Hsueh-Ling Huynh
Master Lecturer in Economics
Director of Master's Program in Economics
Ph.D.(Mathematics), University of California at Berkeley
*This webpage is incomplete; email for more information.
Anna Winestein |
Director of Master's Programs in Economics
Office Hours for Master's and Undergraduate Advisees*: Wednesday 4:00-5:30 pm (in person only)
and Thursday 5:30-7:00 pm
(in person and online via
†) during Spring 2025 (!).
Office Address: Rm.309, Department of Economics, Boston University
270 Bay
State Road, Boston
(!) There will be no
office hours on Wednesday March 12 & Thursday March 13, 2025
(Spring Recess) and Wednesday April 23, 2025 (Substitute Monday
hours on Thursdays during Spring 2025
be conducted both in person at my office and online via the Zoom
platform. Students enrolled in
my classes can find the web link to my office hours on their course
websites; and Ms. Rodi will provide the same information to Master's
students in Economics. All other callers should first telephone my
office at 1-617-353-6823. Please leave a brief message including your
name and phone number if I cannot answer your call right away.
(*) For administrative
please first consult:
[Master's Students] Ms. Karen Rodi,
Rm.433 Department of Economics,
270 Bay State Road
Tel: 1-617-353-4453
[Undergraduates] ecadv@bu.edu
(For further information, visit https://www.bu.edu/econ/students/undergraduate-student-resources/.)
Announcements and Course
@ Spring 2025: Students
enrolled in EC513
(A1) Game
Theory (Master's Level Elective) should
log onto the course
website at https://learn.bu.edu
to check
announcements, obtain class material and verify
your personal grading records. The teaching assistant's
office hours and contact information can also be found there.
*Tutoring in some undergraduate courese is available at the Education
Resource Center. Go
to www.bu.edu/erc for more
Some doctoral students in economics also offer tutoring
services. Please contact
them directly for terms and availability.
Fields: Mathematical
Economics, Microeconomics, Game Theory, Decision Theory, Social Choice
Selected Papers
- "Nash and Correlated Equilibrium of Measurable Games with
Infinitely Many Players", 2013. [pdf]
- "On a Simple, Static Model of Migration I:
General Theory," AT&T Bell Laboratories, 1995. [pdf]
- "On Metrically Conservative Societies," Social
Choice and Welfare, 1995.
- (with Sumon Majumdar) "How to take an exam if you must: Decision
under Deadline," revised Aug 2004 [pdf]
- (with Robert Rosenthal) "Waiting for the
Good Doctor: Information in Queues," Dec 2000.
- (with Balazs Szentes) "An Impossibility Theorem
on Self-Belief," May 2002. [pdf]