Finzi Lab People

Dr. Adrien Finzi

My primary research intrestes are in forest ecology and biogeochemistry. Active areas of research in my include the response of forest ecosystems to rising concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide, the effects of acid rain and atmospheric N deposition on the composition of temperate forest communities, multiple-element limitation to temperate forest productivity, the importance of organic nitrogen to soil N cycling, the effects of tree species on soil nutrient cycling, and the impacts of invasive species on ecosystem function.

Current Post-Doc - Dr. Anne Budynek-Gallet

I received my Ph.D. in Switzerland. I am currently working on the effects of elevated CO2 on nutrient cycling in a warm-temperate forest and on tree-microbe competition forfree amino acids in northern hadwood forests


Current Graduate Student - Vikki Rodgers

I received my B.S. in Biology from the University of New Hampshire in 1999. I joined the Finzi Lab in Sept 2002. I am currently working on two projects: the impacts of garlic mustard invasion on soil nutrient cycling and what controls the distribution of nitrogen-fixing plant species in old fields. My personal website can be found at

Current Technician- Jenny Talbot

I received my Chemistry degree from Boston University in 2004. I am interested in how tannins affect microbial communities and soil nutrient cycling.


Previous Graduate Students:

Meredith Zaccherio (MS, 2005)            Sean Berthrong (MS, 2003)

Previous Technicians:

Eddie Brzostek                      Bridgid Curry

Ariana Sutton-Grier                   Damon Bradbury