How Doctor Faustus hauing but one moneth of his appoynted time to come, fell to mourning and sorrowe with himselfe for his diuelish exercise. Chap. 58.

TIme ranne away with Faustus, as the houre glasse, for hee had but one moneth to come of his 24. yeares, at the end whereof he had giuen himselfe to the Diuell body and soule, as is before specified. Here was the first token, for he was like a taken murtherer or a theefe, the which findeth himselfe guiltie in conscience before the ludge haue giuen sentence, fearing euery houre to die: for hee was grieued, and waylaying spent the time, went talking to himselfe, wringing of his hands, sobbing and sighing, hee fell away from flesh, and was very leane, and kept1 himselfe close: neither could he abide to see or heare of his Mephistophiles any more.

How Doctor Faustus complayned that hee should in his lusty time and youthful yeares die so miserably. Chap. 59.

THis sorrowfull time drawing neere so troubled Doctor Faustus, that he began to write his minde, to the ende he might peruse it often and not forget it and is in maner as followeth.

Ah Faustus, thou sorrowful and wofull man, now must thou goe to the damned company in vnquenchable fire, whereas thou mightest haue had the ioyfull immortalitie of the soule, the which thou now hast lost. Ah grosse vnderstanding and wilfull will, what seazeth on my limmes other than a robbing of my life': Bewayle with me my sound & healthfull body,

wit and soule, bewayle with me my sences, for you haue had your part and pleasure as well as I. Oh enuie and disdaine, how haue you crept both at once into me, and now for your sakes I must suffer all these torments? Ah whither is pitie and mercy fled': Vpon what occasion hath heauen repayed me with this reward by sufferance to suffer me to perish Wherefore was I created a man': The punishment that I see prepared for me of my selfe now must I suffer. Ah miserable wretch, there is nothing in this world to shew me comfort: then woe is me, what helpeth my wayling.

Another complaint of Doctor Faustus. Chap. 60.

OH poore, wofull and weary wretch: oh sorrowfull soule of Faustus, now art thou in the number of the damned, for now must I waite for vnmeasurable paynes of death, yea far more lamentable than euer yet any creature hath suffered. Ah senceles, wilful & desperate forgetfulnesse! O cursed and vnstable life! O blinde and carelesse wretch, that so hast abused thy body, sence and soule! O foolish pleasure, into what a weary labyrinth hast thou brought mee, blinding mine eyes in the clearest day': Ah weake heart! O troubled soule, where is become thy knowledge to comfort thee': O pitifull weariness! Oh desperate hope, now shall I neuer more be thought vpon! Oh, care vpon carefulnesse, and sorrowes on heapes: Ah grieuous paynes that pearce my panting heart, whom is there now that can deliuer me': Would God that I knew where to hide me, or into what place to creepe or flie. Ah, woe, woe is me, be where I will, yet am I taken. Herewith poore Faustus was so sorrowfully troubled, that he could not speake or vtter his minde any further.

How Doctor Faustus bewayled to thinke on Hell, and of the miserable paynes therein prouided for him. Chap. 61.

NOw thou Faustus, damned wretch, howe happy wert thou if as an vnreasonable beast thou mightest die without soule, so shouldest thou not feele any more doubts': But nowe the diuell will take thee away both body and soule, and set thee in an vnspeakable place of darkenesse: for although others soules haue rest and peace, yet I poore damned wretch must suffer all manner of filthy stench, paines, colde, hunger, thirst, heate, freezing, burning, hissing, gnashing, and all the wrath and curse of God, yea all the creatures that God hath created are enemies to mee. And now too late I remember that my Spirit Mephostophiles did once tell mee, there was a great difference amongst the damned; for the greater the sinne, the greater the torment: for as the twigges of the tree make greater flame than the trunke thereof, and yet the trunke continueth longer in burning; euen so the more that a man is rooted in sinne, the greater is his punishment. Ah thou perpetuall damned wretch, now art thou throwne into the euerlasting fiery lake that neuer shall be quenched, there must I dwell in all manner of wayling, sorrow, misery, payne, torment, griefe, howling sighing, sobbing, blubbering, running of eies, stinking at nose, gnashing of teeth feare to the eares, horror to the conscience, and shaking both of hand and foote. Ah that I could carry the heauens on my shoulders, so that there were time at last to quit me of this euerlasting damnation! Oh who can deliuer me out of these fearful tormeting flames, ye which I see prepared for me': Oh there is no helpe, nor any man that can deliuer me, nor any wayling of sins can help me, neither is there rest to be found for me day nor night. Ah wo is me, for there is no help for me, no shield, no defence no comfort. Where is my hold': knowledge dare I not trust: and for a soule to God wards that haue I not, for I shame to speake vnto him: if I doo, no answere shall be made me, but hee will hide his face from me, to the end that I should not beholde the ioyes of the chosen. What meane I then to complaine where no helpe is': No, I know no hope resteth in my gronings. I haue desired that it should bee so, and God hath sayd Amen to my misdoings: for now I must haue shame to comfort me in my calamities.

Here followeth the miserable and lamentable ende of Doctor Faustus, by the which all Christians may take an example and warning. Chap. 62.

IN the 24. yeare Doctor Faustus his time being come, his Spirit appeared vnto him, giuing him his writing againe, and commaunding him to make preparation, for that the diuel would fetch him agaynst a certaine time appoynted. D. Faustus1 mourned and sighed wonderfully, and neuer went to bed, nor slept winke for sorrow. Wherefore his Spirit appeared againe, comforting him, and saying: My Faustus, be not thou so cowardly minded; for although that thou losest thy body, it is not long vnto the day of Iudgement, and thou must die at the last, although thou liue many thousand yeares. The Turkes, the Iewes, & many an vnchristian Emperour, are in the same condemnation: therefore (my Faustus) be of good courage, and be not discomforted, for the diuel hath promised that thou shalt not be in paines as the rest of the damned are. This and such like comfort he gaue him, but he tolde him false, and agaynst the saying of the holy Scriptures. Yet Doctor Faustus that had none other expectation but to pay his debts with his owne skinne, went on the same day that his Spirit sayd the diuel would fetch him, vnto his trusty and dearest beloued brethren and companions, as Masters, and Batchelers of Arte, and other students more the which had often visited him at his house in merriment: these he entreated that they would walke into the Village called Rimlich, halfe a mile from Wittenberg, and that they would there take with him for their repast part of a small banquet, the which they all agreed vnto: so they went together, and there held their dinner in a most sumptuous maner. Doctor Faustus with them (dissemblingly) was merry, but not from the heart: wherefore he requested2 them that they would also take part of his rude supper: the which they agreed vnto: for (quoth hee) I must tell you what is the Victulers due:3 and when they sleeped (for drinke was in their heads) then Doctor Faustus payed and discharged the shot, and bound the students and the Masters to goe with him into another roume, for he had many wonderfull matters to tell them: and when they were entred the roume as he requested, Doctor Faustus sayd vnto them, as hereafter followeth.

1 B.M. has 'Fanstus.'

2 B.M. has the last e upside down.

3 In early use, one who provisioned a trading vessel in return for a share in the transaction was called a victualler. The phrase here seems to mean, "I must tell you what I have done for which I must give the devil his due."

An Oration of Faustus to the Students. Chap. 63.

MY trusty and welbeloued friends, the cause why I haue inuited you into this place is this: Forasmuch as you haue knowne me this many yeares, in what maner of life I haue liued, practising al maner of coniurations and wicked exercises, the which I haue obtayned through the helpe of the diuel, into whose diuelish fellowship they haue brought me, the which vse the like Arte and practise, vrged by the detestable prouocation of my flesh, my stiffe necked and rebellious will, with my filthy infernall thoughts, the which were euer before me, pricking mee forward so earnestly, that I must perforce haue the consent of the diuell to ayde me in my deuises. And to the end I might the better bring my purpose to passe, to haue the Diuels ayd and furtherance, which I neuer haue wanted in mine actions, I haue promised vnto him at the ende and accomplishing of 24. yeares, both body and soule, to doe therewith at his pleasure: and this day, this dismall day those 24. yeares are fully expired, for night beginning my houre-glasse is at an end, the direfull finishing whereof I carefully expect: for out of all doubt this night hee will fetch mee, to whome I haue giuen my selfe in recompence of his seruice, both body and soule, and twice confirmed writings with my proper blood. Now haue I called you my welbeloued Lords, friends, brethren, and fellowes, before that fatall houre to take my friendly farewell, to the end that my departing may not hereafter be hidden from you, beseeching you herewith courteous, and louing Lords and brethren, not to take in euil part any thing done by mee, but with friendly commendations to salute all my friends and companions wheresoeuer: desiring both you and them, if euer I haue trespassed against your minds in any thing, that you would all heartily forgiue me: and as for those lewd practises the which this full 24. yeares I haue followed, you shall hereafter finde them in writing: and I beseech you let this my lamentable ende to the residue of your liues bee a sufficient warning, that you haue God alwayes before your eies, praying vnto him that he would euer defend you from the temptation of the diuell, and all his false deceipts, not falling altogether from God, as I wretched and vngodly damned creature haue done, hauing denied and defied Baptisme, the Sacraments of Christs body, God himselfe, all heauenly powers, and earthly men, yea, I haue denied such a God, that desireth not to haue one lost. Neither let the euill fellowship of wicked companions misselead you as it hath done me: visit earnestly and oft the Church, warre and striue continually agaynst the Diuell with a good and stedfast beliefe on God, and Iesus Christ, and vse your vocation in holiness. Lastly, to knitte vp my troubled Oration, this is my friendly request, that you would to rest, & let nothing trouble you: also if you chance to heare any noise, or rumbling about the house, be not therwith afrayd, for there shal no euil happen vnto you: also I pray you arise not out of your beds. But aboue all things I intreate you, if you hereafter finde my dead carkasse, conuay it vnto the earth, for I dye both a good and bad Christian; a good Christian, for that I am heartely sorry, and in my heart alwayes praye for mercy, that my soule may be deliuered: a bad Christian, for that I know the Diuell will haue my bodie, and that would I willingly giue him so that he would leaue my soule in quiet: wherefore I pray you that you would depart to bed, and so I wish you a quiet night, which vnto me notwithstanding will be horrible and fearefull.

This Oration or declaration was made by Doctor Faustus, & that with a hearty and resolute minde, to the ende hee might not discomfort them: but the Students wondered greatly thereat, that he was so blinded, for knauery, coniuration, and such like foolish things, to giue his body and soule vnto the diuell: for they loued him entirely, and neuer suspected any such thing before he had opened his mind to them: wherefore one of the sayd vnto him; ah, friend Faustus, what haue you done to conceale this matter so long from vs, we would by the help of good Diuines, and the grace of God, haue brought you out of this net, and haue torne you out of the bondage and chaynes of Sathan, whereas nowe we feare it is too late, to the vtter ruine of your body and soule? Doctor Faustus answered, I durst neuer doo it, although I often minded, to settle my selfe vnto godly people, to desire counsell and helpe, as once mine olde neighbour counsailed mee, that I shoulde follow his learning, and leaue all my coniurations, yet when I was minded to amend, and to followe that good mans counsell, then came the Diuell and would haue had me away, as this night he is like to doe, and sayd so soone as I turned againe to God, hee would dispatch mee altogether. Thus, euen thus, (good Gentlemen, and my deare friends) was I inthralled in that Satanicall band, all good desires drowned, all pietie banished, al purpose of amendmet vtterly exiled, by the tyranous threatnings of my deadly enemy. But when the Students heard his words, they gaue him counsaile to doo naught else but call vpon God, desiring him for the loue of his sweete Sonne Iesus Christes sake, to haue mercy vpon him, teaching him this forme of prayer. O God bee mercifull vnto me, poore and miserable sinner, and enter not into iudgement with me, for no flesh is able to stand before thee. Although, O Lord, I must leaue my sinfull body vnto the Diuell, being by him deluded, yet thou in mercy mayest preserue my soule.

This they repeated vnto him, yet it could take no holde, but euen as Caine he also said his sinnes were greater than God was able to forgiue; for all his thought was on his writing, he meant he had made it too filthy in writing it with his owne blood. The Students & the other that were there, when they had prayed for him, they wept, and so went foorth, but Faustus taryed in the hall: and when the Gentlemen were laid in bed, none of them could sleepe, for that they attended to heare if they might be priuy of his ende. It happened between twelue and one a clock at midnight, there blewe a mighty storme of winde against the house, as though it would haue blowne the foundation thereof out of his place. Hereupon the Students began to feare, and got out of their beds, comforting one another, but they would not stirre out of the chamber: and the Host of the house ran out of doores, thinking the house would fall. The Students lay neere vnto that hall wherein Doctor Faustus lay, and they heard a mighty noyse and hissing, as if the hall had beene full of Snakes and Adders: with that the hall doore flew open wherein Doctor Faustus was, then he began to crie for helpe, saying: murther, murther, but it came foorth with halfe a voyce hollowly: shortly after they heard him no more. But when it was day, the Students that had taken no rest that night, arose and went into the hall in the which they left Doctor Faustus, where notwithstanding they found no Faustus, but all the hall lay besprinckled with blood, his braines cleauing to the wall: for the Diuel had beaten him from one wall against another, in1 one corner lay his eyes, in another his teeth, a pitifull and fearefull sight to beholde. Then began the Students to bewayle and weepe for him, and sought for his body in many places: lastly they came into the yarde where they found his bodie lying on the horse dung, most monstrously torne, and fearefull to beholde, for his head and all his ioynts were dasht in peeces.

The forenamed Students and Masters that were at his death, haue obtayned so much, that they buried him in the Village where he was so grieuously tormented. After the which, they returned to Wittenberg, & comming into the house of Faustus, they found ye seruant of Faustus very sad, vnto whom they opened all the mat[t]er, who tooke it exceeding heauilie. There found they also this history of Doctor Faustus noted, and of him written as is before declared, all saue onely his ende, the which was after by the students thereto annexed: further, what his seruant had noted thereof, was made in another booke. And you haue heard that he held by him in his life the Spirit of fayre Helena, the which had by him one sonne, the which he named Iustus Faustus, euen the same day of his death they vanished away, both mother and sonne. The house before was so darke, that scarce any body could abide therein. The same night Doctor Faustus appeared vnto his seruant liuely, and shewed vnto him many secret things the which hee had done and hidden in his life time. Likewise there were certaine which saw Doctor Faustus looke out of the window by night as they passed by the house.

And thus ended the whole history of Doctor Faustus his coniuration, and other actes that he did in his life; out of the which example euery Christian may learne, but chiefly the stiffenecked and high minded may thereby learne to feare God, and to be careful of their vocation, and to be at defiance with all diuelish workes, as God hath most precisely forbidden, to the end we should not inuite the diuell as a guest, nor giue him place as that wicked Faustus hath done: for here we haue a feareful example of his writing, promise, and end, that we may remember him: that we goe not astray, but take God alwaies before our eies, to call alone vpon him, and to honour him all the dayes of our life, with heart and heartyprayer and with al our strength and soule to glorifie his holy name, defying the Deuill and all his works, to the end we may remayne with Christ in all endlesse ioy: Amen, Amen, that wish I vnto euery Christian heart, and Gods name to bee glorified. Amen. FINIS.