Curriculum vitae of Bruno Ignacio Rubio



Department of Chemistry
590 Commonwealth Avenue
Boson, MA 02215
(617) 353-2500


137 Bay State Road
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 859-3843


Ph.D. in Chemistry, Boston University, 1996

Title of dissertation Photopromoted Reactions of Carbon Dioxide with Hydrogen over Transition-Metal Oxide Catalysts
Major professor Norman N. Lichtin, Ph.D.

B.S. in Chemistry, Yale University, 1979

Academic work experience

Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Boston University, 1986-2007

Lecturer, Harvard University Extension School, 1996-2003

Instructor, College of General Studies, Boston University, 1989-93

Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, Boston University, 1987-89

Conducted photochemistry research sponsored by the U.S. Navy


Extra-professional activities

Faculty advisor, Orgo Prep program, Boston University, 2007

Assisted student group in developing teaching materials for prospective students of organic chemistry.

Posted 12 Feb 2007

This page is maintained by Bruno I. Rubio