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Home Up Apparatus Equipment Test Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Experiment 4 Experiment 5 Experiment 6

Experimental Apparatus

The basic equipment used throughout the course consists of the following components:

Operant Chamber

The dimensions of the chamber are as follows: Length, 26.7 cm.; width, 24.13 cm; height, 26.24 cm. The operant chamber includes a grid floor, two levers, two speakers, an omni directional lever, a house light, two stimulus lights, an external light, a recessed food cup and a pellet dispenser that delivers a 45-milligram Noyes food pellet.

Control Equipment

Control of the scheduled stimulus events during experimentation and recording of responses is done using a MED-ASSOCIATES interface system that is programmed using a PC-based state notation language (MED-PC). The interface has a 28-V power supply, which supplies the DC power necessary to operate the pellet dispenser, lights, and noises. The interface has the circuitry required for the control of the experimental conditions data collection.

MED-PC output is a record of the data that has been collected. For further information, please refer to the MED-PC Output Explained section.

Remote Hand Switch

The experimenter's remote hand switch is connected to the smart-control box by a detachable cable. A push button may control the reinforcement circuit, the lever controls or the cue lights, depending on the particular programmed experiment.

NOTE: Equipment failure and breakage should be reported immediately to the lab instructor or teaching fellow (TF).