John Gower, Confessio Amantis II.587-1598, analogue for MOLs Tale of Constance
A worthi kniht in Cristes lawe
588 Of grete Rome, as is the sawe,
589 The Sceptre hadde forto rihte;
590 Tiberie Constantin he hihte, 
591 Whos wif was cleped Ytalie:
592 Bot thei togedre of progenie 
593 No children hadde bot a Maide;
594 And sche the god so wel apaide, 
595 That al the wide worldes fame 
596 Spak worschipe of hire goode name. 
597 Constance, as the Cronique seith,
598 Sche hihte, and was so ful of feith,
599 That the greteste of Barbarie,
600 Of hem whiche usen marchandie,
601 Sche hath converted, as thei come
602 To hire upon a time in Rome, 
603 To schewen such thing as thei broghte; 
604 Whiche worthili of hem sche boghte, 
605 And over that in such a wise 
606 Sche hath hem with hire wordes wise 
607 Of Cristes feith so full enformed, 
608 That thei therto ben all conformed, 
609 So that baptesme thei receiven
610 And alle here false goddes weyven. 
611 Whan thei ben of the feith certein, 
612 Thei gon to Barbarie ayein,
613 And ther the Souldan for hem sente 
614 And axeth hem to what entente 
615 Thei have here ferste feith forsake.
616 And thei, whiche hadden undertake
617 The rihte feith to kepe and holde, 
618 The matiere of here tale tolde
619 With al the hole circumstance.
620 And whan the Souldan of Constance
621 Upon the point that thei ansuerde
622 The beaute and the grace herde, 
623 As he which thanne was to wedde, 
624 In alle haste his cause spedde
625 To sende for the mariage. 
626 And furthermor with good corage 
627 He seith, be so he mai hire have,
628 That Crist, which cam this world to save, 
629 He woll believe: and this recorded, 
630 Thei ben on either side acorded, 
631 And therupon to make an ende 
632 The Souldan hise hostages sende 
633 To Rome, of Princes Sones tuelve:
634 Wherof the fader in himselve 
635 Was glad, and with the Pope avised 
636 Tuo Cardinals he hath assissed
637 With othre lordes many mo, 
638 That with his doghter scholden go, 
639 To se the Souldan be converted. 
640 Bot that which nevere was wel herted, 
641 Envie, tho began travaile 
642 In destourbance of this spousaile
643 So prively that non was war. 
644 The Moder which this Souldan bar 
645 Was thanne alyve, and thoghte this 
646 Unto hirself: "If it so is 
647 Mi Sone him wedde in this manere,
648 Than have I lost my joies hiere, 
649 For myn astat schal so be lassed." 
650 Thenkende thus sche hath compassed 
651 Be sleihte how that sche may beguile
652 Hire Sone; and fell withinne a while, 
653 Betwen hem two whan that thei were, 
654 Sche feigneth wordes in his Ere, 
655 And in this wise gan to seie: 
656 "Mi Sone, I am be double weie 
657 With al myn herte glad and blithe, 
658 For that miself have ofte sithe 
659 Desired thou wolt, as men seith, 
660 Receive and take a newe feith,
661 Which schal be forthringe of thi lif: 
662 And ek so worschipful a wif, 
663 The doughter of an Emperour, 
664 To wedde it schal be gret honour.
665 Forthi, mi Sone, I you beseche
666 That I such grace mihte areche, 
667 Whan that my doughter come schal,
668 That I mai thanne in special, 
669 So as me thenkth it is honeste, 
670 Be thilke which the ferste feste 
671 Schal make unto hire welcominge."
672 The Souldan granteth hire axinge,
673 And sche therof was glad ynowh: 
674 For under that anon sche drowh
675 With false wordes that sche spak 
676 Covine of deth behinde his bak. 
677 And therupon hire ordinance
678 She made so, that whan Constance 
679 Was come forth with the Romeins, 
680 Of clerkes and of Citezeins, 
681 A riche feste sche hem made: 
682 And most whan that thei weren glade,
683 With fals covine which sche hadde
684 Hire clos Envie tho sche spradde,
685 And alle tho that hadden be
686 Or in apert or in prive 
687 Of conseil to the mariage, 
688 Sche slowh hem in a sodein rage 
689 Endlong the bord as thei be set, 
690 So that it myhte noght be let;
691 Hire oghne Sone was noght quit, 
692 Bot deide upon the same plit. 
693 Bot what the hihe god wol spare 
694 It mai for no peril misfare: 
695 This worthi Maiden which was there 
696 Stod thanne, as who seith, ded for feere, 
697 To se the feste how that it stod,
698 Which al was torned into blod:
699 The Dissh forthwith the Coppe and al
700 Bebled thei weren overal; 
701 Sche sih hem deie on every side; 
702 No wonder thogh sche wepte and cride
703 Makende many a wofull mone.
704 Whan al was slain bot sche al one, 
705 This olde fend, this Sarazine,
706 Let take anon this Constantine
707 With al the good sche thider broghte, 
708 And hath ordeined, as sche thoghte, 
709 A nakid Schip withoute stiere,
710 In which the good and hire in fiere,
711 Vitailed full for yeres fyve, 
712 Wher that the wynd it wolde dryve, 
713 Sche putte upon the wawes wilde. 
714 Bot he which alle thing mai schilde,
715 Thre yer, til that sche cam to londe, 
716 Hire Schip to stiere hath take in honde, 
717 And in Northumberlond aryveth;
718 And happeth thanne that sche dryveth
719 Under a Castel with the flod, 
720 Which upon Humber banke stod 
721 And was the kynges oghne also,
722 The which Allee was cleped tho, 
723 A Saxon and a worthi knyht,
724 Bot he believed noght ariht. 
725 Of this Castell was Chastellein 
726 Elda the kinges Chamberlein, 
727 A knyhtly man after his lawe; 
728 And whan he sih upon the wawe 
729 The Schip drivende al one so, 
730 He bad anon men scholden go
731 To se what it betokne mai. 
732 This was upon a Somer dai, 
733 The Schip was loked and sche founde;
734 Elda withinne a litel stounde 
735 It wiste, and with his wif anon 
736 Toward this yonge ladi gon,
737 Wher that thei founden gret richesse; 
738 Bot sche hire wolde noght confesse, 
739 Whan thei hire axen what sche was. 
740 And natheles upon the cas 
741 Out of the Schip with gret worschipe
742 Thei toke hire into felaschipe, 
743 As thei that weren of hir glade: 
744 Bot sche no maner joie made, 
745 Bot sorweth sore of that sche fond 
746 No cristendom in thilke lond; 
747 Bot elles sche hath al hire wille, 
748 And thus with hem sche duelleth stille.
749 Dame Hermyngheld, which was the wif 
750 Of Elda, lich hire oghne lif 
751 Constance loveth; and fell so,
752 Spekende alday betwen hem two,
753 Thurgh grace of goddes pourveance
754 This maiden tawhte the creance
755 Unto this wif so parfitly, 
756 Upon a dai that faste by
757 In presence of hire housebonde, 
758 Wher thei go walkende on the Stronde, 
759 A blind man, which cam there lad,
760 Unto this wif criende he bad, 
761 With bothe hise hondes up and preide
762 To hire, and in this wise he seide: 
763 "O Hermyngeld, which Cristes feith, 
764 Enformed as Constance seith, 
765 Received hast, yif me my sihte." 
766 Upon his word hire herte afflihte
767 Thenkende what was best to done, 
768 Bot natheles sche herde his bone 
769 And seide, "In trust of Cristes lawe, 
770 Which don was on the crois and slawe, 
771 Thou bysne man, behold and se." 
772 With that to god upon his kne 
773 Thonkende he tok his sihte anon, 
774 Wherof thei merveile everychon, 
775 Bot Elda wondreth most of alle: 
776 This open thing which is befalle 
777 Concludeth him be such a weie,
778 That he the feith mot nede obeie.
779 Now lest what fell upon this thing. 
780 This Elda forth unto the king 
781 A morwe tok his weie and rod, 
782 And Hermyngeld at home abod
783 Forth with Constance wel at ese. 
784 Elda, which thoghte his king to plese, 
785 As he that thanne unwedded was, 
786 Of Constance al the pleine cas
787 Als goodliche as he cowthe tolde.
788 The king was glad and seide he wolde
789 Come thider upon such a wise 
790 That he him mihte of hire avise, 
791 The time apointed forth withal. 
792 This Elda triste in special
793 Upon a knyht, whom fro childhode 
794 He hadde updrawe into manhode:
795 To him he tolde al that he thoghte, 
796 Wherof that after him forthoghte;
797 And natheles at thilke tide 
798 Unto his wif he bad him ride 
799 To make redi alle thing 
800 Ayein the cominge of the king,
801 And seith that he himself tofore 
802 Thenkth forto come, and bad therfore
803 That he him kepe, and told him whanne. 
804 This knyht rod forth his weie thanne; 
805 And soth was that of time passed 
806 He hadde in al his wit compassed 
807 How he Constance myhte winne; 
808 Bot he sih tho no sped therinne, 
809 Wherof his lust began tabate, 
810 And that was love is thanne hate;
811 Of hire honour he hadde Envie,
812 So that upon his tricherie 
813 A lesinge in his herte he caste. 
814 Til he cam home he hieth faste, 
815 And doth his ladi tunderstonde
816 The Message of hire housebonde: 
817 And therupon the longe dai 
818 Thei setten thinges in arrai, 
819 That al was as it scholde be 
820 Of every thing in his degree; 
821 And whan it cam into the nyht,
822 This wif hire hath to bedde dyht,
823 Wher that this Maiden with hire lay.
824 This false knyht upon delay
825 Hath taried til thei were aslepe,
826 As he that wolde his time kepe
827 His dedly werkes to fulfille; 
828 And to the bed he stalketh stille, 
829 Wher that he wiste was the wif, 
830 And in his hond a rasour knif 
831 He bar, with which hire throte he cutte, 
832 And prively the knif he putte 
833 Under that other beddes side, 
834 Wher that Constance lai beside. 
835 Elda cam hom the same nyht,
836 And stille with a prive lyht, 
837 As he that wolde noght awake 
838 His wif, he hath his weie take
839 Into the chambre, and ther liggende 
840 He fond his dede wif bledende,
841 Wher that Constance faste by 
842 Was falle aslepe; and sodeinly
843 He cride alowd, and sche awok,
844 And forth withal sche caste a lok
845 And sih this ladi blede there,
846 Wherof swoundende ded for fere
847 Sche was, and stille as eny Ston 
848 She lay, and Elda therupon 
849 Into the Castell clepeth oute,
850 And up sterte every man aboute, 
851 Into the chambre and forth thei wente. 
852 Bot he, which alle untrouthe mente, 
853 This false knyht, among hem alle 
854 Upon this thing which is befalle 
855 Seith that Constance hath don this dede; 
856 And to the bed with that he yede 
857 After the falshed of his speche, 
858 And made him there forto seche, 
859 And fond the knif, wher he it leide,
860 And thanne he cride and thanne he seide, 
861 "Lo, seth the knif al blody hiere! 
862 What nedeth more in this matiere 
863 To axe?" And thus hire innocence 
864 He sclaundreth there in audience 
865 With false wordes whiche he feigneth. 
866 Bot yit for al that evere he pleigneth,
867 Elda no full credence tok: 
868 And happeth that ther lay a bok, 
869 Upon the which, whan he it sih, 
870 This knyht hath swore and seid on hih, 
871 That alle men it mihte wite, 
872 "Now be this bok, which hier is write, 
873 Constance is gultif, wel I wot." 
874 With that the hond of hevene him smot 
875 In tokne of that he was forswore,
876 That he hath bothe hise yhen lore, 
877 Out of his hed the same stounde 
878 Thei sterte, and so thei weren founde. 
879 A vois was herd, whan that they felle, 
880 Which seide, "O dampned man to helle, 
881 Lo, thus hath god the sclaundre wroke 
882 That thou ayein Constance hast spoke: 
883 Beknow the sothe er that thou dye." 
884 And he told out his felonie, 
885 And starf forth with his tale anon. 
886 Into the ground, wher alle gon, 
887 This dede lady was begrave:
888 Elda, which thoghte his honour save,
889 Al that he mai restreigneth sorwe. 
890 For the seconde day a morwe
891 The king cam, as thei were acorded; 
892 And whan it was to him recorded 
893 What god hath wroght upon this chaunce,
894 He tok it into remembrance 
895 And thoghte more than he seide. 
896 For al his hole herte he leide
897 Upon Constance, and seide he scholde
898 For love of hire, if that sche wolde, 
899 Baptesme take and Cristes feith 
900 Believe, and over that he seith 
901 He wol hire wedde, and upon this 
902 Asseured ech til other is. 
903 And forto make schorte tales, 
904 Ther cam a Bisschop out of Wales 
905 Fro Bangor, and Lucie he hihte, 
906 Which thurgh the grace of god almihte 
907 The king with many an other mo
908 Hath cristned, and betwen hem tuo
909 He hath fulfild the mariage. 
910 Bot for no lust ne for no rage 
911 Sche tolde hem nevere what sche was;
912 And natheles upon the cas 
913 The king was glad, how so it stod, 
914 For wel he wiste and understod
915 Sche was a noble creature. 
916 The hihe makere of nature 
917 Hire hath visited in a throwe,
918 That it was openliche knowe
919 Sche was with childe be the king,
920 Wherof above al other thing
921 He thonketh god and was riht glad. 
922 And fell that time he was bestad 
923 Upon a werre and moste ride; 
924 And whil he scholde there abide, 
925 He lefte at hom to kepe his wif 
926 Suche as he knew of holi lif, 
927 Elda forth with the Bisschop eke;
928 And he with pouer goth to seke
929 Ayein the Scottes forto fonde 
930 The werre which he tok on honde. 
931 The time set of kinde is come,
932 This lady hath hire chambre nome,
933 And of a Sone bore full,
934 Wherof that sche was joiefull,
935 Sche was delivered sauf and sone.
936 The bisshop, as it was to done, 
937 Yaf him baptesme and Moris calleth; 
938 And therupon, as it befalleth,
939 With lettres writen of record 
940 Thei sende unto here liege lord, 
941 That kepers weren of the qweene: 
942 And he that scholde go betwene, 
943 The Messager, to Knaresburgh, 
944 Which toun he scholde passe thurgh, 
945 Ridende cam the ferste day.
946 The kinges Moder there lay,
947 Whos rihte name was Domilde, 
948 Which after al the cause spilde: 
949 For he, which thonk deserve wolde, 
950 Unto this ladi goth and tolde 
951 Of his Message al how it ferde. 
952 And sche with feigned joie it herde 
953 And yaf him yiftes largely,
954 Bot in the nyht al prively 
955 Sche tok the lettres whiche he hadde, 
956 Fro point to point and overradde,
957 As sche that was thurghout untrewe, 
958 And let do wryten othre newe 
959 In stede of hem, and thus thei spieke: 
960 "Oure liege lord, we thee beseke 
961 That thou with ous ne be noght wroth, 
962 Though we such thing as is thee loth
963 Upon oure trowthe certefie.
964 Thi wif, which is of faierie, 
965 Of such a child delivered is 
966 Fro kinde which stant al amis:
967 Bot for it scholde noght be seie,
968 We have it kept out of the weie 
969 For drede of pure worldes schame,
970 A povere child and in the name
971 Of thilke which is so misbore 
972 We toke, and therto we be swore, 
973 That non bot only thou and we 
974 Schal knowen of this privete: 
975 Moris it hatte, and thus men wene
976 That it was boren of the qweene 
977 And of thin oghne bodi gete. 
978 Bot this thing mai noght be foryete,
979 That thou ne sende ous word anon 
980 What is thi wille therupon." 
981 This lettre, as thou hast herd devise, 
982 Was contrefet in such a wise 
983 That noman scholde it aperceive: 
984 And sche, which thoghte to deceive, 
985 It leith wher sche that other tok. 
986 This Messager, whan he awok, 
987 And wiste nothing how it was, 
988 Aros and rod the grete pas 
989 And tok this lettre to the king. 
990 And whan he sih this wonder thing, 
991 He makth the Messager no chiere, 
992 Bot natheles in wys manere 
993 He wrote ayein, and yaf hem charge 
994 That thei ne soffre noght at large 
995 His wif to go, bot kepe hire stille,
996 Til thei have herd mor of his wille.
997 This Messager was yifteles,
998 Bot with this lettre natheles,
999 Or be him lief or be him loth,
1000 In alle haste ayein he goth
1001 Be Knaresburgh, and as he wente, 
1002 Unto the Moder his entente 
1003 Of that he fond toward the king 
1004 He tolde; and sche upon this thing 
1005 Seith that he scholde abide al nyht 
1006 And made him feste and chiere ariht,
1007 Feignende as thogh sche cowthe him thonk. 
1008 Bot he with strong wyn which he dronk 
1009 Forth with the travail of the day
1010 Was drunke, aslepe and while he lay,
1011 Sche hath hise lettres overseie 
1012 And formed in an other weie. 
1013 Ther was a newe lettre write, 
1014 Which seith: "I do you forto wite, 
1015 That thurgh the conseil of you tuo 
1016 I stonde in point to ben undo,
1017 As he which is a king deposed.
1018 For every man it hath supposed, 
1019 How that my wif Constance is faie; 
1020 And if that I, thei sein, delaie 
1021 To put hire out of compaignie,
1022 The worschipe of my Regalie 
1023 Is lore; and over this thei telle, 
1024 Hire child schal noght among hem duelle, 
1025 To cleymen eny heritage.
1026 So can I se non avantage, 
1027 Bot al is lost, if sche abide:
1028 Forthi to loke on every side 
1029 Toward the meschief as it is, 
1030 I charge you and bidde this, 
1031 That ye the same Schip vitaile, 
1032 In which that sche tok arivaile, 
1033 Therinne and putteth bothe tuo, 
1034 Hireself forthwith hire child also, 
1035 And so forth broght unto the depe
1036 Betaketh hire the See to kepe.
1037 Of foure daies time I sette, 
1038 That ye this thing no longer lette, 
1039 So that your lif be noght forsfet." 
1040 And thus this lettre contrefet
1041 The Messager, which was unwar,
1042 Upon the kingeshalve bar, 
1043 And where he scholde it hath betake.
1044 Bot whan that thei have hiede take, 
1045 And rad that writen is withinne, 
1046 So gret a sorwe thei beginne, 
1047 As thei here oghne Moder sihen
1048 Brent in a fyr before here yhen: 
1049 Ther was wepinge and ther was wo,
1050 Bot finaly the thing is do.
1051 Upon the See thei have hire broght, 
1052 Bot sche the cause wiste noght, 
1053 And thus upon the flod thei wone,
1054 This ladi with hire yonge Sone: 
1055 And thanne hire handes to the hevene
1056 Sche strawhte, and with a milde stevene
1057 Knelende upon hire bare kne
1058 Sche seide, "O hihe mageste, 
1059 Which sest the point of every trowthe, 
1060 Tak of thi wofull womman rowthe 
1061 And of this child that I schal kepe." 
1062 And with that word sche gan to wepe,
1063 Swounende as ded, and ther sche lay;
1064 Bot he which alle thinges may 
1065 Conforteth hire, and ate laste
1066 Sche loketh and hire yhen caste 
1067 Upon hire child and seide this: 
1068 "Of me no maner charge it is 
1069 What sorwe I soffre, bot of thee 
1070 Me thenkth it is a gret pite, 
1071 For if I sterve thou schalt deie:
1072 So mot I nedes be that weie
1073 For Moderhed and for tendresse
1074 With al myn hole besinesse 
1075 Ordeigne me for thilke office,
1076 As sche which schal be thi Norrice."
1077 Thus was sche strengthed forto stonde; 
1078 And tho sche tok hire child in honde
1079 And yaf it sowke, and evere among
1080 Sche wepte, and otherwhile song 
1081 To rocke with hire child aslepe: 
1082 And thus hire oghne child to kepe
1083 Sche hath under the goddes cure. 
1084 And so fell upon aventure, 
1085 Whan thilke yer hath mad his ende, 
1086 Hire Schip, so as it moste wende 
1087 Thurgh strengthe of wynd which god hath yive,
1088 Estward was into Spaigne drive
1089 Riht faste under a Castell wall, 
1090 Wher that an hethen Amirall
1091 Was lord, and he a Stieward hadde, 
1092 Oon Thelos, which al was badde,
1093 A fals knyht and a renegat.
1094 He goth to loke in what astat 
1095 The Schip was come, and there he fond 
1096 Forth with a child upon hire hond
1097 This lady, wher sche was al one. 
1098 He tok good hiede of the persone,
1099 And sih sche was a worthi wiht, 
1100 And thoghte he wolde upon the nyht 
1101 Demene hire at his oghne wille, 
1102 And let hire be therinne stille, 
1103 That mo men sih sche noght that dai.
1104 At goddes wille and thus sche lai, 
1105 Unknowe what hire schal betide; 
1106 And fell so that be nyhtes tide 
1107 This knyht withoute felaschipe
1108 Hath take a bot and cam to Schipe, 
1109 And thoghte of hire his lust to take, 
1110 And swor, if sche him daunger make, 
1111 That certeinly sche scholde deie.
1112 Sche sih ther was non other weie,
1113 And seide he scholde hire wel conforte,
1114 That he ferst loke out ate porte,
1115 That noman were nyh the stede,
1116 Which myhte knowe what thei dede,
1117 And thanne he mai do what he wolde. 
1118 He was riht glad that sche so tolde,
1119 And to the porte anon he ferde: 
1120 Sche preide god, and he hire herde, 
1121 And sodeinliche he was out throwe
1122 And dreynt, and tho began to blowe 
1123 A wynd menable fro the lond, 
1124 And thus the myhti goddes hond
1125 Hire hath conveied and defended. 
1126 And whan thre yer be full despended,
1127 Hire Schip was drive upon a dai, 
1128 Wher that a gret Navye lay 
1129 Of Schipes, al the world at ones:
1130 And as god wolde for the nones, 
1131 Hire Schip goth in among hem alle, 
1132 And stinte noght, er it be falle 
1133 And hath the vessell undergete, 
1134 Which Maister was of al the Flete, 
1135 Bot there it resteth and abod.
1136 This grete Schip on Anker rod;
1137 The Lord cam forth, and whan he sih 
1138 That other ligge abord so nyh,
1139 He wondreth what it myhte be, 
1140 And bad men to gon in and se. 
1141 This ladi tho was crope aside,
1142 As sche that wolde hireselven hide, 
1143 For sche ne wiste what thei were:
1144 Thei soghte aboute and founde hir there
1145 And broghten up hire child and hire;
1146 And therupon this lord to spire 
1147 Began, fro whenne that sche cam, 
1148 And what sche was. Quod sche, "I am 
1149 A womman wofully bestad.
1150 I hadde a lord, and thus he bad, 
1151 That I forth with my litel Sone 
1152 Upon the wawes scholden wone, 
1153 Bot why the cause was, I not: 
1154 Bot he which alle thinges wot 
1155 Yit hath, I thonke him, of his miht 
1156 Mi child and me so kept upriht, 
1157 That we be save bothe tuo."
1158 This lord hire axeth overmo
1159 How sche believeth, and sche seith, 
1160 "I lieve and triste in Cristes feith, 
1161 Which deide upon the Rode tree." 
1162 "What is thi name?" tho quod he. 
1163 "Mi name is Couste," sche him seide:
1164 Bot forthermor for noght he preide 
1165 Of hire astat to knowe plein, 
1166 Sche wolde him nothing elles sein
1167 Bot of hir name, which sche feigneth; 
1168 Alle othre thinges sche restreigneth, 
1169 That a word more sche ne tolde. 
1170 This lord thanne axeth if sche wolde
1171 With him abide in compaignie, 
1172 And seide he cam fro Barbarie 
1173 To Romeward, and hom he wente.
1174 Tho sche supposeth what it mente,
1175 And seith sche wolde with him wende 
1176 And duelle unto hire lyves ende, 
1177 Be so it be to his plesance. 
1178 And thus upon here aqueintance
1179 He tolde hire pleinly as it stod,
1180 Of Rome how that the gentil blod 
1181 In Barbarie was betraied, 
1182 And therupon he hath assaied 
1183 Be werre, and taken such vengance, 
1184 That non of al thilke alliance, 
1185 Be whom the tresoun was compassed, 
1186 Is from the swerd alyve passed; 
1187 Bot of Constance hou it was, 
1188 That cowthe he knowe be no cas, 
1189 Wher sche becam, so as he seide. 
1190 Hire Ere unto his word sche leide, 
1191 Bot forther made sche no chiere. 
1192 And natheles in this matiere 
1193 It happeth thilke time so: 
1194 This Lord, with whom sche scholde go, 
1195 Of Rome was the Senatour, 
1196 And of hir fader themperour
1197 His brother doughter hath to wyve, 
1198 Which hath hir fader ek alyve,
1199 And was Salustes cleped tho; 
1200 This wif Heleine hihte also, 
1201 To whom Constance was Cousine.
1202 Thus to the sike a medicine
1203 Hath god ordeined of his grace, 
1204 That forthwith in the same place 
1205 This Senatour his trowthe plihte,
1206 For evere, whil he live mihte,
1207 To kepe in worschipe and in welthe, 
1208 Be so that god wol yive hire helthe,
1209 This ladi, which fortune him sende. 
1210 And thus be Schipe forth sailende
1211 Hire and hir child to Rome he broghte, 
1212 And to his wif tho he besoghte
1213 To take hire into compaignie: 
1214 And sche, which cowthe of courtesie 
1215 Al that a good wif scholde konne,
1216 Was inly glad that sche hath wonne 
1217 The felaschip of so good on. 
1218 Til tuelve yeres were agon,
1219 This Emperoures dowhter Custe 
1220 Forth with the dowhter of Saluste
1221 Was kept, bot noman redily 
1222 Knew what sche was, and noght forthi
1223 Thei thoghten wel sche hadde be 
1224 In hire astat of hih degre,
1225 And every lif hire loveth wel.
1226 Now herke how thilke unstable whel, 
1227 Which evere torneth, wente aboute. 
1228 The king Allee, whil he was oute,
1229 As thou tofore hast herd this cas, 
1230 Deceived thurgh his Moder was:
1231 Bot whan that he cam hom ayein, 
1232 He axeth of his Chamberlein
1233 And of the Bisschop ek also, 
1234 Wher thei the qweene hadden do. 
1235 And thei answerde, there he bad, 
1236 And have him thilke lettre rad, 
1237 Which he hem sende for warant,
1238 And tolde him pleinli as it stant, 
1239 And sein, it thoghte hem gret pite 
1240 To se so worthi on as sche,
1241 With such a child as ther was bore, 
1242 So sodeinly to be forlore. 
1243 He axeth hem what child that were; 
1244 And thei him seiden, that naghere, 
1245 In al the world thogh men it soghte,
1246 Was nevere womman that forth broghte
1247 A fairer child than it was on.
1248 And thanne he axede hem anon, 
1249 Whi thei ne hadden write so: 
1250 Thei tolden, so thei hadden do. 
1251 He seide, "Nay." Thei seiden, "Yis."
1252 The lettre schewed rad it is, 
1253 Which thei forsoken everidel. 
1254 Tho was it understonde wel 
1255 That ther is tresoun in the thing: 
1256 The Messager tofore the king 
1257 Was broght and sodeinliche opposed; 
1258 And he, which nothing hath supposed 
1259 Bot alle wel, began to seie
1260 That he nagher upon the weie 
1261 Abod, bot only in a stede; 
1262 And cause why that he so dede 
1263 Was, as he wente to and fro, 
1264 At Knaresburgh be nyhtes tuo 
1265 The kinges Moder made him duelle.
1266 And whan the king it herde telle,
1267 Withinne his herte he wiste als faste 
1268 The treson which his Moder caste;
1269 And thoghte he wolde noght abide,
1270 Bot forth riht in the same tide 
1271 He tok his hors and rod anon. 
1272 With him ther riden manion,
1273 To Knaresburgh and forth thei wente,
1274 And lich the fyr which tunder hente,
1275 In such a rage, as seith the bok,
1276 His Moder sodeinliche he tok 
1277 And seide unto hir in this wise: 
1278 "O beste of helle, in what juise 
1279 Hast thou deserved forto deie, 
1280 That hast so falsly put aweie 
1281 With tresoun of thi bacbitinge
1282 The treweste at my knowlechinge 
1283 Of wyves and the most honeste?
1284 Bot I wol make this beheste, 
1285 I schal be venged er I go."
1286 And let a fyr do make tho, 
1287 And bad men forto caste hire inne: 
1288 Bot ferst sche tolde out al the sinne, 
1289 And dede hem alle forto wite 
1290 How sche the lettres hadde write,
1291 Fro point to point as it was wroght.
1292 And tho sche was to dethe broght 
1293 And brent tofore hire Sones yhe: 
1294 Wherof these othre, whiche it sihe 
1295 And herden how the cause stod,
1296 Sein that the juggement is good, 
1297 Of that hir Sone hire hath so served; 
1298 For sche it hadde wel deserved
1299 Thurgh tresoun of hire false tunge, 
1300 Which thurgh the lond was after sunge, 
1301 Constance and every wiht compleigneth. 
1302 Bot he, whom alle wo distreigneth, 
1303 This sorghfull king, was so bestad, 
1304 That he schal nevermor be glad, 
1305 He seith, eftsone forto wedde,
1306 Til that he wiste how that sche spedde,
1307 Which hadde ben his ferste wif: 
1308 And thus his yonge unlusti lif
1309 He dryveth forth so as he mai.
1310 Til it befell upon a dai, 
1311 Whan he hise werres hadde achieved, 
1312 And thoghte he wolde be relieved 
1313 Of Soule hele upon the feith 
1314 Which he hath take, thanne he seith 
1315 That he to Rome in pelrinage 
1316 Wol go, wher Pope was Pelage, 
1317 To take his absolucioun. 
1318 And upon this condicioun
1319 He made Edwyn his lieutenant, 
1320 Which heir to him was apparant, 
1321 That he the lond in his absence 
1322 Schal reule: and thus be providence 
1323 Of alle thinges wel begon 
1324 He tok his leve and forth is gon.
1325 Elda, which tho was with him there, 
1326 Er thei fulliche at Rome were,
1327 Was sent tofore to pourveie; 
1328 And he his guide upon the weie, 
1329 In help to ben his herbergour,
1330 Hath axed who was Senatour,
1331 That he his name myhte kenne. 
1332 Of Capadoce, he seide, Arcenne
1333 He hihte, and was a worthi kniht.
1334 To him goth Elda tho forth riht 
1335 And tolde him of his lord tidinge, 
1336 And preide that for his comynge 
1337 He wolde assigne him herbergage; 
1338 And he so dede of good corage.
1339 Whan al is do that was to done, 
1340 The king himself cam after sone. 
1341 This Senatour, whan that he com, 
1342 To Couste and to his wif at hom 
1343 Hath told how such a king Allee 
1344 Of gret array to the Citee 
1345 Was come, and Couste upon his tale 
1346 With herte clos and colour pale 
1347 Aswoune fell, and he merveileth 
1348 So sodeinly what thing hire eyleth, 
1349 And cawhte hire up, and whan sche wok, 
1350 Sche syketh with a pitous lok 
1351 And feigneth seknesse of the See;
1352 Bot it was for the king Allee,
1353 For joie which fell in hire thoght 
1354 That god him hath to toune broght. 
1355 This king hath spoke with the Pope 
1356 And told al that he cowthe agrope, 
1357 What grieveth in his conscience; 
1358 And thanne he thoghte in reverence 
1359 Of his astat, er that he wente, 
1360 To make a feste, and thus he sente 
1361 Unto the Senatour to come 
1362 Upon the morwe and othre some,
1363 To sitte with him at the mete.
1364 This tale hath Couste noght foryete,
1365 Bot to Moris hire Sone tolde 
1366 That he upon the morwe scholde
1367 In al that evere he cowthe and mihte
1368 Be present in the kinges sihte, 
1369 So that the king him ofte sihe. 
1370 Moris tofore the kinges yhe
1371 Upon the morwe, wher he sat, 
1372 Fulofte stod, and upon that
1373 The king his chiere upon him caste, 
1374 And in his face him thoghte als faste 
1375 He sih his oghne wif Constance; 
1376 For nature as in resemblance 
1377 Of face hem liketh so to clothe, 
1378 That thei were of a suite bothe. 
1379 The king was moeved in his thoght
1380 Of that he seth, and knoweth it noght; 
1381 This child he loveth kindely, 
1382 And yit he wot no cause why. 
1383 Bot wel he sih and understod 
1384 That he toward Arcenne stod, 
1385 And axeth him anon riht there,
1386 If that this child his Sone were.
1387 He seide, "Yee, so I him calle, 
1388 And wolde it were so befalle, 
1389 Bot it is al in other wise." 
1390 And tho began he to devise 
1391 How he the childes Moder fond 
1392 Upon the See from every lond 
1393 Withinne a Schip was stiereles, 
1394 And how this ladi helpeles 
1395 Forth with hir child he hath forthdrawe. 
1396 The king hath understonde his sawe, 
1397 The childes name and axeth tho, 
1398 And what the Moder hihte also 
1399 That he him wolde telle he preide. 
1400 "Moris this child is hote," he seide, 
1401 "His Moder hatte Couste, and this
1402 I not what maner name it is." 
1403 But Allee wiste wel ynowh, 
1404 Wherof somdiel smylende he lowh; 
1405 For Couste in Saxoun is to sein 
1406 Constance upon the word Romein. 
1407 Bot who that cowthe specefie 
1408 What tho fell in his fantasie,
1409 And how his wit aboute renneth
1410 Upon the love in which he brenneth, 
1411 It were a wonder forto hiere: 
1412 For he was nouther ther ne hiere,
1413 Bot clene out of himself aweie, 
1414 That he not what to thenke or seie, 
1415 So fain he wolde it were sche.
1416 Wherof his hertes privete 
1417 Began the werre of yee and nay, 
1418 The which in such balance lay,
1419 That contenance for a throwe 
1420 He loste, til he mihte knowe 
1421 The sothe: bot in his memoire 
1422 The man which lith in purgatoire 
1423 Desireth noght the hevene more, 
1424 That he ne longeth al so sore 
1425 To wite what him schal betide.
1426 And whan the bordes were aside
1427 And every man was rise aboute,
1428 The king hath weyved al the route, 
1429 And with the Senatour al one 
1430 He spak and preide him of a bone,
1431 To se this Couste, wher sche duelleth 
1432 At hom with him, so as he telleth. 
1433 The Senatour was wel appaied, 
1434 This thing no lengere is delaied,
1435 To se this Couste goth the king; 
1436 And sche was warned of the thing,
1437 And with Heleine forth sche cam 
1438 Ayein the king, and he tho nam
1439 Good hiede, and whan he sih his wif,
1440 Anon with al his hertes lif
1441 He cawhte hire in his arm and kiste.
1442 Was nevere wiht that sih ne wiste
1443 A man that more joie made, 
1444 Wherof thei weren alle glade 
1445 Whiche herde tellen of this chance. 
1446 This king tho with his wif Constance, 
1447 Which hadde a gret part of his wille, 
1448 In Rome for a time stille 
1449 Abod and made him wel at ese: 
1450 Bot so yit cowthe he nevere plese
1451 His wif, that sche him wolde sein
1452 Of hire astat the trowthe plein, 
1453 Of what contre that sche was bore, 
1454 Ne what sche was, and yit therfore 
1455 With al his wit he hath don sieke. 
1456 Thus as they lihe abedde and spieke,
1457 Sche preide him and conseileth bothe, 
1458 That for the worschipe of hem bothe,
1459 So as hire thoghte it were honeste, 
1460 He wolde an honourable feste 
1461 Make, er he wente, in the Cite, 
1462 Wher themperour himself schal be:
1463 He graunteth al that sche him preide. 
1464 Bot as men in that time seide,
1465 This Emperour fro thilke day 
1466 That ferst his dowhter wente away
1467 He was thanne after nevere glad; 
1468 Bot what that eny man him bad 
1469 Of grace for his dowhter sake,
1470 That grace wolde he noght forsake; 
1471 And thus ful gret almesse he dede, 
1472 Wherof sche hadde many a bede.
1473 This Emperour out of the toun 
1474 Withinne a ten mile enviroun, 
1475 Where as it thoghte him for the beste, 
1476 Hath sondry places forto reste; 
1477 And as fortune wolde tho, 
1478 He was duellende at on of tho.
1479 The king Allee forth with thassent 
1480 Of Couste his wif hath thider sent 
1481 Moris his Sone, as he was taght, 
1482 To themperour and he goth straght, 
1483 And in his fader half besoghte, 
1484 As he which his lordschipe soghte, 
1485 That of his hihe worthinesse 
1486 He wolde do so gret meknesse, 
1487 His oghne toun to come and se,
1488 And yive a time in the cite, 
1489 So that his fader mihte him gete 
1490 That he wolde ones with him ete. 
1491 This lord hath granted his requeste;
1492 And whan the dai was of the feste, 
1493 In worschipe of here Emperour 
1494 The king and ek the Senatour 
1495 Forth with here wyves bothe tuo, 
1496 With many a lord and lady mo, 
1497 On horse riden him ayein; 
1498 Til it befell, upon a plein
1499 Thei sihen wher he was comende. 
1500 With that Constance anon preiende
1501 Spak to hir lord that he abyde, 
1502 So that sche mai tofore ryde, 
1503 To ben upon his bienvenue 
1504 The ferste which schal him salue;
1505 And thus after hire lordes graunt
1506 Upon a Mule whyt amblaunt 
1507 Forth with a fewe rod this qweene. 
1508 Thei wondren what sche wolde mene, 
1509 And riden after softe pas; 
1510 Bot whan this ladi come was
1511 To themperour, in his presence
1512 Sche seide alowd in audience, 
1513 "Mi lord, mi fader, wel you be! 
1514 And of this time that I se 
1515 Youre honour and your goode hele,
1516 Which is the helpe of my querele,
1517 I thonke unto the goddes myht." 
1518 For joie his herte was affliht
1519 Of that sche tolde in remembrance; 
1520 And whanne he wiste it was Constance, 
1521 Was nevere fader half so blithe. 
1522 Wepende he keste hire ofte sithe,
1523 So was his herte al overcome; 
1524 For thogh his Moder were come 
1525 Fro deth to lyve out of the grave, 
1526 He mihte nomor wonder have 
1527 Than he hath whan that he hire sih. 
1528 With that hire oghne lord cam nyh
1529 And is to themperour obeied; 
1530 Bot whan the fortune is bewreied,
1531 How that Constance is come aboute, 
1532 So hard an herte was non oute,
1533 That he for pite tho ne wepte.
1534 Arcennus, which hire fond and kepte,
1535 Was thanne glad of that is falle,
1536 So that with joie among hem alle 
1537 Thei riden in at Rome gate.
1538 This Emperour thoghte al to late,
1539 Til that the Pope were come, 
1540 And of the lordes sende some 
1541 To preie him that he wolde haste:
1542 And he cam forth in alle haste, 
1543 And whan that he the tale herde, 
1544 How wonderly this chance ferde, 
1545 He thonketh god of his miracle, 
1546 To whos miht mai be non obstacle:
1547 The king a noble feste hem made, 
1548 And thus thei weren alle glade. 
1549 A parlement, er that thei wente, 
1550 Thei setten unto this entente,
1551 To puten Rome in full espeir 
1552 That Moris was apparant heir 
1553 And scholde abide with hem stille, 
1554 For such was al the londes wille.
1555 Whan every thing was fulli spoke,
1556 Of sorwe and queint was al the smoke, 
1557 Tho tok his leve Allee the king, 
1558 And with full many a riche thing,
1559 Which themperour him hadde yive, 
1560 He goth a glad lif forto live;
1561 For he Constance hath in his hond, 
1562 Which was the confort of his lond. 
1563 For whan that he cam hom ayein, 
1564 Ther is no tunge it mihte sein
1565 What joie was that ilke stounde 
1566 Of that he hath his qweene founde, 
1567 Which ferst was sent of goddes sonde, 
1568 Whan sche was drive upon the Stronde, 
1569 Be whom the misbelieve of Sinne 
1570 Was left, and Cristes feith cam inne
1571 To hem that whilom were blinde. 
1572 Bot he which hindreth every kinde
1573 And for no gold mai be forboght, 
1574 The deth comende er he be soght, 
1575 Tok with this king such aqueintance,
1576 That he with al his retenance 
1577 Ne mihte noght defende his lif; 
1578 And thus he parteth from his wif,
1579 Which thanne made sorwe ynowh.
1580 And therupon hire herte drowh 
1581 To leven Engelond for evere
1582 And go wher that sche hadde levere, 
1583 To Rome, whenne that sche cam:
1584 And thus of al the lond sche nam 
1585 Hir leve, and goth to Rome ayein.
1586 And after that the bokes sein,
1587 She was noght there bot a throwe,
1588 Whan deth of kinde hath overthrowe 
1589 Hir worthi fader, which men seide
1590 That he betwen hire armes deide. 
1591 And afterward the yer suiende 
1592 The god hath mad of hire an ende,
1593 And fro this worldes faierie 
1594 Hath take hire into compaignie. 
1595 Moris hir Sone was corouned, 
1596 Which so ferforth was abandouned 
1597 To Cristes feith, that men him calle
1598 Moris the cristeneste of alle.
1599 And thus the wel meninge of love 
1600 Was ate laste set above;
1601 And so as thou hast herd tofore, 
1602 The false tunges weren lore, 
1603 Whiche upon love wolden lie. 
1604 Forthi touchende of this Envie
1605 Which longeth unto bacbitinge,
1606 Be war thou make no lesinge
1607 In hindringe of an other wiht:
1608 And if thou wolt be tawht ariht 
1609 What meschief bakbitinge doth 
1610 Be other weie, a tale soth 
1611 Now miht thou hiere next suiende,
1612 Which to this vice is acordende.