Behavioral Ecology


Our first line of research focuses on understanding the ecology and evolution of non-breeding and helping strategies. Such strategies are seen in cooperatively breeding birds, mammals and eusocial insects and they have been of interest to evolutionary biologists ever since Darwin pointed out the difficulties that they posed for his theory of natural selection. We have conducted some of the first investigations of non-breeding strategies in marine fishes: the anemonefish Amphiprion percula, in Papua New Guinea, and the goby Paragobiodon xanthosomus, in Australia. In both cases we have demonstrated that non-breeders tolerate their situation because they will inherit territories in the future and there are strong ecological and social constraints. Our work illustrates the importance of understanding future benefits and hidden threats if we are to understand the behavior of individuals in animal societies.

Relevant publications

2014    Buston, P. M. & Wong, M. Y. L. Why some animals forgo reproduction in complex societies.

            American Scientist 102: 290-297. (Nominated by Editor of American Scientist for an APEX Award)

2013    Wong, M. Y. L. & Buston, P. M. Social systems of habitat specialist reef fishes: tests of key

            concepts in evolutionary ecology.

            BioScience 63: 453-463.

2013    Wong, M. Y. L., Medina, A., Uppaluri, C., Arnold S., Seymour, J. & Buston, P. M. Consistent

            behavioral traits and behavioral syndromes in pairs of the false clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris.

            Fish Biology 83: 207-213.

2012    Wong, M. Y. L., Fauvelot, C., Planes, S. & Buston, P. M.  Discrete and continuous reproductive

            tactics in a hermaphroditic society.

            Animal Behavior 84: 897-906.

2011    Buston, P. & Elith J. Determinants of reproductive success in dominant pairs of clownfish:

            a boosted regression tree analysis.

            Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 528-538.

2009    Buston, P. Fauvelot, C. Wong, M. & Planes, S.  Genetic relatedness in groups of humbug

            damselfish Dascyllus aruanus: small, similarly-sized individuals are close kin.

            Molecular Ecology 18: 4707-4715. (Cover photo).

2009    Buston, P. M. & Zink, A. G. Reproductive skew and the evolution of conflict resolution: a synthesis

            of transactional and tug-of-war models.

            Behavioral Ecology 20: 672-684. (Cover photo).

2008    Wong, M., Munday, P., Buston, P. & Jones, G. Fasting or feasting in a fish social hierarchy.

            Current Biology 18: R372-R373.

2008    Wong, M. Y. L., Munday, P. L., Buston, P. M. & Jones, G. P. Monogamy when there is the

            potential for polygyny: tests of multiple hypotheses in a group-living fish.

            Behavioral Ecology 19: 353-361.

2007    Buston, P. M. & Balshine, S.  Cooperating in the face of uncertainty: a consistent framework for

            understanding the evolution of cooperation.

            Behavioural Processes 76: 152-159. (Cover photo).

2007    Buston, P. M., Bogdanowicz, S. M., Wong, A. & Harrison, R. G. Are clownfish groups composed of

            relatives? Analysis of microsatellite DNA variation in Amphiprion percula.

            Molecular Ecology 16: 3671-3678. (Cover photo).

2007    Buston, P. M. & García, M. B. An extraordinary life span estimate for the clown anemonefish.    

            Fish Biology 70: 1710-1719.

2007    Buston, P., Reeve, K., Cant, M., Vehrencamp, S. & Emlen, S. Reproductive skew and evolution of

            group dissolution tactics: a synthesis of concession & restraint models.

            Animal Behaviour 74: 1643-1654.

2007    Wong, M. Y. L., Buston, P. M., Munday, P. & Jones, G. P. The threat of punishment enforces        

            peaceful cooperation and stabilizes queues in a coral reef fish.

            Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 274: 1093-1099.

2006    Buston, P. M. & Cant M. A.  A new perspective on size hierarchies in nature: patterns

            causes and consequences.

            Oecologia 149: 362-372

2006    Munday, P., Buston, P.  & Warner, R.  Diversity and flexibility of sex change strategies in animals.

            Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21: 89-95.

2004    Buston, P. M., Munday, P. L. & Warner, R. R. Sex change and body size in animals.

            Nature 428: online

2004    Buston, P. M.  Territory inheritance in the clown anemonefish. 

            Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B (Suppl.) 271: S252-S254.

2004    Buston, P. Does the presence of non-breeders enhance the fitness of breeders? An experimental

            analysis in the clown anemonefish Amphiprion percula.

            Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 57: 23-31.

2003    Buston, P. M.  Size and growth modification in clownfish.

            Nature 424: 145-146.

2003    Buston, P. Forcible eviction and prevention of recruitment in the clown anemonefish.        

            Behavioral Ecology 14: 576-582.

2003    Buston, P. Mortality is associated with social rank in the clown anemonefish.        

            Marine Biology 143: 811-815.

Cooperation, Conflict and Negotiations in Animal Societies