Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Department of Physics
Photonics Center
Quantum Optics, Imaging, Communication, and Sensing

Major Research
Quantum Optics
- Quantum information,
quantum communication and cryptography, quantum networking, room-temperature
linear-optical quantum computing;
- Quantum computing and
simulation of complex Hamiltonians of physical and chemical structures;
- Topological manipulation
of quantum information; Error-resistant quantum information processing and
computing based on joint entanglement in topology and polarization;
- Integrated micro-and nano-photonics, quantum on-chip circuits,
Quantum state engineering using parametric amplification in periodically polled
nonlinear structures, entanglement manipulation and processing on a chip;
- Optical high-resolution
2D and 3D imaging and microscopy,
- Hyper-spectral
- 3D Lidar imaging and
- Confocal
high-resolution 2D and 3D imaging, microscopy, and profiling;
- 2D and 3D Fluorescence
microscopy and image processing;
- Quantum and correlation imaging,
aberration-free imaging and microscopy in life sciences;
- Ultra-Precise optical
measurement and interferometric sensing in science and technology;
- Novel sensors with
attosecond (in time) and nanometer (in space) sensitivity based on quantum
- Design, construction,
and operating principles of wavelength selective switches (WSS);
- Precise
characterization of metropolitan (ROADM) and local (PON) telecommunication network elements;
- Polarization and
chromatic dispersion compensation of telecom signals;
- Quantum Communication and Networking, quantum cryptography;
Novel technologies
- High-performance
single-photon detection and correlation measurement in a wide spectral range
from ultraviolet to mid-infrared;
- “Quantum Inspired”
optical engineering and technology - building robust and efficient classical
correlation tools inspired by the flexibility and information capacity of
quantum entanglement.

Prof. David Simon
Dr. Andrew Fraine
Dr. Olga Minaeva
Dr. Roman Egorov
Casey Fitzpatrick
Anthony Manni
Shuto Osawa
Former Group Members:
Néstor Uribe Patarroyo, Dr. Cristian Bonato, Dr. Silvia Carrasco, Dr. Giovanni
Di Giuseppe, Dr. Hugues De Chatellus, Patrick Stollenwerk, Alvin Stern, Oleksiy
Pikalo, Golshan Coleiny, Cliff Williams, Mohammad Mazooji, Christopher
Sataline, Brian Imhausen, Ken Bycenski, Dr. Kimani Toussaint, Dr. Zac Walton,
Scott Hendrickson, Greg LaRosa, Dr. Mete Atature,Patrick
Stone, Daniel Rummel, Matt Shaw, Ying-Tsang (Falcon) Liu , Jake Hofman, Matt
Corbo, Dr. Matthew Daniell, Dr. Antoine Muller, Tedros Tsegaye, Dr. Dien Rice,
George Bevis, Alex Zosuls, Ilya Tatar, Eric Dauler