Anon., 1100-1500 (Middle English Romances): The "Gest Hystoriale" of the Destruction of Troy:
AN ALLITERATIVE ROMANCE [from The "Gest Hystoriale" of the Destruction of Troy]

27          Now of Troy forto telle is myn entent euyn,
28          Of the stoure & ŝe stryffe when it distroyet was.
29          Ŝof fele yeres ben faren syn ŝe fight endid,
30          And it meuyt out of mynd, myn hit I thinke
31          Alss wise men haue writen the wordes before,
32          Left it in latyn for lernyng of vs.
33          But sum poyetis full prist ŝat put hom ŝerto,
34          With ffablis and falshed fayned ŝere speche,
35          And made more of ŝat mater ŝan hom maister were:
36          Sum lokyt ouer litle and lympit of the sothe.
37          Amonges ŝat menye,---to myn hym be nome,---
38          Homer was holden haithill of dedis.
39          Qwiles his dayes enduret, derrist of other
40          Ŝat with the Grekys was gret & of grice comyn.
41          He feynet myche fals was neuer before wroght,
42          And traiet ŝe truth, trust ye non other.
43          Of his trifuls to telle I haue no tome nowe,
44          Ne of his feynit fare ŝat he fore with:
45          How goddes foght in the filde, folke as ŝai were,
46          And other errours vnable ŝat after were knowen,
47          That poyetis of prise have preuyt vntrew:
48          Ouyde and othir ŝat onest were ay,
49          Virgille ŝe virtuus, verrit for nobill,
50          Thes dampnet his dedys & for dull holdyn.
51          But ŝe truth for to telle & ŝe text euyn
52          Of ŝat fight how it felle in a few yeres,
53          Ŝat was clanly compilet with a clerk wise,
54          On Gydo, a gome, ŝat graidly hade soght,
55          And wist all ŝe werks by weghes he hade,
56          That bothe were in batell while the batell last,

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57          And euŝer sawte & assembly see with ŝere een.
58          Thai wrote all ŝe werkes wroght at ŝat tyme,
59          In letturs of ŝere langage, as ŝai lernede hade:
60          Dares and Dytes were duly ŝere namys.
61          Dites full dere was dew to the Grekys,
62          A lede of ŝat lond & logede hom with:
63          The tother was a Tulke out of Troy selfe,
64          Dares, ŝat duly the dedys be-helde.
65          Aither breuyt in a boke on ŝere best wise,
66          That sithen at a Sité somyn were founden
67          After at Atthenes as aunter befell;
68          The whiche bokes barely bothe as ŝai were,
69          A Romayn ouerraght & right hom hym-seluyn,
70          That Cornelius was cald to his kynde name.
71          He translated it into latyn for likyng to here,
72          But he shope it so short ŝat no shalke might
73          Haue knowlage by course how ŝe case felle;
74          ffor he brought it so breff, and so bare leuyt,
75          Ŝat no lede might have likyng to loke ŝerappon,
76          Till ŝis Gydo it gate, as hym grace felle,
77          And declaret it more clere & on clene wise.
78          In this shall faithfully be founden to the fer ende,
79          All ŝe dedis by dene as ŝai done were;
80          How ŝe groundes first grew, & ŝe grete hate,
81          Bothe of torfer and tene ŝat hom tide aftur.
82          And here fynde shall ye faire of ŝe felle peopull,
83          What kynges ŝere come of costes aboute:
84          Of Dukes full doughty, and of derffe Erles,
85          That assemblid to ŝe citie ŝat sawte to defend:
86          Of ŝe grekys ŝat were gedret how gret was ŝe nowmber,
87          How mony knightes ŝere come & kynges enarmede,
88          And what Dukes thedur droghe for dedis of were:
89          What Shippes ŝere were shene, & shalkes with in,

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90          Bothe of barges & buernes ŝat broght were fro grese:
91          And all the batels on bent ŝe buernes betwene.
92          What Duke ŝat was dede throughe dyntes of hond,
93          Who ffallen was in ffylde, & how it fore aftur:
94          Bothe of truse & trayne ŝe truthe shall ŝu here,
95          And all the ferlies ŝat fell vnto the ferre ende.
96          ffro this prologe I passe & part me ŝerwith,
97          ffrayne will I fer and fraist of ŝere werkes,
98          Meue to my mater and make here an ende.



Anon., 1100-1500 (Middle English Romances): TROY BOOK;
LAUD MS. Misc. 595, Bodleian Library. [from The Laud Troy Book (1902-1903)]

87          Dares, the heraud of Troye, sais,
88          And Dites that was of the Gregeis,---
89          For thei were euery day in the feld
90          And alle here dedis thay be-held,---
91          And as thei were thei wreten hem bothe;
92          Thei nolde not lette, for leef ne lothe,
93          The sothe to say with-oute les
94          Of gode Ector and Achilles,
95          And of alle the gode lordes echon;
96          And of alle here dedis schal lakke non.

97          And afftir hem come Maister Gy,
98          That was of Rome a Notary,
99          And fond here bokes In Athenes
100        Afftirwardes when it was pes,

[Page 4] 101        And turned it of Grew into Latyn,
102        And wrot it faire in parchemyn
103        In the manere as I schal telle.
104        Hende, now herken to my spelle!