GSO 12-2-03 Meeting


Meeting with the Deans

Health Care

            Crediting payment on Student Account

– Didn’t know about the problem, is looking into it.

            Cut off of $5,000 per semester

- no one in CAS is affected, which is why he made it that way

            (Look at the Health Care Website-lots of interesting info!)

            Quality of Health Care

– not worked on it yet, as the whole Presidential fiasco slowed it down

                        - Grad. Rep on the committee, too


            - Fall 2004 the new “Dorm” will be ready

            - 200 units: Studios and 1 bedroom, with a few 2 bedrooms at “market rent”

            - Setting aside some for international students

            - Limit residency to 1-2 years, so continues to be helpful to the new grad students

            - Comes unfurnished, but rentals are available

GSO Funding

            - Graduate student’s Union fee earmarked for GSO?  NO, will not do

            - Do some fund-raising, but stay away from Student Funding

Continuing Study Fee

            - Art History high

            - maybe funding in-equities because have less TA-ships

            - get data from other departments and schools

Presidential Search

            - Expressed our concern

            - Graduate Student can be on the committee

- Owen will write a letter to make it official


GSO office is moving next semester

            - Place to be determined


Maternity Leave

            - As a TA – plan to take semester off

            - As an RA – as funding is under grants, need to check with individual PI

            - Is there an Emergency Fund to use for loans?

            - Is it the same as the Wentworth Fund?

            - What are her legal rights?

            - Maybe have a GSO Emergency Fund?

            - There is a $1000 advance that you can put against your Student Account, but can only do when school is in session.



-         Looking at it to guide policy

-         Good comments made

-         Push it to the end of the semester


Travel Grants

-         Are being worked on




President – Postponing until January meeting

            Gillian is going to do talk with people, and we’ll start a list serve for nominations and discussions


Vice-President – Dianna said she’d do it again


Treasurer – Fabian will stay


Social Chair/Publicity Chair – Shared by Amber Ludwig, Antje Lhlefeld (credit card person) and Stephanie Hequembourg


Recruitment Person – Kristy Townsend


Last thing-Dental Plan presented by Pedro

            Delta Dental – High quality care and is willing to do it

                        30% of Graduate Students in CAS has to participate

                        pay 100% out of tuition

                        $24 individual, $61 family

                        $1000 max in coverage annually

                        Begins in July 1st-June 30th

                                                New students start in Sept., end in May, can we change the date of starting and ending?

                        Needs to talk with BU now

                                    They have to take it out of our accounts directly

                        Dental School here-is there going to be a problem

                        Need to do a Publicity Campaign to get the word out