act as consultants/workers

 in building systems using advanced features of widely used software programs.  These are features that typically less than 20% of the normal users

are aware of, much less use, in their utilization of the product on a day to day basis.  I want my students to not only understand the theory from

lecture and textbooks but be able to apply that theoretical understanding into applied action in building systems that organizations can use to

gain a competitive advantage.  I want people to walk way with a technical “skill set” in addition to the theory.  This technical skill set is only

gained by having challenging projects that stretch your learning to limits you have not yet been pushed too.  Through struggle and frustration

comes triumph and learning. 


To facilitate discussion I try to present myself more in the role of a “devils advocate”, mentor, and thought-provoker through a host

of “alter-ego characters” that present themselves in the classroom to encourage conflict and to shift students “creature of habit” paradigms. 

I purposely work hard to remove some of the student-instructor communication distance and make myself available to students to

chat about class, job opportunities and issues both academic related and non-academic related. 


I enjoy with a passion the “ART” of teaching, the students themselves, and the dynamic rewards that come with seeing both the

students and myself grow and learn during a semester.   



Teaching Ratings Over 22 years (Fall 2001 - Present) at Boston University


IS 223 - Introduction to information Systems: (Fall 2014 - Present):   Average Instructor Rating: 4.74

IS 479 - Decision Support Systems: (Summer 2004 - Present) :    Average Instructor Rating: 4.79

SM 101- Introduction to Management for Non-Business Students: (Summer 2008 - Present) : Average Instructor Rating: 4.82

IS 323-Integrated Core (Fall 2001 - Fall 2014):   Average Instructor Rating: 4.48



Jeffrey W. Allen, Ph.D.  

Boston University

Questrom School of Business

595 Commonwealth Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

Office 631