Minutes of the GSO Meeting 23 of Feb., 2000 I. Rob and Aimee handed out fliers describing the activities of the GSO and the healthcare committee. Aimee then opened the meeting to questions from new members. II. Committee reports A. Healthcare Committee Rob has added more info to the web page on family plans. He is trying to set up the web page so that some of the info is updated automatically. NAGPS surveyed their healthcare committee members to find out if universities subsidized health insurance. Many respondents said their universities did or they were looking into it. The GSO members present discussed the implications of pursuing this at B.U. Rob proposed another Q and A session with Chickering and B.U. Health Services Reps. He would like to cosponsor the event with the undergraduate Student Union. He proposed that a liaison attend the Union meeting with him. The proposal was accepted. The committee needs new members. B. Publicity Committee He duties of the committee and the need to better publicize GSO activities more were discussed. It was proposed and accepted that Kevin and Aimee will work on developing and publicizing new sources. Rob pointed out that many Grad Student Organizations have their own newsletter. The information distributed to incoming graduate students was discussed. Kevin and another Rep. said they found this information very helpful last year. John said we should include info on the mailing list as well. Kevin gave a summary of Publicity Committee activities. He is adding a Departmental Reps page to the web site. The Healthcare and F.A.R. pages are being updated. Kevin is thinking of redesigning the web site and is hoping to continually add new info. He added that we should think about a new logo. Other communication options such as the acs community announcements, news groups and bulletins boards. C. F.A.R. John received a letter from a graduate student asking about financial aid and pointing out that Graduate Students can get emergency loans. John spoke to Jeanette Countryman about this and is gong to add the info to the web page. Aimee pointed out some other little known financial aid forms that should be added to the web page. The possibilities of looking for financial support were discussed. Alumni donations and Humanities Foundation grants were mentioned as possibilities. D. Liaison Committee A Thank you note was sent to the library in appreciation of the change in graduate student borrowing privileges. The library is still reviewing the 24 hour Journal loan period. The Dean is continuing to act as a liaison with the library. The committee is compiling a centralized listing of B.U. Offices. The committee contacted Reginald Pryor, Director of the Multi-Cultural Center. He wants to have a get together with graduate students and undergrads to discuss what graduate school is like. The date will be in March or April. Information on this will be sent to the GSO list. There are volunteer opportunities to staff the water table at the Boston Marathon. E. Other business GSO members are still investigating the Travel Grant Policy and the B.U. Credentials Office. The GSO is requesting that the administration inform graduate students of the patent policy. Someone is contacting FUSE, a union for student employees to get more info.